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Distributing appropriate financial products to the right investors is themost direct generalization of the investor suitability system, which is a basiclegal system in the process of world’s capital markets innovation anddevelopment.
     Making a comprehensive survey of suitability rules in the USA, EU, Japan,Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions, we can findthat the suitability doctrine has been generally accepted by developed capitalmarkets or some developing capital markets. These countries and regions havemade a systematical consensus on the definition and scope of suitability, thesubject of suitability obligations, the main contents of the suitability system aswell as the nature of suitability. Also, there are some differences in thelegislation levels of suitability rules, the nature of legal norms andresponsibilities of violation of suitability. The capital market of our country isexperiencing the transition from "regulation and development" to "innovationand development". In recent years, we have made some suitability rules in thefields of ChiNext, margin trading business, stock index futures and others, butour rule system shows the features of “decentralization, disorder, softness".There are also some problems in our suitability system, for example, the scopeof application is not clear, the basic positioning is not right, the theoreticalfoundation is weak, and the contents are not perfect, which cannot meet theneeds of reform, innovation and development of China's securities market.
     As to the acquaintance and construction of suitability system in China,firstly, we should clarify that the suitability doctrine is applicable to the fields ofinvestors’ professional reliance on the securities companies and essentiallyinequality of legal status of both parties. Secondly, regard the theory of relianceprotection as the theoretical foundation of the emergence and development ofour investor suitability system. Thirdly, make clear the nature of suitability.Suitability is an obligation of securities companies, but not a right. It is aninvestor protection system, protecting investors by investors classification, but not a qualified investors system. It is a kind of securities regulation system, butnot an investors management system. In essence, investor suitability is aninvestor protection system to balance the rights and obligations betweeninvestors and securities companies in the fields of distribution of securities. Theauthor suggests that, we should improve the legislative level of suitability rulesfirstly. In the process of the revision of the "Securities Law", which regardsprotection of investor’ rights as the basic value pursuit, we may establish anunified suitability rules system. Specifically, taking the opportunity of theestablishment of an unified account system, we may start from theestablishment of investors classification system and financial productsclassification system, and then clarify suitability obligations of securitiescompanies, such as know-your-customer rules, know-your-product or servicerules, obligations of information and risk disclosure, obligations of bestexecution, and so on. At the same time, we may clarify the rights of investors insecurities transactions, and establish a regulatory system to supervise securitiescompanies to carry out the obligations of suitability.
    14譬如,Daniel M. Miler and Eugene F. Maloney, Brokers are fiduciaries—now what, Journal of SecuritiesOperations&Custody Volume3Number2,2010. Frederick Mark Gedicks, Suitability Claims and Purchase ofUnrecommended Securities: An Agency Theory of Broker-Dealer Liability, Arizona State Law Journal,2005.Hilary Huebsch Cohen, The Suitability Doctrine: Defining Stockbroker’s Professional Responsibilities, TheJournal of Corporation Law,2001.
    15譬如,FSA, Retail Distribution Review,2008. FSA, Treating Customers Fairly-towards Fair Outcomes forConsumers,2006. FSA, Guideline on the Application of the Suitability and Appropriateness Requirements underthe FSA Rules Implementing MiFID in the UK,2006.
    17See: Norman S. Poser, Liability of Broker-Dealer for Unsuitable Recommendations to Institutional Investors,Brigham Young University Law Review,2001.1.1.
    22See: Louis Loss﹠Joel Seligman, Securities Regulation(3d ed.),1989.
    23See: Norman S. Poser, Liability of Broker-Dealer for Unsuitable Recommendations to Institutional Investors,Brigham Young University Law Review,2001.1.1.
    64Consumer: A person who buys goods or services for personal, family, or household use, with no intention ofresale; a natural person who uses products for personal rather than business purposes.)。 See:Bryan A. Garner,Black’s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition, Thomson﹠West, P335.
    Louis Loss&Joel Seligman, Fundamentals of Securities Regulation, Aspen Publishers5th ed.2004,§9-C-3.
    81Levis D. Lowenfels&Alan R. Bromberg, Suitability in Securities Transactions,54Business Law,1557(1999).
    82Norman S. Poser,Broker-Dealer’s Law and Regulaiton§3.03(2001).
    83Norman S. Poser,Broker-Dealer’s Law and Regulaiton§3.03(2001).
    139Norman S. Poser, Liability of Broker-Dealer for Unsuitable Recommendations to Institutional Investors,Brigham Young University Law Review,2001.1.1.
    149See Andrew M. Pardieck, Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine theSuitability Doctrine, Nevada Law Journal, Spring2007, p305-307.
    169Andrew M. Pardieck, Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine the SuitabilityDoctrine, Nevada Law Journal, Spring2007, p301-347.
    170Andrew M. Pardieck, Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine the SuitabilityDoctrine, Nevada Law Journal, Spring2007, p312-313.
    171Barbara Black, How to Improve Retail Investor Protection After the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform andConsumer Protection Act, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1579719, last visit on August5,2013.
    177Duke University School of Law, Conference on Securities Regulation, at97-99(R. Mundheim ed.1964).
    179Customer's Financial Ability. Rule2111prohibits a member or associated person from recommending atransaction or investment strategy involving a security or securities or the continuing purchase of a security orsecurities or use of an investment strategy involving a security or securities unless the member or associatedperson has a reasonable basis to believe that the customer has the financial ability to meet such a commitment.The phrase "investment strategy involving a security or securities" used in this Rule is to be interpreted broadlyand would include, among other things, an explicit recommendation to hold a security or securities.
    180该项义务适用于投资者适当性制度最早通过法院判例确认,1994年由SEC正式出规则确认。See:Barbara Black, How to Improve Retail Investor Protection After the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform andConsumer Protection Act, electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1579719.
    182Frederick Mark Gedicks, Suitability Claims and Purchase of Unrecommended Securities: An Agency Theoryof Broker-Dealer Liability, Arizona State Law Journal,2005,[Ariz. St. L.J.37:0574]。
    183Andrew M. Pardieck, Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine the SuitabilityDoctrine, Nevada Law Journal, Spring2007, p301-347.
    185Implicit in all member and associated person relationships with customers and others is the fundamentalresponsibility for fair dealing. Sales efforts must therefore be undertaken only on a basis that can be judged asbeing within the ethical standards of FINRA's rules, with particular emphasis on the requirement to deal fairlywith the public. The suitability rule is fundamental to fair dealing and is intended to promote ethical salespractices and high standards of professional conduct.
    187Andrew M. Pardieck, Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine the SuitabilityDoctrine, Nevada Law Journal, Spring2007, p301-347.
    188例如1990年,个人投资者San Jose. California要求认定券商Paine Webber Group,Inc.以及E.F. Hutton&Co.违反了投资者适当性规则的诉求得到了联邦法院支持,并且判决券商赔偿投资者1850万美元的损失额。案例详见:San Jose, Calif., Gets$18.5Million Award in Bond-Losses Suit, Wall St J C13(June22,1990)。转引自:何颖,金融交易的适合性原则研究,证券市场导报,2010年2月号。
    190Andrew M. Pardieck, Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine the SuitabilityDoctrine, Nevada Law Journal, Spring2007, p301-347.
    273凯弗,买者自负≠卖者无责,http://www.cnstock.com/paper_new/html/2006-12/11/content_50722655.htm,2013年4月12日访问。27419世纪90年代,美国法官Francis在Henningsen v. Broomfield Motor,Inc. and Chrysler Corp.一案中认定经营者应当承担社会正义观念下的责任,从而排除了“买者自负”原则的适用。中国证监会主席肖钢亦曾明确表示,保护中小投资者须强化卖者有责。详见:肖钢谈中小投资者保护:强化卖者有责,证券日报,2014年1月7日,A1版。
    275See:Frederick Mark Gedicks, Suitability Claims and Purchase of Unrecommended Securities: An AgencyTheory of Broker-Dealer Liability, Arizona State Law Journal,2005.该文作者比较倾向于代理理论,但对其进行了适当的改造。
    277See: Arthur B. Laby, Fiduciary Obligation of Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers, Electronic copyavailable at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1899732.
    278Sam Scott Miller&Robert D. Popper, Discount Broker’s Obligation Under the “Suitability” Doctrine,5:11INSIIGHTS7,7(Nov.1991).
    279“公平和公正交易原则”(“just and equitable principals of trade”)规定于1934年《美国证券交易法》。
    280F. Harris Nichols, The Broker’s Duty to His Customer Under Evolving Federal Fiduciary and SuitabilityStandards,26BUFF. L. REV.444(1997).
    281See:RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS299A(1965).转引自:Frederick Mark Gedicks, SuitabilityClaims and Purchase of Unrecommended Securities: An Agency Theory of Broker-Dealer Liability, ArizonaState Law Journal,2005.
    282Frederick Mark Gedicks, Suitability Claims and Purchase of Unrecommended Securities: An Agency Theoryof Broker-Dealer Liability, Arizona State Law Journal,2005,[Ariz. St. L.J.37:0562].
    303G.M.D. Bean: Fiduciary Obligations and Joint Ventures, Clarendon press,1995, P28.
    309Jason D. Haines, The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID): Investor Protection Enhanced bySuitability Requirements,28(11) Comp Law344(2007).310MiFID前言部分(第3点)。
    311Bydlinski, Privatautonomie und objekive Grundlagen des verpflichtenden Rechtsgeschfts, Wien: Springer,1967, S.103.转引自:许德风,论民法典的制定与弱者保护,广东社会科学,2012年第1期。
    322Hilary Huebsch Cohen, The Suitability Doctrine: Defining Stockbroker’s Professional Responsibilities, TheJournal of Corporation Law,2001.
    323Mundheim, Professional Responsibilities of Broker-Dealers: The suitability Doctrine,1965Duke L.J.476,美国司法判例中也肯认该观点。
    324Stephen B. Cohen, The suitability Rule and Economic Theory,80Yale L.J.,1622(1971).
    326Niamh Moloney, EC Securities Regulation, Oxford University Press,2008,2nd ed.,615.
    328Stephen B. Cohen, The suitability Rule and Economic Theory,80Yale L.J.,1606(1971).
    329SEC Exchange Act Release No.7984(Oct.25,1966).
    331Niamh Moloney, EC Securities Regulation, Oxford University Press,2008,2nd ed.,616.
    351参见:Section3(c)(1) of the Investment Company Act of1940.
    369Robert H. Mundheim, Professional Responsibilities of Broker-Dealers: The Suitability Doctrine,1965DukeL.J.445.
    375Definition of systemic risk: the risk that (i) an economic shock such as market or institutional failure triggers
    (through a panic or otherwise) either (X) the failure of a chain of markets or institutions or (Y) a chain ofsignificant losses to financial institutions,(ii) resulting in increases in the cost of capital or decreases in itsavailability, often evidenced by substantial financial-market price volability. See Steven L. Schwarcz, SystemRisk,97Geo. L.j.193.
    378所谓“机构监管”(institutional regulation, entity regulation),是指将金融机构类型作为划分监管权限的依据,即同一类型金融机构均由特定的监管者监督,这是历史上金融监管的主要方式。参见:Roberta S.Karmel, Functional Regulation,501Practising Law Institute/Corp.9,1985.
    379Robert C. Merton, A Functional Perspective of Financial Intermediation,24Financial Management23,1995.
    398Frederick Mark Gedicks, Suitability Claims and Purchase of Unrecommended Securities: An Agency Theoryof Broker-Dealer Liability, Arizona State Law Journal,2005,[Ariz. St. L.J.37:0574].
    403See: Barbara Black, How to Improve Retail Investor Protection After the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reformand Consumer Protection Act, Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1579719.
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