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China has been the key target of antidumping for the previous 14 years. With the context of financial crisis nowadays, the trade protection demand is increasingly growing.“Made in China”will continually face the challenges of antidumping. It will be significant for China to understand the antidumping evolvement, study the essence and aim of antidumping, apperceive its development trend in order to tackle the consistent antidumping disputes
     Chapter 1 General Remarks
     The foreign literatures on antidumping are mainly from the scholars in the United States and EU from where the legislation and early practices of antidumping are. The contents are covered in various aspects including the essence, reason and effect of antidumping, issues on the substantial and procedural rules and renovation proposals, and how government policies and company behavior interact the antidumping. The study of scholars in China covers in a multi-facets manner from the perspective of economy, law and practice. In sum, the study involves the essences of antidumping, elaborations on the substantial and procedural issues, affects, the reasons of being targeted through antidumping against China and its strategy, the renovation topics etc.
     It began from the evolvement of antidumping policy and summarized its development trend according to the antidumping practices and rules renovation process. The view is that the antidumping practices are the trade remedies actions with continuation. Through the analysis on the economic rationality and fairness of dumping, it revealed the essence of antidumping which is the trade protection policy from the interests balancing perspective. NME system formed from the antidumping practices is the political tools materializing trade protection purpose. The arrogate method stipulated in the NME is the“effective”method for importing countries to manipulate dumping margin and investigation result. The United States took the lead in initiating double measures of antidumping and antisubsidy towards the Chinese product, it labeled that the trade protection moved with complexity and diversity. China’s increasingly growing degree of dependence on Foreign Trade, imbalance of foreign trade structure and highly competitive pricing of exporting goods bring out the threat against the industry of importing country. The importing country makes best us of“surrogate method”derived from the NME system and initiates antidumping actions frequently against China for the purpose of protecting domestic industry.
     Chapter 2 The Historical Evolvement of Antidumping Policy
     The evolvement of antidumping policy was throughout the whole twenty century. It first appeared in the domestic rules and later on existed in the multinational rules. The multinational rules interacted with the domestic rules. Meanwhile, antidumping rules are found in the regional trade agreements. Antidumping rules are coexisted and interacted amongst the domestic, international and regional level. Its legislation purpose was unchanged from the very beginning, which is the trade policy providing protection to the domestic industries. The international antidumping rules were mainly drawn from the stipulations of the United States and it experienced a few rounds revision. The interaction and impact among the domestic and multinational level result the highly convergence regarding the basic content of antidumping policy. However, antidumping rules shown in the regional trade agreement has increasingly diverged from its original track. Its diversity trend intensifies the complexity of trade rules.
     Chapter 3 The Practices of Anti-dumping: Continual Trade Remedy Actions
     Antidumping cases is arising, the memberships of the antidumping club is increasing. The main target country of antidumping is centered to the a few countries. The arising trend of antidumping measures is keeping the same pace of tariff descending trend. The antidumping renovation proposal is limited to the procedural issues in the implementation and practicing stage. The significant and substantial issues affected exporters in the antidumping rules will remain unchanged. The proposal is greatly affected by US and either proposal raised by the scholars was limited in the theoretical level. No any substantial progress has been made on the antidumping reform for the previous eight years. With the context of descending of trade and investment, economic depression, growing unemployment, decreasing exportation and no substantial result has been achieved on the antidumping reform, the antidumping measures will be adopted continually and its practices will be lasted for some time.
     Chapter 4 the Essence of Antidumping: The Trade Protection Policy from the Perspective of Interests Balance
     The reason of antidumping is not because dumping is unreasonable nor is unfair. Antidumping has nothing to do with the harmful dumping or unfair trade practice. The decision whether the final antidumping measures would be made has actually involved the gaming and collision of various interests. The consideration of political and economic elements will affect the position of each interested party. Therefore, antidumping is antidumping is the trade protection policy tools with balancing the domestic interests.
     Chapter 5 NME System– The Political Tools of Trade Protection
     NME looks like the collection of technical rules; it is in fact the tools of trade protection for the developed countries. It has no direct link with the market status of exporting countries, especially China. Due to the existence of NME, Chinese product is very possibly encountered accusation of dumping despite the fact that its exporting price is much higher than its domestic prices. The exporting companies in China have been put in a passive position due to NME. NME is becoming the one of the external reasons of being antidumped against China as well as means of successfully levying antidumping duty towards Chinese companies. To realize its trade protection
     Chapter 6 Surrogate Method– The“Effective”method of Manipulating the Anti-dumping Margin
     The surrogate method was originated from American’s administrative practice and it was introduced to the multinational trade agreements by the United States. Due to NME, Chinese exporter has to fact the issue of surrogate country in the most of antidumping cases. Antidumping authority has right to select the surrogate country which is deemed as appropriate. The norm of appropriateness and reasonableness is a very absolute and subjective criterion. Meanwhile, the elements like resource advantage, cost advantage, production method, pricing model, consumption habit involved in the production stages of same product in each country is not same as the others. The pricing and cost of the product in the surrogate country is more or less different than the product involved. The reasonable and appropriate surrogate price is almost not available. The protectionism as the key feature of antidumping system will result in the unreasonable and inappropriate selection towards the surrogate country for Chinese product. The surrogate method is the key of success of initiating antidumping measures against China and it is the“effective”method of manipulating the anti-dumping margin against NME.
     Chapter 7 New Protection Method: Double-anti Actions
     The trade deficit has brought the significant threat to the United States. Adopting one kind of tread remedy such as antidumping is not well enough for the manufacturers in the United States. Being influenced by the intense lobby of interest groups, DOC has changed the customs existing for the previous 23 years, which there is no countervail measures towards NME countries. Instead, DOC has initiated double-anti actions against Chinese exporters in the name of fighting for“unfair competition”. Double-anti actions will bring about the effects like diffusion, retaliation, injury and imitation. It signals that the trade protection is moving towards more complex and diverse direction.
     Chapter 8 Antidumping and China
     Antidumping policy is just the tool of trade protection. The fact that the imbalanced distribution of the exporting regions and accumulated product structures make the assault of trade protection possible. Antidumping is only the effective method. Its effectiveness was reflected via the NME system and surrogate method, which allow importing countries manipulating antidumping result. The fact that the exporting companies behave as their own ways, responding the actions in a passive manner and industry associating failing to perform its roles has increased the successful ration of antidumping actions. In the context of global economy recession and growing unemployment ration, the trade protection demand from the importing countries is going to increase. Antidumping is going to continue. Our companies will remain the exporting strategy as well as alleviate the harassment of antidumping via the collaboration among the industries, government and associations.
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