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无线网状网(Wireless Mesh Network)是一种动态自组织自配置的无线网络,网络中的节点可以自动的形成Ad hoc网络并保持网状网的连接。这些特点使得无线网状网具有低成本,易维护,高健壮性和高可靠性的优点。无线网状网正处于迅速发展阶段,已成为下一代无线接入网的关键技术之一。无线网状网吸引了很多应用,如宽带家庭网络,社区网络,楼宇自动化,高速城市网络和企业网络等。
     本文提出干扰敏感的P2P流媒体分发问题。该问题的目的是在无线网络干扰存在的情况下,为客户peer提供最大的聚合流媒体下载速率,并满足有限的端到端流媒体下载延时约束,以获得最优的实时流媒体播放性能。本文联合应用层的peer选择和网络层的路由计算,设计合作P2P流媒体分发的跨层优化算法。将干扰敏感的P2P流媒体分发问题形式化表示为一个受限约束的最优化问题,即VMLBDP (Variation of Maximum Length-Bounded Disjoint Path problem),并证明VMLBDP为NP-complete问题。为保证较低的流媒体传输延时和最大的流媒体下载聚合吞吐量,本文提出一种启发式的跨层优化算法以最小化网络干扰对流媒体传输的影响。该跨层优化算法通过迭代求最短路径的方式来确定所选择的serverpeer集合和最短的不相交(disjoint)路径。仿真实验表明我们的算法和当前其它peer选择算法相比,更适合在多跳无线网状网中进行流媒体分发。
     根据无线mesh网络中拓扑结构和不同类型节点的特征,本文将多跳无线mesh网络建模成分簇P2P结构。为降低资源发布的开销,在进行资源共享设计时本文利用Bloom filter(布鲁姆过滤器)这种结构精简的数据结构作为资源表示和消息在无线网状网中传输。以布鲁姆过滤器为基础,提出资源密度敏感的多跳无线网状网资源检索和分发算法,该算法将无线网络中移动客户端的资源下载请求转发到拥有资源副本最多的P2P分簇中,利用该分簇的多个资源副本备份来提供资源下载服务,以最大化地降低由于节点移动性而产生的资源下载中断。仿真实验结果表明本文所提出的资源检索和分发算法可以提供很好的资源下载性能。
     4) LRing一种可靠流媒体分发结构
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are dynamically self-organized and self-configured, with the nodes in the network automatically establishing an ad hoc network and maintaining the mesh connectivity. This feature brings many advantages to WMNs, such as low up-front cost, easy network maintenance, robustness, reliable service coverage, etc. Because of their advantages over other wireless networks, WMNs are undergoing rapid progress and have emerged as a key technology for next-generation wireless networking. There are inspiring numerous applications in WMNs such as broadband home networking, community networking, building automation, highspeed metropolitan area networks, and enterprise networking, etc.
     Due to the reason of limited bandwidth of wireless network, mobile users want to accelerate the downloading rate by using some innovative techniques (such as P2P) to support cooperative streaming downloading from multiple sources. Although many studies can be found on P2P streaming in wired networks, very few studies have studied the problem in wireless networks, especially in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. The current WMN infrastructure often does not provide the Quality of Service (QoS) support required by these P2P streaming applications, which maks P2P steaming in WMN is challenge. This dissertation concentrates on the P2P streaming in WMNs. Some creative works focus on the following aspects:
     1) To maximize the users' satisfaction of P2P streaming in WMNs, this paper focuses on link rate allocation problem and proposes a fully distributed algorithm to efficiently utilize the upload and download bandwidth of wireless mesh nodes. Based on the experimental results from real deployment of our wireless mesh testbed, we propose an efficient P2P streaming system in WMNs. In such a system, MRs rather than MCs act as peers exchanging streaming packets with each other and MCs only be served by its corresponding MR without uploading any media content. This paper builds the network utility maximization link rate allocation problem with the consideration of load distribution in WMNs and use user density as an important weight in the problem. The proposed link rate allocation algorithm in this paper represents a cross-layer strategy, which strikes a balance between the demand of link bandwidth (link rate) at the network layer and the supply of link capacity at the physical layer. The simulation experiments demonstrate the efficiency and affectivity of the proposed rate allocation algorithm in WMNs.
     2) This paper proposes an interference-aware P2P streaming problem in multi-hop wireless mesh networks with the aim of providing the client peer the maximum aggregate throughput as well as bounded end-to-end communication delay. To counteract the problem, we propose a cooperative P2P streaming dissemination algorithm which joints peer selection and routing in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. Firstly, we formulate the interference-aware P2P streaming problem as a constrained optimization problem, named a Variation of Maximum Length-Bounded Disjoint Path problem (VMLBDP) and prove the VMLBDP to be NP-complete. Secondly, we propose a heuristic cross-layer algorithm which joints peer selection and routing to solve the VMLBDP. The cross-layer algorithm comprises an iterative shortest path finding procedure which determines the set of selected server peers and the shortest disjoint path. The simulation results also demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms other current algorithms and can effectively utilize wireless channels to obtain optimal streaming playback performance.
     3) According to the character of mesh topology and character of the different types of mesh nodes, the multi-hop wireless mesh network is modeled as cluster P2P in this paper. Moreover, in order to save the message bandwidth, this paper uses the Bloom filter as the message to represent the resource list abstract, and the message is transmitted among the constructed P2P clusters. To minimize the downloading interruption due to mobility of clients, this paper proposes a resource-density-sensitive resource query and dissemination algorithm in which the query is transmitted to the cluster that has the maximum number of replica resources. The simulation results show that the proposed resource query and distribution algorithm can provide appealing resource downloading performance.
     4) To efficiently and stably deliver streaming media, researchers have developed technical solutions that are either based on a tree model or based on a mesh model. The disadvantage of tree-based model is limited stability and high cost, while the disadvantage of mesh-based model is low efficiency on streaming rate when nodes churn. In this paper, we propose LRing-A Layered Ring Topology for reliable streaming system, which well balance the maximum streaming rate and reliable streaming data in the system as well as achieve high utilization of node's cache. The simulation experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of LRing.
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