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Web-based learning resources management is an important researchable area of Educational Technology. Its management models and management methods depend on the development of network technology. At present, the application model of Internet has upgraded from Web1.0 to Web2.0. In Web2.0 times, the Internet productive forces and production relations have undergone profound changes. Internet content produce no longer only by large portals or related structures, but Internet users started to become content creator. In Web1.0 environment, there is no or very little relationship between users, but in Web2.0 environment, users can build up variety links on the Internet through a variety of methods. The Internet becomes a social network. Folksonomy is an important network information resources management method in Web2.0 environment, it better adapted to the organization and management of micro-content in Web2.0 environment. Web-based learning resource is a subset of network information resource. Some scholars pointed out that folksonomy can be used in the management of educational resources, so researching the application of folksonomy in web-based learning resource management has theoretical meaning and practical value. This paper researches the application of folksonomy in web-based learning resource management, the purpose is to reveal the law of the application in web-based learning resource management using folksonomy.
     It researches the following aspects in the paper by document analytical method、systematic method and object-oriented method.
     (1)Analyze the basis of the application research. Chapter2 discusses the concept of Web-based learning resource; researches the theoretical basis of web-based learning resource management; treats the Web2.0 environment; analyses the meaning and application pattern of folksonomy.
     (2)Analyze the structure of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy. On the base of theoretical research, chpter3 analyzes the elements of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy; further analyzes the change of each element after bringing folksonomy; researches the relationship between the web-based learning resource and the learner、the relationship between the learner and the web-based learning resource management system、the relationship between the web-based learning resource and the web-based learning resource management system、the relationship between the learner and the learner.
     (3) Analyze the processes of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy. Chpter4 analyzes the processes of Web-based learning resource management on folksonomy, specially researches the principle and method of each process; treats the collecting mechanism、the organizing mechanism、the storing mechanism and the retrieving mechanism after bringing folksonomy into web-based learning resource management;
     (4)Develop the instantial system. Chapter5 introduces the developing background of the instantial system; analyzing the classes and the class architecture of the instantial system through object-oriented method; further analyzes the interaction between the classes.
     The research gets the achievements bellow through the work above.
     (1)This research defines the concept of web-based learning resource; takes the theory of network information resource management、the theory of resource based learning and the theory of educational resource as the theoretical base of web-based learning resource management; Obtains the enlightenment of Web2.0 environment on the web-based learning resource management; concludes the framework of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy.
     (2)This research concludes three elements of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy: web-based learning resource、learner and web-based learning resource management system; Sums up the structural model of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy.
     (3) This research considers that there are for processes in web-based learning resource management: collecting、orgnizing、storing and retrieving; Sums up the procedural model of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy.
     (4) Under the guidance of the application method which is summarized by this research, this paper develops an instantial system, validates the validity of the application method of this paper.
     The innovation of this research can be embodied in the following two aspects.
     ( 1 ) This research introduces the folksonomy into web-based learning resource management and studies the folksonomy’s application in web-based learning resource management systematically.
     (2)This research makes up the structural model and the procedural model of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy by combining static and dynamic analysis methods.
     The control mechanism of web-based learning resource management on folksonomy can be done in the further research.
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