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     利用分子标记辅助选择方法(MAS),结合地下茎的有无、花粉育性、花药开裂等性状,从包含有5261个单株的F2群体中筛选了4个F2单株自交形成F3群体后进行地下茎基因Rhz2和Rhz3的精细定位。研究结果证实了以前发现的两个显性互补基因Rhz2和Rhz3控制地下茎表达的遗传规律;地下茎基因Rhz2精细定位在长雄野生稻基因组序列的scaffold2675和scaffold9327,这两个scaffold覆盖了长雄野生稻基因组的178.92kb,并整合到水稻第三号染色体上;地下茎基因Rhz3精细定位在长雄野生稻基因组序列的scaffold26912、scaffold30607, scaffold9358和scaffold6613,这四个scaffold覆盖了长雄野生稻基因组的40.49kb,并整合到水稻第四号染色体上。
     利用Affymetrix公司的水稻基因组芯片(包含有51,279个探针,分别表示48,564个粳稻、1,260个籼稻的转录本)进行长雄野生稻地下茎全基因组表达谱的研究。研究结果表明5种组织中都有特异的基因群表达;58个基因在地下茎生长点中特异表达,其中几个基因与分蘖的起始和延伸相关;和地上茎生长点的表达水平相比,在地下茎生长点中发现了162个上调基因和261个下调基因,在这两种组织中,与植物激素有关的基因和具有冗余功能的基因家族受到明显的不同调控;几种顺式调控元件,包括CGACG, GCCCORE, GAGAC和一个Myb核心在地下茎生长点和地下茎节间中特异表达基因的上游启动子区富集;与地上茎生长点相比,两个涉及到ABA信号通路的顺式作用元件,RY重复和TAAAG在地下茎生长点中过表达;几个地下茎特异表达基因共同定位在地下茎相关QTLs的染色体区域,这些基因可能是地下茎相关基因克隆的功能候选基因。
Cultivation of annual rice on steep hillsides causes soil erosion and reduces farm productivity. A perennial, rhizomatous rice cultivar would produce food and reduce erosion, subsequently, increase food and ecosystem security. A logical donor of the perennial and rhizomatous traits is Oryza longistaminata, a perennial wild rice that produces rhizomes. However, traditional breeding efforts to transfer the trait have not yet been successful. The rhizomatous growth habit in rice is controlled by many genes, and the molecular mechanism related to rhizome initiation and elongation is still unknown. Using the strategies of fine mapping and microarray technology, we fine mapped the rhizome genes that are Rhz2 and Rhz3 which were mapped preliminary via molecular marker on rice chromosome 3 and chromosome 4, respectively. Meanwhile, we also investigated the gene expression patterns in rhizome tips, rhizome internodes, aerial shoot tips, aerial shoot internodes, and young leaves to improve our understanding of rhizome development at the molecular level.
     There are 4 F3 populations, which derived from the self-crossing generation of F2 individual that selected via MAS, rhizome present, pollen fertility and anther dehiscence from a F2 population within 5261 individuals, were employed to fine map the rhizome genes, Rhz2 and Rhz3. The two dominant-complementary genes controlling rhizomatousness was confirmed. The Rhz2 was fine mapped to the scaffold2675 and scaffold9327 which are coved 178.92kb on the physical map of O. longistaminata on rice chromosome 3 and the Rhz4 was located on the scaffold26912, scaffold30607, scaffold9358 and scaffold6613, which are coved 40.49kb on the physical map of O. longistaminata on rice chromosome 4.
     Microarray experiments were performed using one Affymetrix GeneChip Rice Genome Array (Santa Clara, CA) for the five samples. The array contains 51,279 probe sets representing 48,564 japonica and 1,260 indica transcripts. Different gene sets were determined exclusively expressed in five tissues.58 genes were identified as prevalent sets in the rhizome tip. Of these, several genes were functionally involved in tiller initiation and elongation. We found 162 genes up-regulated and 261 genes down-regulated in rhizome tips compared to the expression level in shoot tips that we examined. Strikingly, the genes related to phytohormone and the gene families with redundancy function were obviously differentially regulated in these two tissues. Several cis-regulatory elements, including CGACG, GCCCORE, GAGAC and a Myb Core, were highly enriched in the rhizome tip or internode, and two cis-elements, RY repeat and TAAAG, which are implicated in the ABA signaling pathway, were found overrepresented in the rhizome tip in comparison with the shoot tip. A few rhizome-specific expressed genes were co-localized on the rhizome-related QTLs regions, indicating these genes may be good functional candidates for the cloning of rhizome-related genes.
     The whole genome profiling of O. longistaminata indicated that a very complex gene regulatory network underlies rhizome development and growth, and that there might be an overlapping regulatory mechanism in the establishment of rhizomes and tillers. Phytohormones such as IAA and GA are involved in the signaling pathway in determining rhizomes. Several cis-elements enriched in rhizomes and rhizome-specific genes co-localized on the rhizome-related QTL intervals provide a base for further dissection of the molecular mechanism that controls the rhizomatous growth habit. The fine mapping of the Rhz2 and Rhz3 will facilitate cloning of the genes, which may contribute significantly to our understanding of grass evolution, advance opportunities to develop perennial cereals, and offer insights into environmentally benign wee-control strategies.
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