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During the thirty-five years since the reform and open of China, we have get a“growth miracle” with an average of about10%of high-speed growth rate, and thusmake the “Chinese issue” becoming a charming theme, the words "Chinesecharacteristics" therefore obtained its important economic connotation in the discussions.The long period high-speed growth and the rapid recovery after the2008globalfinancial crisis made China became an important sample changing the way of growththeory researches, in this revised analytical research progress, the effect of structuralfactors gradually reflect: there is a sharply structural evolution of regional developmentin China, urbanization, industrialization and the formation and curing process of spatialdifference pattern become the realistic description of China's regional growth, it’s anendogenous process of urban and rural interaction, so the essence of economicfluctuations is the economic structure evolution, this requires the structural effectsshould been emphasized in China’s regional economic. In the present, this also willcertainly provide some academic and empirical evidence for the research foundation of"structural adjustment".
     This paper firstly summarized and reviewed the economic growth theory, thetheoretical basis for economic structure and researches on the relationship betweeneconomic structure and growth, clearing the foundation and the basic way of explainingChina’s regional economic growth via economic structures, based on which this papersummarized the structural characteristics of China growth through the method ofdifference in econometrics. In this way, association mechanisms of economic structuresand regional growth are discussed, and the empirical task and the way of econometricsrealization will be spread in later content thus been cleared. In particular, what need tobe emphasized is that the “block-like” regional development under hierarchygovernance has lead to the province space scale effect, with the administrative divisionsas the boundary (e.g., province), at the same time, power quality also makes thedistribution difference of regional economic and structures obvious. In view of this, thespatial scale effects should be recognized in the research of the regional economicgrowth in China.
     In order to identify the complex relations between regional economic structure andgrowth in the high-speed growth and clarify China's regional development spatial realization logic, this paper, through growth analysis and spatial scale, identified andexplained the spatial effects of regional structures, describing the relationship betweenstructures and growth. In detail, considering the category of spatial effects, based onlong period provincial data of China, this paper empirically tested and analyzed thespatial spillover effect and the spatial heterogeneity effect of regional economicstructures. Furthermore, based on its conclusion, this paper pointed out that it’snecessary to include the concept of time into the research of relationship betweenstructure and regional growth, dynamically identifying structure effects of China'sregional growth performance. Compared with existing literatures, the innovationsmainly embodied in the following aspects:
     Firstly, in view of previous researches mainly limit in single industrial structureand economic analysis always take different units as “detached island”, this paperembarks from regional spatial scale summarize economic structures as an multipleconcept including between-region and in-region structures, reflecting differentmechanisms of effects, spatially the way of spatial effects acting; in this way, wedescribes the spatial transmission path and the action mechanism of China's regionaleconomic, indicating that the realization of regional growth is not an isolated system.Therein, the interpretation of China's regional economic growth process inevitablycannot avoid or ignore the influence of spatial scale, and the regional partition patternhas guiding us that researches should anchor this spatial scale on provincial border,spatial scale become one of the most important difference from other literatures, withspatial matrix and spatial panel model as the implementation tools of our research.
     Secondly, it points out that the effects of the economic structures on the regionalgrowth may possibly verified across China’s regions, and based on this thought,empirical evidence is provided to describe the evolution of regional economicstructures’ growth effect. Spatial dependence points to the correlation between regions,while the spatial heterogeneity refers to difference on effect, not only on quantitativevalue but also on the acting effect, so based on a spatial variable coefficient method thispaper identified the local spatial effect of structural variables on regional growth,finding that spatial heterogeneity dose exist. The main purpose of this part is to pointout that the influence of structural variables on growth not only come from differenceson configuration level but also is associated with the matching of structures and regions,the former explains growth using different values, while the later using differentperformance across regions, and together they contribute to the formation of regional growth distribution in China.
     Thirdly, based on previous studies, concept of economic time is introduced into ourresearch to identify and discuss about the relationship of structure and growth onceagain by combining static and dynamic analysis together, emphasizing the differencesbetween long-term and short-term structural growth effects. In this part, we use dynamicspatial panel data model including lagged dependent variable and lagged spaceweighted dependent variable to study the actual changes of structural effects, surveyingthe systematic and comprehensive economic operational mechanism and portraying thedynamic process of relationship between structures and growth. Results show that,structures and growth not only related in spatial dimensions, but also in time dimensions,and implication lies in that spatial and temporal interactions should be introduced intostudies on Chinese growth and should focus on the distinguishing of structural factor’slong-term and short-term spatial effects.
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