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     结果表明,在日光温室环境条件下,Black Beauty、Frisco、Pretty Girl、Dream、Golden Gate5个品种的综合性状表现较好。Black Beauty的产量最高,为168枝/平米.年,瓶插寿命最长,为16.2天(20℃下测定),花型美观,表现出较好的商品特性。栽培基质的初选试验得出,泥炭是切花月季的最适栽培基质,泥炭培的切花月季单株产量最高,为170.4枝/平米.年;复合基质中泥炭+珍珠岩(体积比1:1)表现最好,与品种(?)的组合单株产量最高,为201.6枝/平米.年;泥炭+珍珠岩(体积比2:1)也表现较好。椰糠,泥炭+煤渣(体积比1:1)栽培切花月季表现不理想,切花的产量和品质均较差。基质栽培相对土壤栽培在切花品质和产量上有显著的提高。解决高温天气对低床基质的温度剧烈影响是北京地区日光温室切花月季生产的重要措施。
The soiless media, 10 varieties cut roses and environmental factors were studied in this paper. The results of the study indicated as following:
    1. five varieties cut roses were suitable in Beijing area,that is :Black Beauty Frisco, pretty girl. Dream and Golden Gate
    2. comparing in 7 kinds of soiless media, peat, mixer of peat-perlite (volume,1: 1) and mixer of peat-perlite (volume,2:1) show good expression.
    3. based on the investigation,it is critical to solve the high temperature of soiless media in summer.
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