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同时处理横截面数据间的空间异质性与空间相关性一直是国际学术界有待解决的难点。目前仅有地理加权空间经济计量模型,从局部视角综合处理横截面数据间的空间相关性与空间异质性。Brunsdon等(Brunsdon,1998)从全局窗宽的视角对地理加权空间经济计量模型之地理加权空间滞后模型进行了最大似然(Maximum Likelihood,简称ML)估计研究;Paze等(Paze,2002)从局部窗宽的角度采用ML法,对地理加权空间经济计量模型进行估计。然而,用ML方法估计地理加权空间经济计量模型存在两点不足:其一,ML估计要求随机误差项服从正态分布或其他已知分布;其二,ML估计计算量巨大,特别是在大样本情况下ML法几乎无法完成计算。这是因为,在地理加权空间经济计量模型估计中涉及到最优窗宽的选择,其计算量远甚于一般空间经济计量模型。由于ML估计的局限性,地理加权空间经济计量模型实际应用受到很大限制。换言之,在误差项分布未知的情形下,保证估计量一致,快捷有效的估计地理加权空间经济计量模型,尚是经济管理空间计量研究中需要进一步解决的课题。
This paper set up a GMM framework to estimate and infer Spatial GeographicalWeighted Regression Model. GMM estimates can effectively reduce the computationalcomplexity, and solved the unknown error distribution restrictions, expanding the estimationmethod for SGWR model. The following major elements:
     1、This paper set up a2SLS framework to estimate and infer GWR-SL model (GeographicallyWeighted Regression with Spatially Lagged Objective Variable Model).2SLS estimates caneffectively reduce the computational complexity, and solved the unknown error distributionrestrictions, expanding the GWR-SL model’s estimation method.
     2、 This paper set up a GMM framework to estimate and infer GWR-SEA model(Geographically Weighted Regression with Spatial Error Autocorrelation Model). GMMestimates can effectively reduce the computational complexity, and solved the unknown errordistribution restrictions, expanding the GWR-SEA model’s estimation method.
     3、 Using techniques of spatial econometrics、 GWR and SGWR model,we study theconvergence of financial development across67counties or cities rolling over12years inZhejiang Province.It is evident that the Spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence acrossregions is strong enough to distort the traditional measure of Convergence. Taking Spatialheterogeneity and spatial dependence into account, we find that there was a significantabsolute convergence in Zhejiang province, but the speed of financial convergence issignificantly decreased, and the convergence speed of counties or cities in Zhejiang Provinceare difference. The south counties or cities’s speed of financial development are faster thanthe northern counties’. The financial development which is relatively backward can expect tocatch up with the relatively well-developed counties.
     The theoretical innovation of above three parts in this research separately lies in:1、This study to resolve the error term distribution in unknown conditions, provide a newresearch approach to SGWR model has important theoretical value.2、The method is applied in the study which developed provinces and cities of regionalfinancial development convergence empirical analysis, not only geographically verifiableWeighted Generalized Method of Moments Estimation for Spatial Econometric ModelResearch on the actual feasibility of, and will be extended GMM application; the same time,the first time, spatial heterogeneity and spatial correlation into the convergence of regionalfinancial development empirical research, develop regional financial developmentconvergence study.
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