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Military virtual Logistics is a kind of organization mode of the military and civil logistics' integration and military logistics socialization. Its purpose is to reach military and civil logistics resource share and business cooperation. And that the core of grid technology is just to solve the problem of resource share and business cooperation in virtual organization. Thus, it is a perfect approach to implement the military virtual logistics operation using the grid technology. As one of the basic research of military virtual logistics, studying on the problem that how to make both the inside and outside army's logistics resources in different region, subject and specialty share and optimization organization to implement military logistics support task is the main content of establishing the military logistics system under military and civil amalgamation and constructing modern logistics across-the-board, and also is the all-important problem confronted with the utilizing the military logistics resource and social logistics resource effectively, optimizing logistics resource deployment, and improving the ability of military logistics support. In the paper, aiming at the optimization organization of military virtual logistics resource, the problem of logistics resource share and optimization organization has been studied in depth by grid and other correlative technology. Main research contents as follows:
     (1) Facing the region application of military virtual logistics, a military virtual logistics grid architecture is designed according to the criterion of WSRF, using the OGSA as the grid foundation platform. Furthermore, a distributed organization framework of military virtual logistics resources in the grid and its structure are studied.
     (2) Aim at the problem of standardization description and encapsulation of military virtual logistics resources, an extendable description model for the military virtual logistics resources is presented. Concretely, in the model, a sort system and a description framework of military virtual logistics resources are given out, and then, a method for military virtual logistics resources standardization description by XML/RDF based on the metadata set is given out. Additionally, a service encapsulation method for military virtual logistics software based on the WSRF is brought forward.
     (3) In order to improve the reliability of military virtual logistics resource organization and the efficiency of resource search, and meet the requirements of dynamics and extendibility of military virtual logistics resource organization in the grid, a virtual overlay network model of military virtual logistics resource organization using an improved chord is constructed, and then the virtual overlay network construction method, the node dynamic management method, and the military virtual logistics resource registration and search method in the network are presented.
     (4) Aim at the problem of matching for military virtual logistics resource, a model of matching for military virtual logistics resources, facing the requirement of military virtual logistics task, is studied. In the model, a general and extendable resource requirement definition model is given out, which has the characteristics of self-determination and criterion, and supports single service function logistics resource and integrative service function logistics resource definition, and a algorithm flow of matching for military virtual logistics resources based on the resource requirement definition is presented. The model implements the matching for single service function logistics resources and integrative service function logistics resources.
     (5) Aim at the problem of resource optimization evaluation, a self-evaluation indexes system and a user evaluation indexes system of military virtual logistics resource are designed, and then a extensive comprehensive self-evaluation model and a fuzzy extensive comprehensive user evaluation model of military virtual logistics resource based on matter element model are constructed, from two points of view which are resource evaluations while being saved in database and after being used. Furthermore, in the above models, a dynamic setting method for evaluation indexes, index weight and the influence factor of index value statistic is presented, which can meet the requirement of resources of all sorts evaluation and embody the user's predilection. The results of above studies implement arranging logistics resources in self-evaluation value sequence and ranking logistics resource according to user evaluation value.
     (6) Finally,a prototype system of military virtual logistics grid for logistics resource optimization organization is developed, which proves above studies.
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