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As an important part of modern national education system, vocational educationhas a special important position, it bear the task of training a large number of skilledand applied talents which can adapt to the transformation of economic developmentpatterns and the requirements of economic structural adjustment for thesociety.Urbanization process requires to improve the quality and vocational skills ofthe transferring population, at the same time, the adjustment of economicstructure,the upgrading of industrial structure and the change of employmentstructure,also put forward higher and higher requirements about vocationaleducation.However, over the years, our country has always attached great importanceto academic talents but neglected the technology and skilled talents, the theory ofvocational education is very scarce. Vocational education practice in our country arelack of effective theoretical guidance. Vocational education has many problems, suchas, the concept of vocational education and training mode are backward,thehierarchical structure of the vocational education is not reasonable,basic vocationaleducation system is not sound,and vocational education internationalization degree isnot high, which has restricted our country's urbanization and the adjustment of theeconomic structure.How to build a scientific and reasonable system of modernvocational education which can adapt to the demand of urbanization process is justwhat theoretical problems need to resolve. Based on this, this paper enrich and perfectour country's vocational education system through the study of vocational educationdevelopment in the process of urbanization,which provide theoretical support for thepractice of vocational education in our country.
     In terms of research design, this paper combines the theory of urbanization andregional economic development theory, human capital theory and the development ofvocational education theory, the theory of multiple intelligences and the moderntheory of employment, the main research methods including norms and empirical,qualitative and quantitative combined, supplemented by literature research,comparison research, explore the question of vocational education development inurbanization process.The basic idea of this article is to analyze the interactive relationof urbanization and vocational education, discuss the main problems and the reasonsof vocational education development in the process of urbanization in our country,put forward the development goal of modern vocational education system, perfect themodern vocational education system in our country According to the design,this paperput vocational education development goals as a starting point, based on relatedtheory and the actual environmental factors,four aspects are studied and discussed,thatis the concept of vocational education development, the vocational education system, the vocational education structure,the effective connection of vocational educationand the external environment.
     First, the vocational education development concept design. Based on theconcept of people-oriented education, lifelong education idea, the concept ofentrepreneurship education, this article demonstrates the goal of vocational educationdevelopment in our country is formed the modern vocational education system whichcan adapt to the transformation of economic development patterns and industrialstructure adjustment, embody a concept of life-long education, coordinated thesecondary and higher vocational education development..And further demonstratesthe orientation of vocational education development, that is, the modern vocationaleducation system is the strategic choice which is to speed up the transformation of thepattern of economic development and the construction of a new system developmentof modern industry, the modern vocational education system is the strategicbreakthrough point of adjustment of education structure and the implementation ofeducation science development, the modern vocational education system is thestrategic cornerstone which is to establish a national technical skill accumulationsystem and enhance the competitiveness of the real economy, the modern vocationaleducation system is the strategic way of the guarantee to improve the livelihood ofthe people and growing middle-income groups, the modern vocational educationsystem is to realize the entire development of technical skills, talents, and let everychild be useful strategic moves.
     Second, the system of vocational education system design. In vocationaleducation management system, this paper proposed the government dominant,industry guidance, enterprises to participate in the school system, established a systemof modern vocational colleges on the basis of the cooperation between colleges andtechnical skills Shared between colleges establish industry accumulation system,establish the system of regional vocational education cooperation, establish avocational education community service system; In terms of investment system, thispaper puts forward that establishing is given priority to with the public finances,diversification of vocational education investment system; In the aspect of talentcultivation system, this paper puts forward that establishing "university-enterprisecooperation and work-integrated learning" new talent training system; In the aspect oflegal system, the paper puts forward how to further perfect our country's existingvocational education laws and regulations.
     Third, the vocational education system structure design. In vocational educationtype structure, the paper puts forward to establish a modern vocational education typestructure, this structure can make the record of formal schooling education andtraining education to connect with each other, complement each other; In vocationaleducation professional structure, the paper puts forward the professional Settings to beproactive, adaptability, and professional characteristics, build a reasonable professional structure; Structure in vocational education area, the paper constructs andregional industrial structure, the structure of the students and appropriate to the levelof economic development of vocational education structure; In vocational educationhierarchy, this paper constructed including the level of higher vocational education,secondary vocational education, specialized subject undergraduate level highervocational education, the level of higher vocational education of postgraduate anddoctoral levels of higher vocational education, the complete system of vocationaleducation degree.
     Fourthly, the connecting part of vocational education and the externalenvironment. Based on the existing diversity of social education resources, this paperdiscussed how to integrate the existing resources effectively to improve the vocationaleducation system, set up vocational education and general education and professionalqualification of cohesion between channels and Bridges, puts forward thedevelopment of vocational education internationalization path.
     In a word, this paper discusses the problem of vocational education in theprocess of urbanization in our country, construct the modern vocational educationsystem which can adapt to the need of the transformation of economic developmentpatterns and economic structural adjustment,put forward the vocational education andordinary education, vocational education and professional qualification mutualconnection methods creatively, enrich and perfect the theory of modern vocationaleducation system, for the development of vocational education provides an importanttheoretical basis for practice.Vocational education development, of course, is acomplex system, there are many factors affecting the development of vocationaleducation, plus my field of vision, and the limit of the capacity, this research alsoexists some shortage, is improved in the future research.
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