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    二、利用RFLP分于标记确走导人小壹的羹观草(k kwi)染色
    K224 H体附加系所添加的鹅观草染色体属第 1部分同源群,但 KZI4、KZIS所
    添加的鹅观草染色体与 KZIg、K224所添加的鹅观草染色体来自鹅观草不同的染
    K141和 K147所涉及的鹅观草染色体分别来自鹅观草不同的染色体组。鹅观草 U
    7(SL)部分同源群。本研究结果同时也证明了鹅观草 S、H和 Y三个染色体组
Molecular markers linked to Rht3 and Gai3 genes that affect the expression of
     The wheat dwarf gene Rht3 derived from Torn Thumb, a Tibetan wheat of China,
     is a dominant gene with the insensitivity to gibberellic acid. The alleles of Rht3 show
     overdominance for grain yield of hybrid F1 and depress of the ~-amylase activity in
     ripened grains. So it抯 possible utilization in hybrid wheat breeding is of great concern
     It抯 found that Rht3 is also closely related with the x-amylase activity, GA
     transduction, resistance to preharvest sprouting and processing quality of wheat. The
     irnpoitance of studies on molecular mapping and isolation of Rht3 is obvious The
     hereditary mode of Rht3 has been clarified, but whether Rht3 and Gai3 are two
     independent genes still remains as a problem to be answered In this dissertation
     systematic studies on the genetic relationship between Rht3 and Gai3 and how they
     affect the ci-amylase activity were made using large BC22F2 populations derived from
     two set of dwarf isogenic lines including Yangmai3 and Suirnai3 as well as their
     prototypes The dissertatior~ also present RAPD and RFLP markers linked to Rht3 and
     Gai3 which could be of use for the applications and map-based cloning of Rht3
     The results of this paper revealed that Rht3 and Gai3 are tightly linked to each other
     with the recombination rate of 0 045眥) 010 and 0 140? 011 in the two segregating
     populations, respectively Rht3 and Gai3 could depress the gene expression of
     i-arnylase, reduce its activity and hence enhance the resistance to pre-harvest
     sprouting Higher effects of Rht3 compare to Gai3 on ni-amylase activity and
     resistance to pre-harvest sprouting were discovered from data of the recombinants.
     The results of isoelectric focusing isoenzyme (IEF) of a-amylase verified that Rht3
     and Gai3 mainly inhibit the expression of a-Amy 1 gene located on the long arms of
     hornoeologous group 6 of wheat. The results also expressed that a-Amy 1 isoenzyme
     electrophesis patterns within the populations are very complicated which probably
     show the cornplex expression mechanism of a-Amy 1 regulated by Rht3 and Gai3. In
     the RAPD analysis, out of 310 random primers (lObp) screened, only 3 primers e.g.
     UBC3 89, OPV-0 6 and 51060 revealed polymorphisms in NIL, and fragments
     SIO6OI9a6 and S10602000 amplified by primer S1060 were shown as to be linked to Rht3
     and Gai3 with a genetic distance 16.7cM and 29.5cM. respectively. In RFLP analysis,
     53 probes specific for short arms of homoeologous group 4 were screened, and
     Xpsr584, XksuF8 and Xcdo3S showed polymorphism between the bilLs. The linkage
     analysis showed that Xpsr5S4 co-segregated with Rht3 and Gai3 genes.
     Homoeologous grouping of R. kanwji chromosomes introduced in wheat via
     RFLP analysis
     Twenty six DNA probes located on 7 homoeolgous groups of wheat were
     screened to reveal the RFLP between 45 wheat-R.kamoji derivatives, R.kamoji,
     Chinese Spring and Yairnai5. The results showed that most probes could produce
     more than 3 hybridized bands showing distinct polymorphisms between Chinese
     Spring, Yangmai 5 and 1? .kamoji. The introduced R.kamoji chromosomes in the 16
     wheat-R.kamo,i chromosome lines including addtions, substitutions or possible
     translocations were grouped into homoeologous group 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7. Alien
     chromosome pairs could be readily transmitted into the descendants. Of the 16 alien
     chromosome lines, the added chromosomes in K139, K141, K214, K218, K219 and
     K224 disomic ad
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