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但丁·加百列·罗塞蒂(Dante Gabriel Rossetti)是19世纪前拉斐尔派的领军人物,他的作品带上了维多利亚时代的烙印。对其绘画时间景观的研究,是众多个案研究中的一个新视角,结合其作品形式所展现的时间意味、作品内核中所蕴藏的时间体验,以及其绘画中时间表达方式和观念对后世的影响,探索绘画这一空间艺术所凝结的时间意义。
Dante Gabriel Rossetti was a leader of the Pre-Raphaelite in Nineteenth Century, whose works accompanied with a mark of Victorian Age. One of the new research perspectives is the time scenery in Rossetti's paintings, which explores the time meaning reflected by his paintings as a space art by combining the time meanings in the form of his works, the artist's time experiences lying in the core massage of his works and the express way and idea of time in his paintings, which affects others in later ages.
     The thesis cleans out three unique time sceneries in Rossetti's paintings:The first one is the retrospection of time. By representing the past things, Rossetti breaks the limitation of time which regress the time series to the past. Thus, by representing the past things in paintings, Rossetti rebuilds the past sceneries. Rossetti gets a transformation of current time pressure and an escape of modern industrial civilization through retrospective means, such as three image patterns:a new expression of old subject, yesterday once more and the return of classical. The second is the solidification of time. When the time series blocked, time is concentrated to a singularity. During the frozen moment, time is in highly intensive and rich in aesthetic charming with act reservoir in still. Thus, instantaneous eternal significance abolishes the time dimension, which let people forget the pressure form the irreversible time. Rossetti giving praises to the sexy woman, natural plants and other symbols of life is to sing the elegy for youth and obtain the imaginary relief in the still time. The last is the spatialization of time. Combining with varieties of art forms and integrating several time art resources, Rossetti creates a posture of time spreading and rushing in the space art. The world changes into a free maze in space art. Thus people find the control strength of time in the open arts habitat. Rossetti introduces design, literature, music and other artistic effect and time means into paintings, opens interactive influence and diversified time and space scene, constructs transcend time system.
     The characteristic of Rossetti's paintings lie in:firstly, in his paintings, Rossetti expresses time consciousness and time experience. He uses the space form of painting to place time concepts related to various proposition. Secondly, three time sceneries in Rossetti's paintings integrate many techniques of time expression means in visual still art. In different respects of the contents and forms, the paintings give the aesthetic acceptance, visual thinking, psychological experience and more impressions with time change by waking up the cultural memory, putting in the imagination, settling activity in still, using the pun of symbol and metaphor, the suggestion of the form tension, the guide of image narration, the conversion show of poetry and painting, the synaesthesia of visual music and so on. Thirdly, the time scenery of Rossetti's Paintings interact time art and space art practicing the idea that time and space couldn't be separated and endowing space-time relationship the complicated concept with active explain. The thesis takes the paintings of Rossetti as chief source to study the time problem in space, and card its state of spread and inherit, in order to explore paintings'time questions in a full and holographic view.
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    1 Robert Ross. An Observation:Rossetti[M]. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs Vol.13. No.62 (May,1908):116-123.
    2 Robert Ross.An Observation:Rossetti[M]. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs Vol.13. No.62 (May,1908):116-123.
    (UK) Julian Treuherz. Elizabeth Prettejohn. Edwin Becker .Dante Gabriel Rossetti[M]. Thames & Hudson,2003:114.
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    2 即是肉的灵化、灵的肉化,强调肉体感觉与精神体验的交融合一。援引自罗塞蒂”Soul's Beauty" and "Body's Beauty".后来被唯美主义引申为灵肉合致,或者灵肉合一。
    ' See "Music and art" in : The Dictionary of Art[C]. Grove,1996.
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    3 Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The House of Life[M]. KESSINGER PUB LLC,2010.
    4 Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti V2:With Illustrations from His Own Pictures and Designs (1904) [M]. W. M. KESSINGER PUB LLC,2009.
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    5 (1)Henry Treffry. Dunn, Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his circle:or Cheyne walk life[M].Westerham:Dalrymple Press,1984;(2)Henry Treffry. Dunn. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his circle[M]. London:Elkin Mathews,1904 [1903].
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    2 Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Brings together work from every period of his life in all media[M]. Accompanies the exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery. Liverpool and the Van Gogh Museum,2005.
    (UK)Julian Treuherz.Elizabeth Prettejohn.Edwin Becker. Dante Gabriel Rossetti[M]. Thames & Hudson,2003.
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    7 Virginia Surtees. The Painting and Drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. Oxford U,1971.
    8 (UK)Julian Treuherz. Elizabeth Prettejohn. Edwin Becker. Dante Gabriel Rossetti[M]. Thames & Hudson,2003.
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    3 李建群.英国美术史话[M],北京:人民美术出版社,2000.
    4 主要有(1)朱伯雄.拉斐尔前派[M].上海:人民美术出版社,1985:(2)朱伯雄.维多利亚人的浮想[M].上海:上海书店出版社,2005.
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    1 William Gaunt. The Pre-Raphaelite tragedy[M]. London:Cape,1975.
    2 (1)Julian Treuherz. Victorian painting[C]. London:Thames and Hudson, c1993;(2)Julian Treuherz. Pre-Raphaelite paintings from the Manchester City Art Gallery[C]. London:City of Manchester Art Galleries,1980.1st ed.
    3 (UK) Julian Treuherz. Elizabeth Prettejohn. Edwin Becker. Dante Gabriel Rossetti[M]. Thames & Hudson,2003:20.
    4 (1)Elizabeth Prettejohn. Rossetti an his circle[M]. London:Tate Gallery,c1997; (2) Elizabeth Prettejohn.After the Pre-Raphaelites:art and aestheticism in Victorian England[M]. Manchester:Manchester University Press, c1999; (3) Elizabeth Prettejohn. The Cambridge companion to the Pre-Raphaelites[C]. New York:Cambridge University Press,2012; (4)Elizabeth Prettejohn. The art of the pre-Raphaelites. London:Tate Publishing[C],2000; (5)Elizabeth Prettejohn. J.W. Waterhouse:the modern Pre-Raphaelite[C]. New York:Distributed in the United States and Canada by H.N. Abrams, c2008.
    5 Alicia Craig Faxon. Dante Gabriel Rossetti[M]. Abbeville Press Publishers,1989:55.
    6 Michelle Ilona. Griff iths. "Soul's Beauty" and "Body's Beauty":The feminine figures in the poems and paintings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[D]. Kent State University,1997;Amy Loraine Bingama. The embodiment of dreams:Portraiture and the pre-Raphaelite search for the ideal (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Elizabeth Siddall, William Morris, Jane Burden Morris)[D]. The University of Chicago,2005;Lorraine W. Wood. The language of music:Paradigms of performance in Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Vernon Lee, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf[D].The University of Utah,2009等等。
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    2 Amy Loraine Bingaman. The embodiment of dreams:Portraiture and the pre-Raphaelite search for the ideal (Dante Gabriel Rossetti,Elizabeth Siddall, William Morris, Jane Burden Morris)[D]. The University of Chicago Ph. D.2005.
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    1 Edouard Rod. The English Pre-Raphaelites. First Article[J]. The Connoisseur, Vol.2, No.3 (Mar. 1888):109-123.
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    3 工朝闻.工朝闻集(第一卷)[M].成都:四川美术出版社,1989:184
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    3 吴国盛.时间的观念[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1996:229.
    4 钱钟书.读《拉奥孔》[A].钱钟书论学文选(第6卷)[C].广州:花城出版社,1990.
    1 Jan Marsh. Collected Writings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti:All the poetry andmore[C]. New Amsterdam Books. Chicago,2000:册页
    2 double work of art有多种解释:1、指的是诗歌和绘画两种艺术的创作;2、指的是意大利诗歌和英文诗歌两种语言艺术;3、同一名称的绘画有两幅或省更多的变体画:4、指的是罗塞蒂绘画的两种类型:一类是历史画(包括有文学色彩的作品),一类是当代绘画(现实题材的作品)。5、布莱克有'composite art"指引导人们将诗画联合起来对读,而double work of art"双重艺术强调的是罗塞蒂诗画同题作品之间的差异性,因为他的同名诗画之间各有相当的独立性,各自的意象完整,创作时间间隔久远,各自体现各自艺术形式的魅力。6、诗画之间的鸿沟是必然存在的,但是同名诗画之间的关系又是有迹可循的,双重艺术指的就是其同名诗歌绘画作品之间的紧密关系,因为罗塞蒂诗歌当中的质感、画面感经常会在同名绘画中找到对应意象,并且罗塞蒂现存的绘画作品,很多的画框上或者背面,就留下了罗塞蒂同题诗歌片段的手迹。7、指的是罗塞蒂的个性,带着文学气质的画家.追求艺术和爱互相协调、物质和精神互相纠缠、想法和行功的互相混合:本文倾向于最后一种解释。
    1 陈文忠.论富于孕育性的顷刻——绘画情境叙事艺术抒情意境[J].艺术研究.1994(6):146.
    2 赵武平主编.王尔德全集[C].第4卷.北京:中国文学出版社,2000:11-12.
    3 详见:钱钟书.通感[A].1949-2009文论选[C].北京:人民文学出版社,2009:133.
    4 王宁弘.通感隐喻的认知基础和哲学意义[J].北京:外语与外语教学.2008(4).
    5 佐佐木健一著.美学入门[M].赵京华.王成译.成都:四川人民出版社,2008:18.
    1 (UK) Julian Treuherz. Elizabeth Prettejohn. Edwin Becker.Dante Gabriel Rossetti [M]. Thames & Hudson,2003:101.
    2 http://www.rossettiarchive.org/racs/bio-exhibit/index.html.
    Grows and is quiet. Till, one dawn at home/She woke in her white bed, and had no fear/At all,--yet wept till sunshine, and felt awed/Because the fullness of the time was come.
    1 吴国盛.时间的观念[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1996:239.
    1 陈文忠.论富于孕育性的顷刻——绘画情境叙事艺术抒情意境[J].艺术研究,1994(6):138.
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    6 飞白译.英国维多利亚时代诗选[C].长沙:湖南人民出版社,1985:196
    1 [意]达·芬奇著.达·芬奇论绘画[M].戴勉译.北京:人民美术出版社,1979:20.
    2 [德]伽达默尔著.审美的时间性.美的现实性[M].张志扬译.一上海:三联书店,1991:124.
    3 邱文生.语境与文化意象的理解和传译[J].合肥:安徽大学学报,2004.(3):135.
    4 飞白译.英国维多利亚时代诗选[C].长沙:湖南人民出版社,1985:194.
    5 [英]贡布里希著.艺术中的瞬间和运动[A]中关于莎夫茨伯里的论述.范景中选编.贡布里希论设计[C].长沙:湖南科技出版社,2001:24.
    6 萨林·柯马尔.伊万卡斯克尔著.艺术史的语言[M].王春辰.李笑男.杨扬翻译.南京:江苏美术出版社,2008:96-97
    1 飞白译.英国维多利亚时代诗选[c].长沙:湖南人民出版社,1985:196
    2 飞白译.英国维多利亚时代诗选[C].长沙:湖南人民出版社,1985:194.
    3 [英]约翰·罗斯金著.前拉斐尔主义[M].张翔译.上海:世纪出版集团.上海人民出版社,2008:178.
    4 飞自译.英国维多利亚时代诗选[C].长沙:湖南人民出版社,1985:196
    5 工朝闻.“意味深长的沉默”——文艺欣赏随笔[J].美术,1958(5):36.
    1 南建钟.经典英语诗歌[C].西安:世界图书出版公司,2008:132.
    2 http://www.rossettiarchive.org/racs/bio-exhibit/index.html.
    2 陈嘉.英国文学史[M].上海:商务印书馆,1996:317.
    1 戚灵岭.视觉音乐与色彩音乐[A].范景中.曹意强主编.美术史与观念史[C].南京:南京师范大学出版社,2006.
    2 E. Winternitz. "Leonardo and Music". in:L. Reti ed…, The Unknow Leonardo[M], New York,1974
    A. Alfassa. "L' Origine de la latter de Poussin sur les modes d'apres un travail recent" [J].Bull. Sco.Hist. A.Fra.,1933:125-143.
    4 See "Music and art" in:The Dictionary of Art[C]. Grove,1996.
    5 Walter Pater. The Renaissance[M]. London,1961:129.
    James Mcneil Whistler. Lettr to The Word[J].22 May 1878;Reprinted in Whistler. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. New York,1967:127-128.
    2 赵丰、徐京安.唯美主义[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1988:67.
    8 [德]赫尔曼·巴尔.表现主义[M].徐菲译.上海:三联书店,1989:40-41.
    1 W. M. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti:His Family letters[C]. Boston Roberts Brothers,1895:87-89.
    1 W. M. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti:His Family letters[C]. Boston Roberts Brothers,1895:91.
    1 Stephens. 1865:545.转引自(UK) Julian Treuherz. Elizabeth Prettejohn. Edwin Becker. Dante Gabrie. Rossetti[C]. Thames & Hudson,2003:80.
    2 Cahiers G. L. M. Guy Levis-Mano[M]. Fata Morgana, 1982:5.
    1 杨身源.西方画论辑要[M].南京:凤凰出版传媒集团.江苏美术出版社,2010:198.
    2 袁德成译.现代西方文学批评术语词典[Z].成都:四川人民出版社,1987:5
    3 飞白.英国维多利业时代诗选[C].长沙:湖南人民出版社,1985:17-18.
    4 王智慧.绘画艺术的运动感表达[D].河北师范大学硕士学位论文.2008.
    1 在罗塞蒂的诗歌《肉体之美》中描述女主角利莉思是一个女巫.是亚当爱上夏娃之前的第一任妻子Body's Beauty:Of Adam's first wife, Lilith, it is told/(The witch he loved before the gift of Eve,)/That, ere the snake's, her sweet tongue could deceive,/And her enchanted hair was the first gold./And still she sits.young while the earth is old,/And, subtly of herself contemplative,/Draws men to watch the bright web she can weave,/Till heart and body and life are in tis hold.//The rose and poppy are her flowers;for where/Is he not found,0 Lilith, whom shed scent/And soft-shed kisses and soft sleep shall snare?/Lo!as that youth's eyes burned at thine, so went/Thy spell through him, and left his straight neck bent/And round his heart one strangling golden hair
    2 [英]贡布里希著.面i具和面孔[A].范景中选编贡布里希论设计[C].长沙:湖南科技出版社,2001:99.
    3 [意]达·芬奇著.达·芬奇论绘画[M].戴勉译.北京:人民美术出版社,1979:26-27.
    4 傅松雪.时间美学导论[M].济南:山东人民出版社, 2009:297.
    1 傅松雪.时间美学导论[M].济南:山东人民出版社,2009:297.
    2 W. M. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti:His Family letters[C]. Boston Roberts Brothers,1895:53.
    1 1882年法国批评家埃内斯特·谢诺(Ernest Chesneau)在他很有影响力的书籍《19世纪英国绘画勐(The 19th-century English Painting)中评价:罗塞蒂的作品和前拉斐尔派的整体风格一样,不仪缺乏艺术创新的技巧,而且画面上有数不尽的细节很难懂,这是后来的油画很少再见到的。
    2 罗伯特·德拉·西茨曼(Robert de la Sizmann)只因看过罗塞蒂的《卢克雷齐亚·博尔贾》(Lucrezia Borgia),就被当中惊人的细节迷住了。例如背景中的镜子,他试图辨析那些象征符号,并用一对一比较的方法,不带主观性地解剖罗塞蒂象征层的真正意义,但发现越深入越困惑,因为罗塞蒂是按照自己的历史观来描绘博尔贾家庭的,而不是客观的历史事实。
    4 像画家扬·韦(Jan Veth)曾经刻印了一幅罗塞蒂的肖像画,他很喜欢自画像和为出版物做插图,他被西德尔的脸庞吸引,盛赞“美的、杰出的,我从来没有见过那么深情的眼睛,从神秘的脸上看着你。”查德·罗兰·霍尔斯特(Richard Roland Holst)作为社会政治艺术的支持者,将个性的罗塞蒂看成是反抗现代文明和主流社会的代表,认为罗塞蒂肖像画的“美具有一种绝对的力量,高高的凌驾于或者远离人群,只顺服于诗歌……”他没有强调罗塞蒂画作的性感,而是强调了他人物形象的固定化:她们的外形看起来像梦或者记忆。
    1 鲁道夫·卡斯纳(Rudolf Kassner)读了罗塞蒂的十四行诗歌,看了西德尔站在窗边的铅笔画,也创作了一幅类似的作品。
    一理夏德·米特尔(Richard Muther)在《近代绘画的历史》(History of Modern Painting)中强调了罗塞蒂绘画性感的一而。
    Richard Muther. Studien. ed[J]. Hans Rosenhagen. Berlin,1925:287.
    1 黑格尔著.精神哲学——哲学全书(第三部分)[M].杨祖陶译.北京:人民出版社.2006:278.
    1 吴国盛.时间的观念[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1996:28.
    1 [法]列维纳斯.从存在到存在者[M].何青译.南京:江苏教育出版社,2006:116.
    W.M. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti:His Family letters[C]. Boston Roberts Brothers, 1895:57-60.
    W. M. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti:His Family letters[C]. Boston Roberts Brothers, 1895:80.
    W.M. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti:His Family letters[C]. Boston Roberts Brothers, 1895:179.
    John Ruskin. The Lamp of Beauty[M]Joan Evans Ithaca, N. Y. :Cornell University Press, 1980:158
    1 The quotation is from Rossetti's "The Blessed Damoze"[J]. The Times.1883.
    2 (UK) Julian Treuherz. Elizabeth Prettejohn. Edwin Becker.Dante Gabriel Rossetti [M]. Thames & Hudson,2003:115.
    3 Roger Fry. Rossetti:Water Colours of 1857[J], Burlington Magazine 29(June 1916):100//For a reproduction of Chapel before the Lists, see Surtees, Catalogue, no.99.
    4 Gleeson White. English Illustration:"The Sixties"[J],1855-70. London:Archibald Constable,1897:158.
    5 Alicia Craig Faxon. Dante Gabriel Rossetti[M]. Abbeville Press Publishers,1989:218.
    1 [德]莱辛.拉奥孔[M].朱光潜译.北京:人民文学出版社,1979.
    2 [德]恩斯特·卡西尔著.人论[M].甘阳译.上海:译文出版社,2004:66.
    3 肖伟胜.视觉文化与图像意识研究[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2011:124.
    1 杭间.艺术向度[M].北京:中国发展出版社,2000:39.
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    [42]Allen Lane and Penguin. The Pre-Raphaelites[M]. exhibition catalogue,Tate Gallery Publishing in Association,1984.
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    [1]Robert Ross. Rossetti:An Observation Rossetti[M]. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 13, No. 62 (May,1908):116-123.
    [2]Martin A. Danahay. Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Virtual Bodies [J]. Victorian Poetry, Vol. 36, No. 4(Winter, 1998):379-398.
    [3]D. M. R. Bentley. Political Themes in the Work of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. Victorian Poetry, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Autumn, 1979) : 159-179.
    [4]J. Hillis Miller. The Mirror's Secret: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Double Work of Art [J]. Victorian Poetry, Vol. 29, No. 4, Contemporary Critics Look at Victorian Poetry (Winter, 1991):333-349.
    [5]Maggie Berg. Reviewed work(s) : Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Jane Morris: Their Correspondence by John Bryson[J]. The Review of English Studies, New Series, Vol. 28, No. 112 (Nov. , 1977) : 515-516.
    [6]John Bryson Reviewed work(s) :The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Oswald Doughty[J]. The Review of English Studies, New Series, Vol. 19, No. 74 (May,1968):224-226.
    [7]Joan Rees. Reviewed work (s) : Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Dante Gabriel Rossetti;0swaldDoughty;John Robert Wahl[J]. The Modern Language Review, Vol. 63, No. 1 (Jan. , 1968) :223-224.
    [8]Joan Rees. Reviewed work(s): The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Dante Gabriel Rossetti;Oswald Doughty;J. R. Wahl[J].The Modern Language Review, Vol.64, No. 2 (Apr. , 1969) : 409-411.
    [9]Randall Davies. Rossetti's Earliest Drawings[J].The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 76, No.442(Jan.,1940):22-23.
    [10]David Sonstroem. Reviewed work(s): Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J];John Robert Wahl;Oswald Doughty. Victorian Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Dec., 1966): 220-222.
    [11]Ronald W. Johnson. Dante Rossetti's Beatrice Beatrix and the New Life[J]. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 4(Dec., 1975) :548-558.
    [12]Clyde de L. Ryals, Clyde de L. Ryals .Reviewed work(s) : Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Vol. Ⅲ:1871-1876 by Oswald Doughty;John Robert Wahl;Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Vol. Ⅳ: 1877-1882 by Oswald Doughty;John Robert Wahl;Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. Modern Philology, Vol. 66, No. 4(May,1969):386-390.
    [13]William E. Fredeman Reviewed work(s):Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti:Volume Ⅲ:1871-1876 by John Robert Wahl;Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti:Volume Ⅳ: 1877-1882 by Oswald Doughty;Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. Victorian Studies, Vol. 12, No.1 (Sep., 1968):104-108.
    [14]George P. Hayes. Reviewed work(s) : Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the Blessed Damozel :The Unpublished Manuscript, Texts and Collation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. South Atlantic Bulletin,Vol.4,No.1 (Apr., 1938):8.
    [15]Helene E. Roberts. The Dream World of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. Victorian Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4(Jun. , 1974) :371-393.
    [16]Shirley Bury. Rossetti and His Jewellery[J]. The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 118, No. 875(Feb. , 1976):94-102.
    [17]Jan Marsh. Rossetti's 'Nativity' and 'The Seed of David'[J]. The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 141, No.1159(Oct.,1999):606-612.
    [18]Virginia Surtees."Portrait Head of Jane Morris" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin, Vol. 73, No. 317(Jun., 1977):13-17.
    [19]Gail S. Weinberg. An Irish Maniac':Ruskin, Rossetti, and Francis McCracken[J]. The Burlington Magazine,Vol.143,No. 1181(Aug., 2001):491-493.
    [20]Virginia Surtees. 'Beauty and the Bird' :A New Rossetti Drawing[J]. The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 115, No. 839, The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Ford Madox Brown, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Brett, Edward Burne-Jones(Feb., 1973):84-87.
    [21]William E. Fredeman. Rossetti's Impromptu Portraits of Tennyson Reading 'Maud'[J]. The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 105, No. 720(Mar., 1963):117-116.
    [22]Catherine Golden. Dante Gabriel Rossetti's TwoSided Art[J]. Victorian Poetry, Vol. 26, No. 4(Winter, 1988):394-402.
    [23]Andrew M. Stauffer, D. G. Rossetti;Five Letters from D. G. Rossetti to John Payne[J]. The Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 1/2 (2003): 177-189.
    [24]Jerome McGann. The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti:A Hypermedia Research Archive[J]. Victorian Literature and Culture,Vol. 22, (1994):223-232.
    [25]janet Camp Troxell. Reviewed work(s):Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti to Fanny Cornforth. by Paull Franklin Baum[J]. Modern Language Notes, Vol. 56, No. 5 (May, 1941) : 399-400.
    [26]Alistair Grieve. Reviewed work(s) :Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Painter and Poet by Jan Marsh[J]. The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 142, No. 1164 (Mar. ,2000):178-179.
    [27]Richard L. Stein. Reviewed work(s):Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Limits of Victorian Vision by David G. Riede[J]. Comparative Literature, Vol. 38, No. 2(Spring, 1986) :207-208.
    [28]F. G. Stephens.H. C. M. Reviewed work (s): Dante Gabriel Rossetti [J].The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 12, No. 56(Nov. , 1907) : 114.
    [29]Paul1 F. Baum. Reviewed work(s): The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti to his Publisher, F. S. Ellis.by Oswald Doughty. Orion.by R. H. Horne. Modern Language Notes, Vol. 44,No. 5 (May,1929):334-336.
    [30]Debra N. Mancoff. Reviewed work(s) :Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Alicia Craig Faxon. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement by Jan Marsh; Pamela Gerrish Nunn[J]. Victorian Studies, Vol. 34, No.1(Autumn, 1990):114-116.
    [31]Susan P. Casteras. Reviewed work(s):The Art of Dante Gabriel Rossetti:The Watercolours and Drawings of 1850-1855 by A. I. Grieve[J]. Victorian Studies,Vol. 23,No. 3(Spring, 1980):414-416.
    [32]Frederick M. Tisdel. Rossetti's "House of Life "[J]. Modern Philology, Vol. 15, No. 5 (Sep. , 1917) :257-276.
    [33]Joseph H. Gardner. Rossetti as Wordsmith:The "Sewborn Death" Sonnets of "The House of Life"[J].Victorian Poetry, Vol. 20, No. 3/4, An Issue Devoted to the Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Autumn - Winter, 1982): 15-27.
    [34]Robyn Cooper. The Relationship between the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and Painters before Raphael in English Criticism of the Late 1840s and 1850s. Victorian Studies, Vol. 24, No. 4(Summer, 1981):405-438.
    [35]Edouard Rod. The English Pre-Raphaelites[J]. First. Article. The Connoisseur, Vol.2, No. 3 (Mar. , 1888) : 109-123.
    [36]Stephen J. Spector. Love, Unity, and Desire in the Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[J]. ELH, Vol. 38, No. 3(Sep. , 1971):432-458.
    [37]Griffiths, Michelle Ilona. "Soul's Beauty" and "Body's Beauty": The feminine figures in the poems and paintings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[D]. Kent State University Ph.D. 1997
    [38]Amy Loraine Bingaman. The embodiment of dreams:Portraiture and the pre-Raphaelite search for the ideal (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Elizabeth Siddall, William Morris, Jane Burden Morris) [D]. The University of Chicago Ph. D. 2005.
    [39]Wood, Lorraine W. The language of music: Paradigms of performance in Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Vernon Lee, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf[D]. The University of Utah Ph.D. 2009.
    [40]Houston, Natalie Melissa. Capturing the moment:A cultural history of the Victorian sonnet (David Gray, Alexander Smith, Sydney Dobell, Roger Fenton, Dante Gabriel Rossetti)[D]. Duke University Ph.D.1998.
    [41]Stoner,Joyce Hill. Textured surfaces:Technique, facture, and friendship in the work of James McNeill Whistler[D]. University of Delaware Ph. D. 1995.
    [42]Gamon, Patricia Bradshaw. "Millais' luck":A Pre-Raphaelite's quest for success in the Victorian painting and print market, 1848-1863[D]. Stanford University Ph.D.1991.
    [43]Godbey, Margaret J. Vying for authority: Realism, myth, and the painter in British literature, 1800—1855[D]. Temple University. English. Ph. D. 2010.
    [44]Carr, Julie Alice, Surface tension:Affect, time, and critique in lute-Victorian poetry[D]. University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. 2006.
    [45]Halsall, Alison Jill. Render ing Siddall :H. D. 's version of the Pre-Raphaelite "cult of youthful beauty"[D]. York University (Canada) Ph. D. 2004.
    [46]Robichaud, Paul Joseph. David Jones, modernism, and the Middle Ages[D]. University of Toronto (Canada) Ph. D. 2001.
    [47]Le Gall, Shalini. Evangelical imperialism: Holman Hunt and religious painting in the Middle East[D]. Northwestern University.Art History Ph. D. 2009.
    [48]Kulpa, Kara M. Powerful women in medieval times:The rebirth of the female heroine in popular culture[D]. Southern Connecticut State University Ph. D. 2008.
    [92]刘彦顺.从“主体性”走向“存在”与“时间性”——30年以来美学演进对 美育学的推动[J].广播电视大学学报,2009(3).
    [1]Lionel Lambourne. Victorian Painting[C]. printed in Hong Kong, first publish 1999.
    [2]Surtees. V. The Paintings and Drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1828-1882)[C]. A Catalogue Raisonne. Clarendon Press,1991.
    [3]David Rodgers. Rossetti[M]. First Publish 1996. Reprinted 1998 2002 2003. Phaidon Press Limited 1996.
    [4]Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Brings together work from every period of his life in all media[C]. Accompanies the exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool and the Van Gogh Museum,2005.
    [5]Virginia Surtees. The Paintings and Drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti[C]. Oxford U.,1971.
    [6]Michael Robinson. The Pre-Raphaelites[C]. Flame Tree Publishing,2007.
    [7]Malcolm Warner. The Victorian British Painting (1837-1901). National Galley of Art. Washington,1999.
    [11]http://www.rossettiarchive.org/racs/bio-exhibit/index. html(罗塞蒂网)
    [12]http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/510183/Dante-Gabriel-Ro ssetti(大不列颠网)
    [16]http://www.art.com/gallery/id—a23654/aff—conf/ctid—880558064/r fid—381997/tkid—15051782/dante-rossetti-posters.htm(一书王)
    [18]http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/paintingflowers/artists/rossetti.sht ml (bbc网)
    [22]http://www.ocaiw.com/rossetti. htm
    [24]http://rpo.library.utoronto. ca/poet/284. html(诗歌在线图书网)

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