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The paper uses macro and micro economics, information and network economics, new system economics, commonality management, fuzzy mathematics and unascertained measure to research the transfer mode, route design and mechanism design of science and technology achievements transfer to technology standard.
     Firstly, the paper researches the basic theory and establishes the transfer relationship and theory frame. Secondly, the transfer modes are given:basic commonweal achievements transfer to commonality standard with government dominant mode, common technique achievements transfer to alliance standard with mix mode and proprietary achievements to private with market mode. The two moments and three design methods are given. Thirdly, the paper researches the route design. The each main body function and steps in the three different modes are established. Then, the paper researches the transfer mechanism. Through establishing the five point Likert Scale's investigation questionnaire, the paper knows the main problems of transfer mechanism. On the basis of the analysis, the dynamic mechanism, correspond mechanism, duty and right mechanism and guarantee mechanisms are designed. And then, the paper establishes the "γ coefficient" and unascertained measure's alliance standard profit distribution model. Lastly, the paper uses three cases to analysis the different transfer mode, route and mechanism in science and technology achievements transfer to technology standard.
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