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The main idea of "advantage of backwardness" theory is that the absolute inferior economic position of backward countries or regions are associated with the advantage of backwardness in its keeping up with and surpassing the developed ones. At the same time, it also points out that the backward countries or regions can make a successful transcendence of the developed ones if its advantage of backwardness can be used properly. As a basic principle, the theory has been proved reasonable by lots of realities that some ever backward countries or regions have made success transcendences, and presently it is offering guidance to backward tourist areas to accelerate their surpassing course.
     At present, how to make use of the advantage in this area, to achieve great-leap-forward development of the tourism, to reduce the gap with the developed tourist areas, has become to the urgent task of development of the tourism in northeast of Guan Zhong, and to achieve the northeast of Guan Zhong catch-up on developed ones in tourist areas, the focus is to address the issue of tourism development model. If you are not well dealt with this issue, you may re-take the detour of the developed tourist areas. The author believes that the Northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area must to go "play the advantage and achieve development by leaps and bounds" of the strategic model.
     This article first introduced the advantage of backwardness with basic, on the basis of summary the basic content, the basic characteristics and the relationship with the tourist areas development of the theory.
     Secondly, on the basis of re-defined the range in the northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area, this paper analyzes the social development status, the status quo of tourism development of the tourist areas, at the same time, based on the theory of Backwardness advantage, and depth analysis of the current tourism development in the advantage and disadvantage of Backwardness. The author believes that the use of the advantage of backwardness catching up and surpassing the developed tourist areas not only has the need for very large, but also has the feasibility in northeast of Guan Zhong. We can analysis the advantage of backwardness of northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area from four aspects: the resource advantages, location advantages, geographical and cultural advantages and opportunities of the advantages; However, this tourist area also has some disadvantage of backwardness in resource development, capital development, infrastructure, market development. After the comparative analysis of disadvantages and advantages, and to consider the reality of the proposed development of the tourism in the area, The author points out that there also existence four backwardness potential, that is landscape resources development, tourism marketing, environmental support , the growth of the tourism. Therefore, only by giving full play to the backwardness advantage, as far as possible to avoid a backwardness disadvantage , Vigorously tap their own backwardness potential, can the so-called leap-forward development eventual be realized in northeast of Guan Zhong of the tourism development.
     Third, this article re-thinking and positioning the entire clearance pattern of tourism development in the region, and based on point-axis theory, Constructed a new space development pattern in the tourist area of northeast of Guan Zhong. Put forward the development of this tourist areas' backwardness Countermeasures: that is, from the point (tourist center of town system), line (axis of tourist area network), surface (sub-space for the construction of tourist areas) three levels to build pattern of spatial development of the northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area; and to optimized the structure of space of its tourism development from three aspects: the scenic spots (points) integration of spatial distribution, link design of regional tourism, tourism services and facilities to integrate.
     Based on in-depth analysis of the theoretical contents of backwardness advantage, taking into account the current socio-economic foundation of the northeast of Guan Zhong is weak, less than the capability of independent innovation of tourism, point out that experience in transplantation is the guarantee to achieve breakthroughs in the development of the northeast of Guan Zhong tourism.
     In this paper from the way to cultivate the landscape, the image of building strategies, marketing development strategies, management models scenic four aspects analysis the experience in transplantation of the northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area, and take the Hu Kou Waterfall Scenic Spot as an example of to research how to carry out the experience transplantation. Hope to be able to objectively tourist areas for development by leaps and bounds for reference, making this tourist area in the development of tourism can avoid exploration of the failure, and come into the sound development of tourism with a high-level track as soon as possible.
     Finally, this paper from the tourist areas related development by leaps and bounds should have the basic conditions, proper strategic choice, the driving force and support in the development process four aspects demonstrated that the leaping development of the tourist areas may be achieved. The paper constructed the "spacecraft model" of leaping development in the northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area, and explored the process of its development.
     Based on the backwardness advantage theory, this paper from Seven aspects to build the structure of the framework: "to play the advantage of backwardness " that is analysis of basic conditions, tourism backwardness advantages, tourism backwardness disadvantages, tourism backwardness potential tourism backwardness Countermeasures, the experience of transplantation in tourism and achieve leaping development.that provide a theoretical support to achieve development by leaps and bounds of the northeast of Guan Zhong tourist area, and is conducive to the area from their own reality to find a shortcut to the development of tourism with a view to enriching backwardness tourist areas, as well as regional tourism development theory, and to provide some guidance to the backwardness tourist areas of china in practice.
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