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Since 1998, the Blood Law is Implement, symbolizes that the system of contribute blood is changing from paying, voluntary to donate blood without compensation. However, the traditional blood system's disadvantage still to a certain extent affected and the hindrance donating blood without compensation enterprise's development, causes many cities to present“to be short of blood”. Forms the sharp contrast , in the Harbin flowing blood car actually presented the giving blood quantity“the supply in excess of demand”phenomenon.
     This paper is precisely embarks based on this question, through the sociological angle of view to find the deep level reasons of Harbin blood center benignity movement and the development. Therefore, this research take the Harbin blood center as the case, take the prosocial behavior theory as the support, discuss blood donors’decision-making process and the blood center’mobilization mechanism, and further analyze their in different period's conjunction relations. finally gives the explanatory explanation for the Harbin blood center's successful experience.
     Using the depth interview and observation methods, I interview the blood donors, the volunteer and the staff of blood center. Through the qualitative analysis, find that the blood donor's decision-making process may summarize is three stages, namely blood donor’s first behavior agent—intention to be determined—the intention to be transformed. And each stage each stage existence different influencing factor. In addition, analysis the organization managed system of blood center, discovered that blood center’s mobilization mechanism presented the Pyramid type structure, namely take the cultural mobilization as the foundation, take the volunteer organization as the support, take the exterior resources reassignment as the promotion levels. Through understands and contrast, summary the conjunction relations in three aspects: the first blood center through the dual resources mobilizations to correspond to blood donors’behavior motivation, and using the culture to mobilize the intention of blood donor the, at the last, through the environment's construction to promote blood donor to make decision-making.
     This research tries hard that through contrast the blood donors’behavior and mobilization mechanism, provides the rationalization explanation for the Harbin shore's successful pattern. From the theory significance, in the discussion about the behavior decision-making process, this research expansed the existing theory pattern. At the same time, it’s helpful for other urban to learn and use the successful experience.
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