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With the development of economy and the resources further aggravated situation, the sustainable development of resources region has an obvious sense in realism, history and theory. It is not only the reality needs of resource-based region, but also the key to build a harmonious society in China. In this dissertation, the use of sustainable development theory, complex system theory, economic early warning theory and interface management theory, combined with BP neural networks and genetic algorithms to build a model, reveals the complex mechanism of natural resource-constrained sustainable development system in resource-based region of China. The paper covers the following aspects.
     Firstly, from a philosophical point of view, it proves that the sustainable development is the common development on science and technology, economic value and the ethical norm by using system theory. On the basis of relevant theories, it analyzes the resource-based regional sustainable development system under the natural resources constraints to build a theoretical framework for the full text of the research system.
     Secondly, based on economic early warning theory, this dissertation analyzes the urgency and necessity of doing sustainable development early warning in resource-based region. Moreover it chooses the BP neural network optimized by the genetic algorithm as the efficiency method to the resources regional sustainable development early warning after in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various methods. Then it also applies this model to the realization of sustainable ecological carrying capacity early warning.
     Thirdly, it researches interfaces of regional sustainable development system under the natural resources constraints. Using the system dynamics, the dissertation takes analysis on the conflict focalization between subsystems. It still points out the reason of causing interface barriers then finds the new ways spanning those barriers from technological innovation, system innovation and culture Innovation.
     Fourthly, this dissertation chooses Shanxi Province as a good resource-based region case in point to do empirical analysis and to verify a variety of theoretical research results. It forms a judgment of the natural resources constrainted sustainable development state in Shanxi Province under in-depth analysis of economic resourcesand the guidance of the GA-BP early warning model. Then it puts forward some reasonable suggestions to settle the overloaded ecological carrying of Shanxi Province in the future.
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