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Recently, the number of impoverished undergraduates increases continuously. With the economical difficulty, this special group is facing with study, living, interpersonal communication mental stress when pursuing their academic studies. And comparing with non-impoverished undergraduates, they have much more unhealthy mind traits of inferiority, anxiety, depression, self-closing and so on, which influences their bodies and minds to grow well. How to help them to alleviate mental stress and help them to complete studying life is an important question for high education in our country.
     In accordance with impoverished undergraduates' mental stress, various circles have given appropriate tactics to alleviate them, for example, country's subsidization system and mental health education. To provide more scientific and effective theoretical basis for mental health education of impoverished undergraduates and formulate more systematic, scientific and effective tactics for mental health education of them, this research obtained from the angle of self-acceptance, used the form of group guidance, to probe the new way for alleviating the mental stress of the impoverished undergraduates.
     This research includes two sections, the first is the correlational study between self-acceptance and mental stress. In this research, 568 sophomores (including 144 impoverished undergraduates) have been investigated with Self-Acceptance Questionnaire (SAQ) and Undergraduate Mental Stress Questionnaire, through the investigation, I analyze the self-acceptance state and mental stress state of the impoverished undergraduates, and the relation between self-acceptance and mental stress. The second is experimental study of group guidance, based on the selected conditions, 30 impoverished undergraduates are selected as the experimental group and the control group for the group guidance from the subjects of correlational study. The subjects of experimental group have been guided for two months based on the activity plan of the group guidance to detect the intervention effect of the group counseling which is obtained from self-acceptance and to alleviate the impoverished undergraduates' mental stress.
     Results of the research reveal:
     1) The level of self-acceptance and mental stress has significant difference between impoverished undergraduates and non- impoverished undergraduates. The level of self-acceptance and self-evaluation of impoverished undergraduates is lower than that of non- impoverished undergraduates, but the level of mental stress is higher than that of non- impoverished undergraduates.
     2) There is no significant sex difference in self-acceptance, but the sex difference is significant in loving stress and frustration stress, the two stress levels of the male students are higher than that of the female students.
     3) There are significant subject differences in self-acceptance and mental stress. Liberal impoverished undergraduates' self-acceptance level is lower than that of non- impoverished undergraduates; but the mental stress level of liberal impoverished undergraduates is higher than that of non- impoverished ones, especially in fantasy stress, school environment stress, and academic stress.
     4) The sequence of mental stress from high to low is fantasy stress, emotional stress, school environment stress, academic stress, interpersonal communication stress, home stress, inferiority stress, frustration stress, loving stress, healthy stress and adaptation stress.
     5) The level of self-acceptance has significantly correlation with the level of mental stress, so do the factors of self-acceptance and mental stress. The level of self-acceptance and self-evaluation is higher, the level of mental stress and its factors is lower.
     6) The effect of group counseling which is obtained from self-acceptance to alleviate the impoverished undergraduates' mental stress is significant. Not only the level of self-acceptance is heightened, but also the level of mental stress is lowered. This reveals self-acceptance group counseling is a value way to alleviate impoverished undergraduates' mental stress.
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