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Today with the trend of globalization sweeping across all corners of the world, enterprises keep a daily basis in the newborn and withering away as the most important micro-main in the market economy. It is the basic prerequisite for economic prosperity with new emerging enterprises. Entrepreneurship is one of business operations, which has penetrated into all aspects of economic life in just a few decades and become an integral part in the course of social progress. The rapid advancing of science and technology are triggering dramatic changes in industrial and the emergent rise of new industry. Entrepreneurship, which takes the wealth creation as the foundation has already not only become one of important factors to stimulate technology innovation, upgrade industrial competitive advantage and enhance overall national strength, but also the good agent to ease growing wave of unemployment.
     Entrepreneurship is the result of many kinds of factors combined. The motives and activities of entrepreneurs are based on a certain environment. There is a strong correlation between entrepreneurial activities and environmental conditions. For the activities of entrepreneurs to take advantage of opportunities and put it into practice, it is the key to foster a good environment to ensure entrepreneurship to go on wheels. The external environment, in which entrepreneurs exist, contains the numerous factors, and public policy is one of them. When the correlation between employment, growth and entrepreneurship come into public eyeshot and the importance of the entrepreneurial activity in connection R&D efforts and innovation commercialization appears, the goal of public policy aims at the incentives to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. At present, China is being faced with promoting the sustained, rapid and sound economic development, enhancing the competitiveness of industries, creating employment opportunities, accelerating technology innovation and other urgent tasks. It is a practical and feasible means to encourage entrepreneurship and improves social entrepreneurial activities as a whole. Based on the incentive, how public policy can be designed more effective and perfect to form effective incentive to entrepreneurial entry should be regarded as an important issue for research.
     Therefore, this paper takes the public policy toward entrepreneurship as the basic object, proposes the research framework according to the theory from the perspective of incentive, and analyzes entrepreneurial entry which has been encouraged by the public policy. Combined with Chinese practices of the public policy, we make empirical research on the incentive effect of entrepreneurship policy, evaluate the effectiveness of incentive policy for entrepreneurial entry, and regard it as the foundation to put forward the corresponding recommendations for improvement and countermeasures for perfection.
     This paper includes the following specific aspects:
     Firstly, introduce the research background, main content, significance and innovation of this paper, and explain the overall logical structure.
     Secondly, elaborate literature review including the concept of entrepreneurship, the type of entrepreneurial activity and the entrepreneurial environment study. Focus on domestic and international research on entrepreneurship public policy. Based on a brief review, the primary problem being studied shall be raised.
     Thirdly, from the perspective of theoretical study, define the important concepts, analyze the decision-making process of entrepreneurial entry by using correlative theory, and put forward academic frame of incentive policy for entrepreneurial entry on the basis of comprehensive study on public policy of entrepreneurship..
     Fourthly, summarize the main rule and the characteristic of the evolution on the basis of reviewing Chinese entrepreneurship public policy comprehensively. And study material measures of motivating entrepreneurial entry of Chinese entrepreneurship public policy according to the fundamental framework of the incentive policy.
     Fifthly, evaluate the effects of the Chinese policy toward the incentive to entrepreneurial entry from the perspective of empirical research. First of all, overall judgment of impersonality effects of Chinese public policy for entrepreneurship shall be made. Then propose the research assumptions under theoretical and practical analysis. We define the key feasible variables by quantizing material measures, establish econometric regression model and launch to the quantitative analysis of panel data, and carry out the explanation to some important issues simultaneously. Finally, according to the results of a comprehensive empirical research, the incentive effect of Chinese entrepreneurship public policy has been evaluated and discussed.
     Sixthly, according to above findings, the corresponding recommendations for improvement and countermeasures for perfection have been put forward about Chinese policy toward the incentive to entrepreneurial entry.
     Seventhly, summarize the research conclusion, point out existing deficiencies and propose further study prospects.
     By above research, we believe that entrepreneurial entry is the process based on taking advantage of opportunities after discovering opportunities, and the performance of individual career decision-making. Public policy can be adopted in affecting the entrepreneurial expected return through changing influencing factors in decision-making so as to motivate more entrepreneurial entry occurrence. Based on the incentive, the evolution of Chinese entrepreneurship public policies is conducive to entrepreneurial entry on the whole. The policy has been improving the obtaining of entrepreneurial resources, operating conditions and increasing the expected return effectively by easing capital constraint, reducing the creation cost and the growth burden and providing business support services. Thus, it has been resulting in a significant excitation effect and encouraging more entrepreneurial entry occurrence. However, there has the limited effect of incentive for the existing preferential synthesis policies toward entrepreneurial entry. Focusing on the long-term proceeds of entrepreneurial entry, preferential policies should be integrated into a deeper level of practical measures, such as deregulation, reducing barriers and so on.
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    10 Wenli Li在对政府信贷、担保和资助计划进行实证评价时,使用了此模型,参见“Government Loan,Guarantee,and Grant Programs:An Evaluation,Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly,Volume 84/4 Fall 1998:25-51".
    11 从模型中还可以看到,第一期的消费水平也会对第二期的职业选择造成影响,即s=a-c1,但是从现实情况来看,个体的消费支出相对于创建一个企业所需进行的投资只是一个很小的部分,很难真正产生实质性的影响,故而将此因素简化而不作讨论。
    12 Da Rin等在扩展Holmstrom和Tirole(1997)的双道德风险模型研究此类问题的过程中,将创业者的创业融资活动分为两类,一类是直接融资(direct finance),一类是创业资本融资(venture caoital finance),具体参见“Da Rin,M,Nicodano,G,and Sembenelli,A.Public Policy and the Creation of Active Venture Capiml Markets,European Central Bank Working Paper Series,2005,(1),No.430”。根据Wenli Li(1997,2001)的研究,我们在这里将创业者的融资分为抵押类和非抵押类两种,具体参见“Li,W.Two essays on capital constraints and firm dynamics:Policy analysis and business cycle properties,PhD Paper for University of Minnesota,1997”和“Li,W L.Entrepreneurship and government subsidies:A general equilibrium analysis,Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control,2002,(26):1815-1844”。
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    17 虽然从企业运营所包括的范畴来看,筹集资本资源的财务活动也应该包括其中,但是创业管理的研究者通常将这类活动单列出来,作为专门的研究对象,财务/资本思想学派(the financial/capital school of thought)的存在即是一个例证。具体内容参见“Kuratko,D F和Hodgetts,R M.《创业学:理论、流程与实践》,张宗益译,北京:清华大学出版社,2006年:27-46页”。
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    1 这里需要特别说明的是,无论是在大陆范围还是在港澳台范围,都存在着大量支持创业活动的公共政策,而本文所关注的内容主要集中于大陆范围内,即只关注改革开放至今30年间大陆范围所实施的激励创业者进入的公共政策实践,但为了行文的方便,在文中仍然使用“我国”、“中国”的称谓。
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    5 政府类资本包括政府和国有独资企业提供的资金,由于国有独资创业投资机构的资金基本上是由财政直接提供,或是政府用于创业投资的资金被划为国有资产管理部门的经营性资产之后再进行安排,因此,两类资金都被合并归类为政府类资本。
    6 该报告系列在2006年后更名为《中国创业风险投资发展报告》。
    7 科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心:火炬中心年度报告2006【R】,北京:科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心,2007年:第9页。
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