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互联网正在由于社会网络的流行,越来越多的体现出以用户为中心的特点。社会网络应用已成Web应用的主流,为人们搭建了一个Web上资源共享与交互的平台。社会网络中,用户既是数据资源的主要创建者,也是资源的传播者,资源内容由用户自生成也是社会网络的核心理念之一。因此,由用户生成内容(User Generated Content)的社会网络环境中存在数据资源过载的问题。一方面,媒体数据和用户数据都十分庞大,而且不断有新用户加入以及每天都会大量新的数据上传;另一方面,数据资源存在无序的特点,大多数资源属于无结构化数据,如视频,图片,文本日志等,这类数据都具有多语义的特点,即每个对象包含多种类别、多粒度的语义信息,社会媒体和网页一样具备海量信息的规模,但又无法直接应用现有成熟的网页信息检索技术对其进行排序,这给社会网络中的数据资源的分类以及检索带来困难。在线共享和推荐的方式成为目前社会网络环境下数据资源传播的主要途径。
     在线共享和推荐是目前社会网络资源传播的主要途径,用户自建组机制的不足给社会网络中资源的共享与传播带来了阻碍,同时现有的推荐方法仅关注推荐的准确率,忽视了考虑推荐效率。本文提出了一种基于用户偏好的组自动生成方法。与用户手动创建的组进行区分,我们把本文提出的基于用户偏好的系统自动生成组称为“共同偏好组(Common Preference Group),简称为CPG”。社会网络中,用户对一个资源对象感兴趣是因为用户对媒体对象所蕴含的兴趣元素感兴趣。因此,我们把用户对许多单一资源的喜好转化为用户对兴趣元素的集合的兴趣。每个用户对每个兴趣元素都可以有自身的喜好程度,我们把同一兴趣元素上的一种喜好程度称为偏好。如果一系列用户对若干兴趣元素上的每个主题都具有相同的喜好程度,我们则称这群用户在这些兴趣元素上具有共同的偏好,我们把那些有共同偏好的用户聚集成一个组,也就是我们提到的共同偏好组。本文提出了基于共同偏好组的资源共享和推荐系统架构,然后设计实现了CPG自动生成算法,并提出了基于CPG协同兴趣发现的思想和方法,本文还研究了资源对象与CPG推荐匹配策略。
With the advent of Web2.0, users are allowed to produce content in the Web. The social Web is a set of relationships that link together people over the World Wide Web. Typical Social Web applications which include social networking services, social media and online communities, etc. have already become the mainstream of web application. User interaction is a pivotal characteristic of the social Web. Starting with the social media sites, such as Flickr and Youtube, user-generated contents have taken over social web. Users and contents in these sites are still rapidly increasing every day. Traditional information retrieval technologies have limits when dealing with the problem of information overload in the social Web, mainly in that large amounts of unstructured data produced by users is more difficult to classify and retrieve. In the circumstance of massive user-generated unstructured data, data sharing and recommendation approaches take a more important role than information retrieval approaches for data diffusion in the Social Web.
     This thesis focuses on efficient resourse sharing and recommendation. Research contents and innovations of the thesis are summarized as follows:
     (1) A variable granularity user classification algorithm based on multi-dimensional features of users
     Classifying Web users based on multi-dimensional features is one of the foundations of realizing personalized Web applications. It could be used for user classification model, users' multi-dimensional data analysis, potential user group discovery and personalized recommendation and so forth. This paper proposes a variable granularity user classification algorithm based on the user feature model, which classifying the users from the single feature dimension to the multiple-features dimension. The essential idea is to gather those users who have the same features in a given feature space. The proposed algorithm has the following characteristic:a) all the qualified common feature categories could be mined; b) there is no inclusion relationship between any two mined categories; c) the common feature categories with different granularity are organized with the hierarchical structure. Variable granularity classification of web users based on their features could benefit many Web applications, such as multi-dimensional users' data analysis, potential community discovering, user classification model, and personalized recommendation services.
     (2) Towards an efficient data sharing and recommendation approach based on the common preference group.
     In the circumstance of massive user-generated unstructured data, data sharing and recommendation approaches take a more important role than information retrieval approaches for data diffusion in the Social Web. In this thesis, we propose a new approach to discover groups automatically based on user's preference. We call the group which is automatically generating by our approach the Common Preference Group (CPG). This research is conducting under a hypothesis that a user like a data object because the user is interested in some semantic topics implied in the object. With this assumption, we switch interests of users from the objects to the semantic topics, and we group users who share common interests together as a CPG.
     The automatic grouping approach has the following features:i) a CPG is corresponding to a set of semantic topics, which indicate the users'preference about each semantic topic; ii) the CPG is automatically generated, and a user whose preference matches a CPG will be added to this CPG automatically; iii) The data object can be automatically added to the corresponding CPG pools as well. CPG can be used as social purposes and data recommendation. Compared with current group mechanism, the new features of CPG bring these advantages:i) the users could discover their own preferences and the other people who have the same preference with them; ii) different CPG can be recommended to users based on user's preferences; iii) objects are distributed to different CPG without human involved.
     (3) An approximate approach for batch update of common preference group
     User's preferences are not static, so the UPM is changing from time to time. With massive users, each time the user preference model changed, mining CPG from the scratch is not an option. In this paper, we analyzed the types of user behavior and their corresponding modification of UPM, and then we summarized how the two types of UPM modifications influenced CPG. We proposed an approximate batch CPG update approach to keep them up to date and also avoid CPG re-computing.
     (4) Implementation of CPG based advanced functions in the Web community system
     There exsit a large amount of Web communities in social Web and the number are still increasing rapidly. The user behaviors, such as upload resources or post a comment, reveal user's preference. We developed a Web community management system prototype and provided a series of advanced functions for Web communities, services and data management based on TOTEM Object Deputy Database System. In the thesis, we explore to realize many new advanced functions based CPG in our Web community management system prototype.
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