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     笔者自2003年以来,在安徽巢湖进行了大量的野外填图工作,并开展了数字填图技术的研究和系统设计。系统设计主要是基于地质填图的基本工作流程和规范,以Visual Basic为二次开发语言,超图SuperMap Objects为二次开发平台建立了集3S技术以及从数据采集到成果地质图输出的一体化数字填图实习系统,其界面友好,操作方便简单,功能完备,为在校本科生和研究生的填图实习提供方便。本系统主要是以面向教学为主,但同时兼顾实际生产、基础与技能和综合能力的培养。论文主要取得的研究成果如下:
Regional Geological Surveying is a fundamental, public and synthetic investigation and study. The main working manner of the traditional geological surveying and mapping is to record systematically the geological phenomena and data, which is noted directly in words and diagrams on the logbooks. The mass field data exist in the form of the paper notebook, which makes the data management and share more difficult, and to some extent, restricts the sufficient exertion of data resources, influences the society economy development, and it is not suitable for the development of the society informatization.Since 1999, geological surveying information construction is paid more and more attention, with the carrying on the new country resources surveying—the project of "digital country". Nevertheless, anther problem of information construction is the brains. At the present, geologic mapping talents are poor in grasping new technologies and methods, there are some phenomena in the geologists working at the front, for example, mapping qualified personnel being poor, the young persons being deficient, technology backbones possessing few 3S new knowledge and so on.At present, although geologic mapping is the important content of geological practice for the students majored in geology of the science institutes and the university, most of them used the traditional "Old Three" (compass, geological hammer, magnifier) as the main instruments, using of the GIS,RS and GPS is void. In our country, there have been some special geologic mapping softwares, but these special digital mapping systems are only used in the geological production procedure. If the ready geologic mapping soft wares are directly used in the practice teaching, it is not good for the students to grasp the basic knowledge of digital mapping technology but to passively receive the software operation steps.The paper's predominant idea is to cultivate modernization special geology persons with ability for country construct and development, the eventual purpose of this paper is to design and develop a set of mapping practical system combining the 3 s digital mapping for practice and teaching, which can reflects the usage of the new technologies and methods in the practice teaching. At the same time, it is used to cultivate and train the basic skills of mapping for the undergraduates and geologists in the science and study institutes, which can make them grasp the lately modern regional surveying knowledge and comprehensive skills and train and reserve a large number of new excellent talents.After 2003, the writer did a lot of field mapping work in the Chaohu of Anhui province, and did the research and the design on digital mapping skills and system. The system is based on the geologic mapping flow and criterion, and uses the Visual Basic as the second developed language;The SuperMap Objects as the second developed platform, building up an integrative digital mapping system combined the 3s and the functions from the data collection to the successful geological map output. And the interface is friendly and easy to operate, and the function is perfect to provide convenience for the undergraduates and postgraduates in the
    mapping practicing. The system is mainly used for teaching, as well as the actual produce, basic and comprehensive skills training. The major research findings of the paper are in following:1. The paper detailedly studied the limitation of the traditional geologic mapping and significance of modern informational construction of geologic mapping, and it is on the basis of sufficiently absorbing and using for reference the research fruits of the related fields at home and abroad, combining the developing situation of the geologic mapping and the educational demands of mapping. It explicated the feasibility of the digital mapping by using new methods and technologies.2. The paper carries out the detailed design of the system database from the point of the geological mapping flow.3. The paper deeply discussed the basic approaches and solutions of digital mapping under the support of 3s technology, and systematically studied the key problems, such as, data collection procedure, database model, database design, data model and outcome output, etc. And it constructed mapping practice aided system based on the GIS> GPS> RS? which contains the functions including data collection, database and map construction, space analysis, map print.4. The mature information interaction inquiry function. The system realized the two-way inquiry of both from the space to attributes and from the attributes to the space and custom inquiry. And we can easily look through and edit the data.5. The system possessed the basic functions of three dimension modeling, visualization, space analysis, which can carry on the operations of three dimension simulation, use the photos and remote sensing pictures to superpose, create three-dimensional orthograph, and can measure distance, azimuth angle and area.6. Integrating many kinds of the data resources perfectly. The system can manage the different types of the data, such as grid data, vector data, and the different kinds of the data, such as the orthograph, remote sensing, and can be superposed as background with vector relief map for enhance of the mapping in efficiency and quality.7. The system achieved the perfect integration and amalgamation of the 3S (GIS, GPS, RS) information system.8. It can be made several kinds of thematic maps with special meaning and different displaying styles based on the space and attribute data. The system provides the seven types of thematic map, which is very easy to do thematic maps, improve analyzing and cognizing ability for geologists.9. Perfect assistant system. Because the main service target of the design and development of the system is the undergraduates and the postgraduates, it is inevitable to meet some field problems in reality and system operating problems in the mapping procedure. So it is very need for apprentice to offer a set of help system.10. The geologic mapping practical base of the Geology Department of Northwest University is chosen to systematically validate as, and the satisfied results are attained. It shows that the digital mapping practical aiding teaching system can play an important role in the undergraduates practice.
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