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A study on deterioration in Russian wildryegrass and Rosana western wheatgrass seeds was conducted to analyze some of the physiological and biochemical changes produced under natural and accelerated ageing conditions. Understanding these changes involved in this process would enable the selection of a better vigor test for the evalvation of seed quality in Russian wildryegrass and Rosana western wheatgrass seeds. The research probed into the mechanism of seed deterioration. This will help to supply instruction for the preservation of germ plasm and storage of seeds.
    The results indicated that the germination rate and Germination energy declined as seed ageing. At first, germination percentage decreased slowly, but occured a series of biochemical changes, germination index, vigor index and acid phosphoesterase activity of changes significantly. Thereafter, germination rate droped dramatically. Germination index,vigor index and acid phosphoesterase activity of tests provided better parameters in assessing seed quality of Russian wildryegrass and Rosana western wheatgrass seeds .
    The conductance of leachate was poorly correlated with viability, so it not to be a good index for seed deterioration. Leaching of sugar showed two diverse tendencies in Russian wildryegrass and Rosana western wheatgrass seeds. So there is not a determinate relateship between soluble sugar and vigor.
    The contents of amino acids, soluble protein changed. A decreased activity of dehydrogenase and acid phosphoesterase was noticed during ageing. It shows that metabolic system was destrctived in ageing seeds.
    The content of malondialdehyde significantly decreased during aging. It is suggested that lipid peroxidation in seeds may not play an important role in the seed deterioration.
    The processes of deterioration under accelerated ageing conditions are similar to those under natural conditions. So the accelerated ageing can be used to predict storageabiliy of seeds.
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