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  • 英文题名:Researches on Manufacturing Execution System Modeling and Intelligent Enterprise System
  • 作者:胡春
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:控制科学与工程
  • 学位年度:2003
  • 导师:李平
  • 学科代码:081101
  • 学位授予单位:浙江大学
  • 论文提交日期:2003-06-01
As China is becoming a 'global factory', advanced manufacturing technologies and management experiences in the world promote greatly production level of our industrial enterprises. And coordination and competition among enterprises are boosted at the same time. So information systems play more and more important roles in industrial enterprises. Automatic control systems of machines and processes are well developed after development and application of several decade years. It establishes a well basis for developing informatization of industrial enterprises. As a major part of informatization of industrial enterprises, development and implementation of ERP systems impel informatization and automation of management and business of enterprises. As applied deeply in enterprises, ERP systems confront with issues that systems can't meet with new requires of enterprise by themselves.
    In this article, relational researches on manufacturing execution system (MES) and intelligent enterprise diagnosis system are carried out to solve issues of integration of information required by ERP systems, supporting for management on factory floor, and supporting for enterprise diagnosis. These issues have occurred during implementation and application of ERP systems in enterprises. The principle contents and results of our researches are outlined as follows:
    (1) Reviewing the creation, development and present situations of researches of MES, and analyzing unreasonableness of MESA functional model for integration of or between enterprises, which have different types of industrial production.
    (2) Analyzing the necessity of modeling MES functional model for multi-industrial production based on comparison of characteristics between continuous and discrete industrial production. And proposing to divide functional modules of MES model according to major threads of management of production activities, such as plan execution, material, equipment, people, document, and product.
    (3) Establishing MES functional model comprised of two parts: plan execution and factory management, data collection and processing. The model includes 10 modules, such as scheduling and resource allocation, execution and process management, equipment management, material management, product management, labor management, technology and document management, data
    collection and acquisition, data integration, simulation and analysis.
    (4) Establishing a hierarchical model of information flow of MES according to relationship between major threads of production activities and difference of responsibility, and proposing a model of data organization and integration of MES.
    (5) Analyzing and diagnosing based on data of industrial enterprises are weaknesses of enterprise information systems. Managers and manipulators have to find out problems from a lot of data in enterprises by themselves. Furthermore, their knowledge and skills about trouble-shooting can't be managed effectively and lost easily. So we propose intelligent enterprise diagnosis system integrated with enterprise information systems to meet with actual requirements of enterprise management. A model of intelligent enterprise diagnosis system based data warehouse is established, and fuzzy Petri net is used to realize knowledge representation and fuzzy reasoning of enterprise diagnosis.
    (6) Analyzing issues of modeling fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy reasoning based existing fuzzy Petri net models. The definitions of fuzzy colored Petri net and fuzzy Petri net are modified. And two modeling algorithms based them are proposed to solve issues of existing fuzzy Petri net models. Therefore, fuzzy Petri net models can reason correctly complex problems according to mechanism in themselves.
    (7) Based on the modeling algorithm of modified fuzzy Petri net, business and financial fields of mechanical industrial engineering enterprises, which combine quantitative and qualitative relation
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