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The phenomenon of prairie desertification which is becoming increasingly serious today causes attention from both natural and social science. As a branch of social science, environmental sociology analyzes and discusses reasons, situation and countermeasures to prairie desertification from the angle of relationship between human beings and ecological environment and relationship among human beings involving ecological environment. As one of the countermeasures for harnessing desertification, eco-migration is naturally included into the study scope of environmental sociology.
    Eco-migration is widely adopted and carried out in ecological protection and construction in the western China. How about its ecological and social effect? What experiences have been gained? What risks and disadvantages exist? How to prevent these risks? What lessons should we gain? These questions need to be answered with a scientific attitude. At present, study on eco-migration mainly focuses on analyzing such aspects as its reasons, situation, effect, problems and solving methods. Being different from former studies, this thesis pays attention to the character of eco-migration, and takes the Luanjingtan eco-migration in the Alashan League, Inner Mongol Autonomous Region as an example to discuss voluntary and involuntary migration and relevant problems from the angle of environmental sociology.
    This thesis contains five chapters:
    The first chapter is the introduction. It introduces the origin and theme of this study, relevant study achievements and methods. The origin of this study involves three aspects: the relation between environmental sociology and eco-migration, effect of eco-migration and eco-migration problems discovered in practical investigation. Relevant achievements include eco-migration study, "push-pull theory" in voluntary migration and empirical summary to involuntary migration. Questionnaire survey and depth interview are main methods for collecting materials.
    The second chapter is the theoretical frame for expounding the thesis. The voluntary-involuntary migrating frame which is judged by
    migration force is the starting point for analyzing eco-migration. This chapter discusses the voluntary and involuntary dual character of eco-migration. The significance of the theory discussion is in its practical appliance, that is: in the process of eco-migration, voluntary and involuntary migration can be combined.
    The third chapter mainly introduces the geographical and ecological background of the thesis. Under the double effect of nature and human beings, the ecological environment of Alashan League, which was very weak before, has been seriously destroyed, and is getting worse rapidly. So it's very necessary and urgent to deal with the environment of Alashan League. And its eco-migration has typical characteristics.
    The forth chapter is the main part of this thesis. This chapter expounds types, migration, life and production of the eco-migrating households in Luanjingtan. Because the characters of subsistence eco-migration and project eco-migration are different, diversity appears in migrating and setting up of households. Besides, the factor of push-pull and stable-emigrating in the Luanjingtan eco-migration is also the main content analyzed and expounded in the thesis.
    The fifth chapter is the summary and thought of this thesis. The summary points out that during the process of eco-migration, we should combine the voluntary and involuntary migration to complement each other's advantages, and realize the sustainability of migrating, setting up of households, ecological recovery, protecting and constructing in eco-migration. The thought part extends the idea of "environmental self-conscious" from Mr. Fei Xiaotong's "cultural self-conscious". This thesis holds the idea that only the eco-migration, which is constructed on the basis of "environmental self-conscious", could achieve the effect of bilateral profiting.
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