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With the increasing production and use of buckminsterfullerene (C_(60)) and itsderivatives, the potential environmental implications of these engineered carbonnanomaterials have received much attention. The stable colloidal suspension of C_(60),i.e., fullerene nanoparticles (nC_(60)) is likely the most important form of C_(60)in aqueousenvironments. The environmental effect of nC_(60)to groundwater is not only due to thepotential biological toxicity of nC_(60)to organisms, but also related to the fact that nC_(60)might significantly alter the fate and transport of common environmental organiccontaminants. Thus, understanding the subsurface transport of nC_(60)and the facilitatedtransport of organic contaminants with nC_(60)are of critical importance for the benignuse and risk management of C_(60).
     The effects of several important environmental factors on the transport of nC_(60)through saturated porous media were examined in this paper. Decreasing flowvelocity from approximately10m/d to1m/d had little effect on nC_(60)transportthrough Ottawa sand (mainly pure quartz), but significantly inhibited the transportthrough Lula soil (a sandy, low-organic-matter soil). The difference can beattributed to both the smaller gain size and the more irregular and rougher shapes ofLula soil, and can be explained with the shadow zone effect theory. Increasing ionicstrength and switching background solution from NaCl to CaCl2enhanced thedeposition of nC_(60)in both sand and soil columns, but the effects were moresignificantly for soil. This was likely because the clay minerals (and possibly soilorganic matter) in soil responded to changes of ionic strength and ionic speciesdifferently than quartz. Anions and fulvic acid in the effluents had little effect on thetransport of nC_(60). Compared with the modified clean-bed filtration theory (CFT)model (which incorporates the blocking effect on particle deposition/attachment, i.e.,the blocking of available deposition sites by earlier deposited nanoparticles), thetwo-site transport model that takes into account of both the blocking-affectedattachment process and the straining effect can more accurately model the breakthrough profiles of nC_(60).
     In this study, facilitated transport of2,2’,5,5’-polychloronated biphenyl (PCB) andphenanthrene by nC_(60)(a stable aqueous-phase aggregates of C_(60)) through two sandysoil columns was investigated. Experimental results indicated that low-level (from1.55to12.8mg/L) nC_(60)could significantly enhance the mobility of PCB andphenanthrene. However, none of the three model dissolved organic matters(DOM)—a humic acid, a fulvic acid and a bovine serum albumin—had noticeableeffect on the transport of PCB, when these DOMs were present at concentrationsequivalent to approximately10–11mg/L organic carbon. It is proposed in thisresearch that the contaminant-mobilizing ability of nC_(60)is a result of irreversibleadsorption of a fraction of nC_(60)-associated PCB/phenanthrene (whereasDOM-associated PCB is readily desorbable). Additionally, slow desorption kineticsof nC_(60)-adsorbed PCB/phenanthrene is another possible mechanism. Findings inthis study indicate that nC_(60)in the subsurface environment can greatly enhance themobility of nonionic, highly hydrophobic organic contaminants, which typicallyexhibit very low mobility. Such effects should be taken into account when assessingthe potential environmental risks of engineered carbonaceous nanomaterials.
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