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China's low-carbon economy development research has become one of the focus ofacademia, This dissertation analyzes the problems and the developmental system ofChina's low-carbon economic development process based on the result of the previouslow-carbon economy research, examines the status of low-carbon economy in theglobal interests based on the game theory, analyzes the interests between government,business, the public and financial institutions; makes in-depth research in subsidypolicy in the development of low-carbon economy, The main contributions andinnovations of this dissertation are as follows:
     (1) Build the framework of the development of low-carbon economy, China shouldpromote the development of low-carbon economy based on the national conditionsand contribute to the world's low-carbon development. Around the core of building alow-carbon city, build the technology innovation, carbon emissions trading, publicawareness and improve the policy system as the main content of the development of alow-carbon economy framework system.
     (2) Build the game model of the development of low-carbon economy, analyze theglobal interests of low-carbon economy, explore the game between the sovereignnational interests and the global public interest, discuss the International Monetarydominance Game in the carbon trading system, analyze the relationship between thegovernment and public, establish the static game payment model of the governmentand publics to make government and publics achieve a win-win optimal state;describe the game relationship of interests among the government, enterprises andfinancial institutions, and identify the game to be non-cooperative game of perfectinformation.
     Collect the game theory and theoretical studies, establish and solve quantitative model,provide a scientific basis and theoretical guarantee for design-making in the field oflow-carbon economy and solution for the problem of balancing the interests of allparties.
     (3)Build the low-carbon economy development policy system, the policy system forthe development of low-carbon economy was composed by various policies whichfocus on different fields, clear relationship between the various policies is the prerequisite to make the policies effective.
     China should make the low-carbon economy to be a national strategy, propagate thelow-carbon culture and low-carbon concept, change the behavior habits of the public,establish the framework system of low-carbon industry policy, and achieve thebreakthroughs and innovation of low carbon technology, format the low-carboneconomy system through market regulation, focus on construction, transportation andindustrial low-carbon development, and promote the development of low-carboneconomy, actively carry out international cooperation, safeguard the stabledevelopment of China's low-carbon economy
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