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After rapid growth over past 30 years, China’s economy has surged as one of world's super powers in term of scale, the competitiveness of the economy also improved. However, it remains to be seen if the current China's economic growth model is sustainable and if China’s economy can reach the superpower level on the aspect competitiveness as well. A large number of studies have shown that innovation is one of the most important determinants for long-term economic growth. China must change the existing model of economic growth in order to be strong instead of continuing to be taken as a chunky economic entity and to maintain the momentum of sustained growth. This is also to say that extensive economic growth with low-cost resources pursuing scale expansion should shift to intensive model of economic growth based on technological innovation and on continually enhancing the capability of independent innovation. But the problem rests with why the economic agents in our country are not interested in innovation, or why it’s so hard to push forward innovation activities in our country. Theories and practices indicate that the fundamental factor of innovation is inputs, is the continued inputs in physical capital and human capital. Such inputs are often not only large-scaled but only should be maken over a long period, and the return on investments is difficult to estimate. That is why, in the past, innovations simply rely on government investment, which results in small scale and low efficiency. The only way to change this situation is to rely on market forces in a market economy environment.
     In fact, in the course of China's rapid economic development, economic growth pattern is moving in the direction of intensive development, and this transfer is more and more obvious and fast. As a macro-policy, both the eleventh“Five-year" development plan and long-term scientific and technological development program clearly emphasized that improving the ability of independent innovation is a priority in future economic development. Specific measures are also being carried out, the scientific and technological inputs have been strengthened in recent years, the input of independent innovation is especially so. From a market background, after 30 years of economic development, China has basically built a relatively complete market system. As a part of this market, financial system is becoming increasingly sophisticated and healthy. We have established capital markets and witness its fast development. The size of capital markets has become the economy's "barometer", the capital markets structure evolves into a multi-level model with market efficiency enhanced and market function gradually improved.
     The current improved policy environment and market environment are the strong evidence that marks the beginning of China's economic transformation, and future economic development would rely on the transfer of present growth model. But how to effectively promote the change of this development model is the the focus of theoretical researchers. The article, in this context, starting with the research of independent innovation and capital markets, demonstrates the relationships between capital markets and enterprises’independent innovation and the role played by capital markets on independent innovation. We think the original mechanism of capital markets matches well with the core elements of corporate innovation. By making full use of the role of the capital supply by capital market and mechanisms of price discovery and risk diversification, enterprises can fundamentally push forward independent innovation. I then explore the realization mechanism of capital market’s promoting enterprise independent innovation, which means the construction of three major platforms, namely financing platform, incentive platform and gathering platform.
     In addition to introduction, the paper divides into six parts. Chapter two, the theory on how capital markets promote enterprise innovation presents an in-depth analysis of the basic elements of enterprises’independent innovation and indicates that enterprises are the primary subject of independent innovation. And in this part, we also discuss the market performance of the benefits and risks of enterprise independent innovation from a financial point of view. In the rest of this section, two primary mechanisms for the capital market are elaborated on, one is capital supply mechanism; the other is price discovery, risk diversification and management mechanism, At last, I analyze how these two mechanisms play an active role in encouraging enterprises’innovation activities.
     The third chapter, on the basis of theoretical argument of the second chapter, takes an empirical test on input factors and output of Chinese enterprises independent innovation. We find the correlation between capital factor, human factors and enterprise independent innovation, and a stronger contribution degree of capital factor for enterprises independent innovation, while the contribution of human factors reflects more from the raise of the quality of human force. Secondly, we test the relationships between capital market and enterprises independent innovation and how the capital supply mechanism of capital markets, price discovery and risk diversification mechanism work for enterprises independent innovation.
     Through theoretical argument and empirical testing, overall, the paper demonstrates the capital markets active role in promoting independent innovation, presents from a deeper level the realization mechanism of capital markets acting to promote enterprises independent innovation, and advocates to build three platforms of the capital market to promote enterprise independent innovation through improving the functioning system of capital market,.
     The fourth chapter analyzes how the financing function of capital market help promote enterprises independent innovation, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of this financing function for promoting independent innovation. The Argument, not only analyzes from the perspective of financing costs, but also from a point of view of financing stability and accessability of the capital markets, moreover we probe into the uncertainty, risk and other characteristics of enterprises independent innovation. We, therefore, find that the construction of a capital market financing platform can directly contribute to enterprises independent innovation.
     Chapter five, based on the argumnts in chapter two and three, concludes that enterprises independent innovation is not only capital-intensive activities, but technology-intensive activities. We analyze some basic features of capital market such as that its incentives for human capital in innovation have a long-term effect, its aim is to raise the overall level of human capital, etc. We also discuss the incentive function of capital markets about how to promote human capital, and how to improve the inherent ability of human capital so as to drive forward enterprises independent innovation. At the same time, we analyze the incentive function of China's capital market, and identify some fundamental causes why the incentives function of China's capital market are not significant in promoting enterprise independent innovation.
     Chapter six discuss of the gathering function of capital market, and the reasons for gathering function to promote enterprise innovation. I conduct a simple empirical test on the effect of gathering function of China's capital market on enterprises independent innovation, and come to a conclusion that the gathering function of China's capital market have an active effect on enterprises independent innovation, but the positive effect is not very significant.
     In Chapter seven, all the contents of this paper are summarized, and I accordingly propose some new ideas on how to make China's capital market work well for promoting enterprise independent innovation. I also provide some policy recommendations aimed to enhance the system, functions and efficiency of China's capital market.
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