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P2P is acquired more and more attention as a most potential technique in current Internet. Since P2P is dynamic and open, there must be effective mechanism to enhance network security with the help of the trustful mechanism of human-cyber relations to keep the interaction between nodes.
     In this paper, the procedure of existing distributed trust models is discussed and devised in P2P network, which is the architecture of service options and flow process of fame-based trust model and used to implement the interview of service selections. In route choice and resource option, it displays the calculation and evaluation updating of diverse notes with different rates, message forwarding and acknowledgement notes linking refreshing mechanism and etc. In route choice it adopted new tactic to send encryption message to probe malicious notes at the same time of guaranteeing to connect to high trusty noted. Meanwhile, it can avoid the high trusty noted from being blocked by setting linking array numbers at high-trusty noted. Simulation experiments and results analysis show: transaction successful rate under such two application modes is higher than which without trust models; hostile notes can be isolated; the two models offer better efficiency to send messages and more stable network than simply broadcasting.
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