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乌拉圭回合谈判的重要成果之一就是缔结了DSU(Dispute SettlementUnderstanding)及设立DSB(The Dispute Settlement Body),为世界贸易组织建立了统一的争端解决机制,克服了GATT很多的固有缺陷,使世界贸易的推动力由政治导向转向规则导向,争端解决机制也被人誉为“WTO皇冠上的明珠”。
One of the most important achievements of The Uruguay Round Negotiation is the establishment of DSU (Dispute Settlement Understanding), DSB (The Dispute Settlement Body) and the uniform dispute settlement system for WTO, which overcomes many intrinsic drawbacks and transforms the impetus of world trade from the political guidance to the regulatory one. Therefore, the dispute settlement system is named "The Pearl on The Crown of WTO".
     Along with the constant development of the multilateral trade, the dispute settlement system of WTO has been encountering more and more problems. The issue of "Amicus Curiae" is one of them. Deriving from the ancient Rome laws, the term of "Amicus Curiae" is eventually adopted in the jurisdictional practice of UK and has been drastically developed through the legal practice of America. Currently, "Amicus Curiae" has been increasingly understood and accepted by more and more people due to its inherent values and has been recognized by many international organizations. However, no provision involving "Amicus Curiae" has been indicated in any WTO agreement or any of its attachments. When it appears in the WTO dispute resolution process, the practice of DSB will obtain more and more concerns, arguments and discussions of scholars.
     Based on the method of historical study, this thesis focuses on outlining the structure of "Amicus Curiae" by reviewing its formation and development and introduces the methods adopted by different international organizations on the settlement of the issue; based on the typical WTO cases involving "Amicus Curiae" , the author has checked the attitude of the Appellate Body and the Panel toward "Amicus Curiae" by empirical methods and has analyzed the reason why there is any systematical space related to the issue of "Amicus Curiae" in WTO as well as the judicial activism tendencies of the Appellate Body and the Panel, which is followed by the deeper reasons behind the issue of "Amicus Curiae" such as the conflict between the North and the South, the one between the trade and non-trade values. Based on analysis on the origination of the issue of "Amicus Curiae", considering the status quo of the Appellate Body and the Panel and the opinions of WTO members, this paper holds that the Appellate Body and the Panel may recognize the opinion in respect to "Amicus Curiae ", which is attached to the materials given by the parties involved in the relevant disputes, as a part of the materials; provided that the " doctrine of judicial restraint" shall be employed, and the opinion only being based on "Amicus Curiae " and delivered to DBS shall be objected, the relevant problems shall be resolved by relevant WTO members in the subsequent rounds of negotiations. At the end of this paper, based on the reality that China is still a developing country and in a pragmatism attitude, the author proposes the strategy which may be adopted by our country when encountering the problem related to "Amicus Curiae".
1 世界贸易组织秘书处编:贸易走向未来--世界贸易组织(WTO)概要,张江波、索必成译,法律出版社,1999年第1版,第68页。
    2 Emest Angell:The Amicus Curiae:From Friendship to Advocacy,72 Yale L.J.694(1963)。
    3 曾令良、余敏友:全球化时代的国际法--基础、结构与挑战,武汉大学出版社,2006年第1版第385页。
    4 曾令良、余敏友:全球化时代的国际法-基础、结构与挑战,武汉大学出版社,2006年第1版第386页。
    5 国内也有学者将之翻译为“法院之友书状”、“法院之友陈述”。
    6 参见BLACK'S LAW DICTIONAR,second pocket edition,West Group,ST.PAUL,MINN,2001 p35,(Latin "friend of the court"),A person who is not a party to a lawsuit but who petitions the court or is requested by the court to file a brief in the action because that person has a strong interest in the subject matter.
    7 于秀艳:美国的法庭之友,法律适用,2005年第229期第95页。
    8 在本文中,“法院之友”和“法院之友”的主体有时候在同一意义上使用,都是指希望参与案件的非案件当事方和第三方的组织或个人。
    9 Petros C.Mavroidis,Amicus Curiae Brief before the WTO:Much do about Nothing,Jean Monnet Working Paper 2/01,p.10.
    10 Georg C.Umbricht,An "Amicus Curiae Brief" on Amicus Curiae Briefs at the WTO,Journal of International Economic Law,2001,p.778.
    11 如美国最高法院规则中的规定Rule 37(1)of the Supreme Court of the U.S.see:http:/lwww.supremecourtus.gov/ctruleslrulesoflhecourt.pdf.
    12 张小燕:“法庭之友”与公益诉讼,黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报,2006年第4期。
    13 John Howard:Retaliation,Reinstatement,and Friends of the Court:Amicus Participation in Brorck V.Roadway Express.Inc,31 How.L.J.241,253(1988).
    14 张泽涛:美国“法院之友”制度研究,中国法学,2004年第1期。
    15 张泽涛:美国“法院之友”制度研究,中国法学,2004年第1期。
    16 See Karen O Connor & Lee Epstein,Court Rules and Workload:A Case Study of Rules Governing Amicus Curiae Participation,Justice System Journal,Vol,8,p.35,p.36,1983.
    17 Green and Others V.Biddle,21 U.S.1,5L.ED.547,8 Wheat.1.
    18 参见American Planning Association:Amicus Curiae Committee,http://www.planning.org/amicusbriefs.
    19 Joseph D.Kearney and Thomas W.Merrill:The influence of Amicus Curiae briefs on the Supreme Court,48U.Pa.LRev.743(2000).
    20 陈立虎:法庭之友陈述在WTO争端解决机制中的可接受性,中国民商法律网,见http://www.jcrb.com/zyw/n431/ca317534,htm.
    21 龚小玲,张庆林:心理学与司法决策:美国心理学会法庭之友辩护状的启示,河北法学,第25卷第1期2007年1月。
    22 赵海峰:略论国际司法机构的现状和发展趋势,人民司法,2005年第9期。
    23 在本文中引用的《国际法院规约》条文均来自于http://www.un.org/chincse/aboutun/statutc/Chapter2.htm.
    24 罗传钰:WTO争端解决机制中的“法庭之友”问题研究,广西师范大学硕士学位论文,2005年,第21页。
    25 赵海峰、高立忠:论国际司法程序中的法庭之友制度,比校法研究,2007年第3期。
    26 Article 15,UNClTRAL:按照本规则的规定,仲裁庭得以它认为适当的方式进行仲裁,但必须对当事人各方给予公平待遇,并应在程序进行中的各个阶段给予每一方以陈述其案情的充分机会。
    27 see:Decision of the Tribunal on Petitions from Third Persons to Intervene as“Amicus Curiae''in Methanex Corporation v.United States of Amedcan,January 2001,p112-115.
    28 梁丹妮:国际投资争端仲裁中的法庭之友制度研究,河南社会科学,2006年3月第12卷第2期。
    29 See Dinah Shelton:The Participation of Nongovernmental Organizations in International Judicial Proceeding,American Journal of International Law,October 1994.88A.J.I.L.p.616.
    30 See lone Razzaque,Changing role of friends of the court in the International Courts and Tribunals,Non-State Actor and International Law 1:2002.p.170.
    31 市民社会:一个国家或政治共同体内的一种介于“国家”和“个人”之间的广阔领域。它由相对独立而存在的各种组织和团体构成。它是国家权力体制外自发形成的一种自治社会.是衡量一个社会组织化、制度化的基本标志,具有独立性制度性的特点。市民社会是国家权威和个人自由的缓冲地带。http://baike.baidu.com/view/100411.htm.
    32 曾令良、余敏友:全球化时代的国际法-基础、结构与挑战,武汉大学出版社,2006年第1版第394页。
    33 由于专家组有权主动寻求各种信息,本文WTO争端解决机制中的“法院之友”是指未经请求而主动要求参与争端解决的“法院之友”,不包括专家组或上诉机构请求参与争端解决的“法院之友”。
    34 WT/DS2,DS4
    35 See Gabrille Marceau and Matthew Stilwell:Practical Suggestions for Amicus Curiae Briefs before WTO Adjudicating Bodies,Journal of International Economic Law(2001),p 158.
    36 WT/DS26
    37 See Gabrille Marceau and Matthew Stilwell:Practical Suggestions for Amieus Curiae Briefs before WTO Adjudicating Bodies,.Journal of International Economic Law(2001),p 158.
    38 魏红:WTO争端解决机制中法庭之友制度探究,华东政法学院硕士学位论文,2003年,第17页。
    39 WT/DS58
    40 杨荣珍:WTO争端解决-案例与评析,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2002年第1版,第459页。
    41 一份“法院之友意见”由Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund on behalf of the Turtle Island Restoration Network the Human Society of the United States,the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,Defenders of Wildlife,and the Fiscalia Del Medio Ambiente(Chile)联合提交:另一份由the National Wildlife Federation on behalf of the Center for Marine Conservation,Centro Ecoceanos,Defenders of Wildlife,Friends of the Earth,Kenya Sea Turtle Committee,Marine Turtle Preservation Group of India,National Wildlife Federation,Natural Resources Defense Council,Operation Kachhapa,Project Swarajya,Visaldaa Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 联合提交。--WT/DS58/RW,15 June 2001,page10,para3.5.
    42 第13条 寻求信息的权利1.每一专家组有权向其认为适当的任何个人或机构寻求信息和技术建议。但是,在专家组向一成员管辖范围内的任何个人或机构寻求此类信息或建议之前,应通知该成员主管机关。成员应迅速和全面地答复专家组提出的关于提供其认为必要和适当信息的任何请求。未经提供信息的个人、机构或成员主管 机关正式授权,所提供的机密信息不得披露。2.专家组可向任何有关来源寻求信息,并与专家进行磋商并获得他们该事项某些方面的意见。对于一争端方所提科学或其他技术事项的事实问题,专家组可请求专家审议小组提供书面咨询报告。设立此类小组的规则及其程序列在附录4中。--本文引用的DSU条文均来自于http://lidefeng.qhdrtvu.net.cn/fagui/zhengduanjiejue.htm.
    43 WT/DS58/R,para7.8.
    44 这三份“法院之友意见”分别是由:1.The Earth Island Institute;the Humane Society of the United States;and the Sierra Club;2.the Center for International Environmental Law("CIEL");the Centre for Marine Conservation;the Environmental Foundation Ltd.;the Mangrove Action Project;the Philippine Ecological Network;Red Nacional de Accion Ecologica;and Sobrevivencia;3.the Worldwide Fund for Nature and the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development.提交的。--WT/DS58/AB/R,12October 1998 page27,para79.
    45 第12条为专家组程序
    46 第11条 专家组的职能:专家组的职能是协助DSB履行本谅解和适用协定项下的职责。因此,专家组应对其审议的事项做出客观评估,包括对该案件事实及有关适用协定的适用性和与有关适用协定的一致性的客观评估,并做出可协助DSB提出建议或提出适用协定所规定的裁决的其他调查结果。专家组应定期与争端各方磋商,并给予它们充分的机会以形成双方满意的解决办法。
    47 WT/DS58/AB/R,para108.110.
    48 WT/DS138
    49 WT/DS138/R,23December 1999,page24,para6.3.
    50 WT/DS138/R,para 6.3.
    51 WT/DS138/AB/R.10 May 2000.Page13,para36.
    52 DSU第17条第9款规定:工作程序应由上诉机构经与DSB主席和总干事磋商后制定,并告知各成员供参考。
    53 WT/DS138/AB/R,para 42.
    54 WT/DS160
    55 WT/DS160/5 of 16 April 1999,page245.
    56 WT/DS18
    57 WT/DS141
    58 WT/DS141/R,30 October 2000,page6,para6.1.
    59 WT/DS231
    60 WT/DS231/AB/R,26 September 2002,page35,para135.
    61 Gregory Shaffer and Victor Mosoti:EC Sardines:A New Model for Collaboration in Dispute Settlement?,BRIDGES COMMENT,www.iids.org.
    62 WT/DS135
    63 WT/DS135/R,page399,para8.12-13.
    64 WT/DS135/AB/R,page29,para51。
    65 上诉审查工作程序规则第16条第1款:为了一项上诉案件的审理的公平性和有序进行,如出现了本工作程序所未涉及的某项程序问题,任何上诉庭可一直为该上诉案之目的通过任一适当程序,如果这不违反DSU、其他适用协定和本工作程序。如通过了此程序,该上诉庭应立即通知该上诉案的参与方和第三方以及上诉机构的其他成员。
    66 韩立余:WTO案例及评析,中国人民大学出版社,2004年4月第1版,第71-72页。
    67 提交这些“法院之友意见”的是:Asbestos Information Association(United States);HVL ASbcstos (Swaziland)Limited(Bulembu Mine);South African Asbestos Producers Advisory Committee(South Africa);J & S Bridle Associates(United Kingdom);Associacāo das Indústrias de Produtos de Amianio Crisótilo(Portugal);Asbestos Cement Industries Limited(Sri Lanka);The Federation of Thai Industries,Roofing and Accessories Club(Thailand);Korea Asbestos Association(Korea);Senac(Senegal);Syndicat des Métallos(Canada);Duralita de Centroamerica,S.A.de C.V.(El Salvador);Asociación Colombiana de Fibras (Colombia);and Japan Asbestos Association(Japan).--WT/DS135/AB/R,12 March 2001.
    68 这六份“法院之友意见”是:1、 Association of Personal Injury Lawyers(United Kingdom);2.All India A.C.Pressure Pipe Manufacturer's Association(India);3.International Confederation of Free Trade Unions/European Trade Union Confederation(Belgium);4.Maharashtra Asbestos Cement Pipe Manufacturers' Association (India);5.Roofit Industries Ltd.(India);6.Society for Occupational and Environmental Health(United States).--http://www.law.georgetown.edu/iiel/current/amicus/amicuscuriaeS.html.
    69 1.Professor Robert Lloyd Howse(United States);2.Occupational & Environmental Diseases Association (United Kingdom);3.American Public Health Association(United States);4.Centro de Estudios Comunitarios de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario(Argentina);5.Only Nature Endures(India);6.International Council on Metals and the Environment and American Chemistry Council(United States);7.Korea Asbestos Association (Korea);8.European Chemical Industry Council(Belgium);9.Australian Centre for Environmental Law at the Australian National University(Australia);10.Associate Professor Jan McDonald and Mr.Don Anton (Australia);11.以下组织联合提交的:(1)Foundation for Environmental Law and Development(United Kingdom)(2)Center for International Environmental Law(Switzerland)(3)International Ban Asbestos Secretariat(United Kingdom)(4)Ban Asbestos International and Virtual Network(France)(5)Greenpeace International(The Netherlands)(6)World Wide Fund for Nature,International(Switzerland)(7)Lutheran World Federation(Switzerland)--http://www.law.georgetown.edu/iiel/current/amicus/amicuscuriae5.html
    70 WT/DS291
    71 这些非政府组织是:Lawrence Busch(Michigan State University),Robin Grove-White(Lancaster University),Sheila Jasanoff(Harvard University),David Winickoff(Harvard University)and Brian Wynne(Lancaster University).Gene Watch,Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development(FIELD),Five Year Freeze,Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)(UK),the Center for Food Safety(USA),Council of Canadians,Polaris Institute (Canada),Grupo de Reflexión Rural Argentina,Center for Human Rights and the Environment (CEDHA)(Argentina),Gene Campaign,Forum for Biotechnology and Food Security(India),Fundación Sociedades Sustentables(Chile),Greenpeace International(The Netherlands),Californians for GE-Free Agriculture,International Forum on Globalisation.Center for International Environmental Law(CIEL),Friends of the Earth - United States(FOE-US),Defenders of Wildlife,the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy(IATP),and the Organic Consumers Association(OCA).--WT/DS291/R,Page284,para7.10
    72 高树超:WTO争端解决机制漫谈之六,时代经贸,2004年第12期。
    73 Richard H.Steinberg:Judicial Lawmaking at the WTO:Discursive,Constitutional,and Political Constraints,American Journal of International Law,Vol.98,No.2,2004,p263.
    74 程红星:WTO司法哲学的能动主义之维,北京大学出版社,2006年1月第1版,第7页。
    75 WT/DS58/AB/R,para.107.
    76 WT/DS58/AB/R,para.108.
    77 Petros C.Mavroidis:Amicus Curiae Briefs Before The WTO:Much Ado About Nothing,at http://www.jieanmonnetprogram.org/papers/01/010201.htm.
    78 WT/GC/M60,para.37-39.
    79 程红星:WTO司法哲学的能动主义之维,北京大学出版社,2006年1月第1版,第173页。
    80 TN/DS/W/13,TN/DS/W/46,TN/DS/W/1,TN/DS/W/43 TN/DS/W/25
    81 Geotg C Umbricht,An 'amicus curiae brief' on Amicus Curiae Briefs at the WTO,Journal of International Economic Law,2001,Vol.4,p.773.
    82 纪文华、姜丽勇:谈判无限期--WTO多哈议程争端解决机制修改谈判中的核心问题,国际贸易,2004年第8期。
    83 詹姆斯·巴克斯著、穆忠和译:让WTO的大门和窗户敞开--WTO必须开放贸易争端诉讼程序,WTO 经济导刊,2004年第12期。
    84 TN/DS/W/5.TN/DS/W/18.TN/DS/W/42
    85 如:赖锦标:非政府组织参与WTO争端解决是国家主权的维护,黎明职业大学学报,2006年3月第1期;
    86 如:程红星:WTO司法哲学的能动主义之维,北京大学出版社,2006年1月第1版;
    87 《WTO协议》序言
    88 DSU第17条第6款
    89 DSU第17条第3款
    90 张文显,法理学,高等教育出版社,2001年10月第1版,第68页。
    91 DSU第12条第9款规定:如专家组认为不能在6个月内或在紧急案件中不能在3个月内提交其报告,则应书面通知DSB迟延的原因和提交报告的估计期限。自专家组设立至报告散发各成员的期限无论如何不应超过9个月。
    92 纪文华、姜丽勇:WTO争端解决规则与中国的实践,北京大学出版社,2005年7月第1版,第60页。
    93 纪文华、姜丽勇:WTO争端解决规则与中国的实践,北京大学出版社,2005年7月第1版,第75页。
    94 曾令良、余敏友:全球化时代的国际法-基础、结构与挑战,武汉大学出版社,2006年第1版第407页。
    95 胡晓红:WTO规则与国际经济法,清华大学出版社,2004年8月第1版,第45页。
    96 王逸舟:经济全球化过程中的政治稳定与国际关系,学习与探索,,1998年第5期。
    97 赵毅:全球化:二十一世纪国际冲突的主导因素,山西高等学校社会科学学报,2005年2月第17卷第2期。
    98 GATT 1994第20条一般例外:在遵守关于此类措施的实施不在情形相同的国家之间构成任意或不合理歧视的手段或构成对国际贸易的变相限制的前提下,本协议的任何规定不得解释为阻止任何缔约方采取或实施以下措施:(g)与保护可用尽的自然资源有关的措施,如此类措施与限制国内生产或消费一同实施。
    99 WT/DS248,美国钢铁保障措施案。
    100 高树超:WTO争端解决机制漫谈之六,时代经贸,2004年第12期。
    101 左海聪:WTO专家组和上诉机构可适用的法律,法学评论,2005年第5期。
    102 Bhagirath Lal Das:WTO:发展中国家近期面临的挑战,"WTO中的发展中国家:挑战与机遇”讨论会会议材料之一,http://old.iwep.org.cn/html/meeting/wtoyantaohui/fazbanzhongguojiajinqimianlindetiaozhan.pdf
    103 纪文华、姜丽勇:谈判无期限--WTO多哈议程争端解决机制修改谈判中的核心问题,国际贸易,2004年第8期。
    104 刘俊月、邓集文:我国非政府组织发展中存在的问题及其对策,行政论坛,2006第2期。
    105 李景鹏:关于非政府组织若干问题的探讨,新视野,2003第1期第37、410页。
    106 炳耀:澳大利亚非营利组织及其对中国的启示,中国民间组织网。
    107 韩洁:国务院首次选择11家非政府组织参与农村扶贫,新华网。
    108 邓国胜:中国NGO问卷调查分析.联合国区域发展中心,清华大学NGO研究所,2001年。
    109 马宏:新加坡、香港、深圳民间组织发展比较研究,中国民间组织网。
    110 花宇南:和谐社会构建中我国NGO筹资的困境及对策,辽宁行政学院学报,2007年第5期。
    9.刘俊月、邓集文:我国非政府组织发展中存在的问题及其对策,行政论坛,2006 第2期。
    33.Bhagirath Lal Das:WTO:发展中国家近期面临的挑战,“WTO中的发展中国家:挑战与机遇”讨论会会议材料之一。
    34.Richard H.Steinberg:Judicial Lawmaking at the WTO:Discursive,Constitutional,and Political Constraints,American Journal of lnternational Law,Vol.98,No.2,2004.
    35.Lone Razzaque,Changing role of friends of the court in the International Courts and Tribunals,Non-State Actor and International Law 1:2002.
    36. Karen O Connor & Lee Epstein, Court Rules and Workload: A Case Study of Rules Governing Araicus Curiae Participation, Justice System Journal, Vol, 8,1983.
    37. Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill: The influence of Amicus Curiae briefs On the supreme court, 48U. Pa. L. Rev. 743(2000).
    38. John Howard: Retaliation, Reinstatement, and Friends of the Court: Amicus Participation in Brock V. Roadway Express. Inc., 31 How. L. J. 241,253 (1988).
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