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Atypical employment is one of the strategies that enterprises take to deal with global competition, and also a piece of choice that individuals take while facing the oversupply of the labor market. Varies kinds of atypical employment appear in the historical period of opening-up in China, such as part-time work, dispatched-work, homework, etc. Studying on these kinds of employment is quite important in our country, not only because China needs to take the challenge of the global competition as well as other countries, but also because the oversupply of the labor market is more prominent as a result of the transformation of our economic system. Like other counties, the labor law in China was built upon the theories on typical employment. Therefore, adjustment has to be made in regulations in order to protect atypical workers. This paper focuses on the legal adjustment of homework employment. The paper includes three chapters.
     In chapter one, this paper first identify the definition of homework, and then analyzes the background of its development and the following influences. Homework, whose appearance could date back to the early days of the industrialization period, is characterized with the fact that laborers work at home with flexible hours. Most of the homeworkers were women and used to work in manufacturing, since that they could not find a steady work as a result of the limitation of skills and family responsibilities. Homework was not accepted by most of the laborers because people found it against women’s social responsibilities. The union was unwilling to protect homeworkers, either. Global competition and the information technology have brought homework to a further stage. Homework becomes attractive to both entrepreneurs and laborers, because it may reduce the productive costs, and also satisfy the needs of laborers’family responsibilities. The development of homework influences employment relationship in several ways, such as the distinction between employment and hire of work, the protection of female workers, the function of the union, etc. The background of homework’s development in China was similar to the other countries. In recent years, most of the homeworkers live in developed cities of China. Their appearances made authors take a new look on China’s employment relationship.
     Chapter two demonstrated the subordinate nature of homework employment. By analyzing varies theories on dependency in labor relationship of different countries, we would be able to find out that the power to control is the key point which causes dependency or subordination. It is because the employers’control--both in process and product--that the laborers are unable to carry out work at their will, thus lead to their subordination to the employer. As the labor market changes with the development of the society, this power to control tends to be indirect. As far as homework is concerned, the dependency of homeworker is concealed by the following facts: First, the more professional skills the work requires, the more freedom should be given to the worker; Second, the more freedom the worker has, the less the employer’s power turns; In addition, some employer actually evade the regulations of dependency. These facts have made homework invisible in the traditional labor theories, but its subordination status can be seen if we focus on the employer’s power to control. The characteristic of homework relationship has brought some barriers while applying the current labor regulations, which mainly include the difficulties in protecting the laborers’safety, right to rest, right of social security, right of occupation training, and right of association. Employers will have to face the changes of management as well.
     In chapter three, the legal adjustment model of homework relationship is firstly discussed, and followed with several facts that may have influences on the choice of the model, which include the cultural background of the country, legal system of labor law, the development of labor market and the efficiency of the union. Based upon the research on the regulations of homework employment in several countries, chapter three introduces a certain pieces of suggestion, trying to fulfill the blanks in the regulations in China. First of all, labor standards should play an important role in the adjustment of homework employment. Because as other laborers, homeworkers are subordinate to employers, and generally, the union does not gain much benefit for homeworkers as a result of their different requirement from regular workers. Second of all, this paper brought up some practical advice according to those barriers discussed in chapter two, including the distinction of homework, the protection of laborer’s safety, the cognition of injury on job, the standard of overtime working and the regulations about business secret and prohibition of business strife as well.
     Homework employment is embodied with the modern working style and the change of ideas in employment. With a social background of promoting employment, atypical employment such as homework would be a trend in the labor market. Researches upon atypical employment would be of great importance in the labor law history of China.
[1] [德]卡尔·马克思,《资本论》(第一卷),郭大力、王亚南译,人民出版社 1975 年第 1 版,第 568 页。
    [2] 章有义:《中国科学院经济研究所中国近代经济史参考资料丛刊第三种中国近代农业史资料 第二辑 1912—1927》,生活读书新知三联书店 1957 年第 1 版,第 534 页。
    [3] 关于劳动关系的称谓,学术界也尚未达成一致的意见。有学者称其为标准劳动关系与非标准劳动关系,有的称之为典型劳动关系与非典型劳动关系,还有学者谓之正规就业劳动关系与非正规就业劳动关系。笔者认为典型劳动关系或职业劳动关系的称谓较为妥当,它是指长期的、稳定性的、有固定工作岗位所形成的劳动关系的状态。
    [4] [英]伯特兰·罗素著:《权威与个人》,肖巍译,中国社会科学出版社 1990年第 1 版,第 34 页。
    [5] 徐林清:《从远程工作看信息化社会消费过程与生产过程的融合》,《经济经纬》2002 年第 4 期,第 97 页。
    [6] 转引自朱琼华:《电传劳动管理问题之初探》,http://hrm.nsysu.edu.tw/master/sum-project/89-14-1.doc,2007 年 11 月6 日。
    [7] [0]电传劳动之父 Jack Niles 曾对电传劳动做了分类。第一种为在家上班 (home-based telecommuting) ,即以自家为工作的地点,而不需再通勤至原有的工作地点;第二种为邻里办公中心(neighborhood center) ,以里邻或社区为单位,在该范围内选择一地点作为工作中心,其功能与地区办公中心相同,但规模较小;第三类分区办公中心(satellitecenter) ,是由个别公司或机构所设立,一般设于郊区,使到该中心上班者的通勤距离小于原来通勤到传统主要办公室的距离。是第四类是地区办公中心(local center),其功能与分区办公中心类似,但地区办公中心可能由不同的公司或机构合设.而分区办公中心则由单一公司或机构 设 立 。 参 见 朱 琼 华 :《 电 传 劳 动 管 理 问 题 之 初 探 》,http://hrm.nsysu.edu.tw/master/sum-project/89-14-1.doc,2007 年 11 月 6日。
    [8] [英]马尔科姆·沃纳主编:《工商管理大百科全书》, 清华大学经济管理学院编译,辽宁教育出版社 1999 年第 1 版,第 136 页。
    [9] SOHO 可被进一步划分为:①创业 SOHO:自组 1-10 人的小公司,或经营一个小店面,或加盟某个连锁体系。这种 SOHO 规模虽不大,员工们也未必天天见面,但是通过互联网保持着高效的联系,在经营和管理上具备很大的灵活性。②自雇 SOHO:在家工作或个人工作室,一人身兼老板及伙计,例如文字工作者、艺术工作者、顾问、中介、保险从业人员等,他们大多爱好自由,工作富有创造性。③兼差SOHO:利用下班时间在家兼差的上班族,既能开辟财源,又有基本保障,是保守型过度到创业阶段的人的选择。④在职 SOHO:在家工作的上班族。即在家利用现代通讯科技与所属公司连线进行工作的电子通勤族。他们与其他 SOHO 的区别在于他们有固定的工作单位,只是部分时间在家上班,而且在上班过程中要不断和本公司联络以便协调工作。可见,只有③④两种情况中有雇佣劳动的存在。http://www.sohozu.com/2005/4-10/17384855497.html,2007 年 11 月 23日。
    [10] Elizabeth Jelin, Matilde Mercado and Gabriela Wyczykier, Series on Homeworkers in Global Economy: Home Work in Argentina, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1657_01/PUB1657_01.pdf,2007-12-23.
    [11] Ursula Huws and Sarah Podro, Employment of homeworkers: Examples of good practice, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/publ/wc-uh-sp-95.htm, 2007-12-18.
    [12] 陶志勇:《灵活就业理论及其在我国的实践》,《天津市工会管理干部学院学报》2004 年第 1 期,第 16 页。
    [13] Manuela Tomei, Home Work in Selected Latin American Countries: A Comparative Overview, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1659_01/PUB1659_01.pdf,2007-12-11.
    [14] 董保华、邱婕:《论“非标准劳动关系”与“共同雇主”》,《上海企业》2006 年第 5 期,第 39 页。
    [15] 徐立安:《灵活就业的理论、实践及发展思路》,《市场经济研究》2003年第 5 期,第 62 页。
    [16] 徐立安:《灵活就业的理论、实践及发展思路》,《市场经济研究》2003年第 5 期,第 62 页。
    [17] Employment Sector of International Labor Office,Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A statistical picture, http://www.ilo.org/public/englishemployment/gems/download/women.pdf,2008-1-5.
    [18] Bosch, G., Dawkins, P. and Michon, F., Times are changing: Working time in 14 industrialized countries, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3068/is_199510/ai_n7726272,2008-02-01.
    [19] Employment Sector of International Labor Office, Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A statistical picture, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/gems/download/women.pdf,2008-1-5.
    [20] Employment Sector of International Labor Office, Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A statistical picture, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/gems/download/women.pdf,2008-1-5.
    [21] Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment,Gender issues--Transport and General Workers' Union Guide to Women's Health & Safety , http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/gender/trade_union,2008-02-01.
    [22] Lena Lavinas, Bila Sorj, Leila Linhares and Angela Jorge, Home Work in Brazil: New Contractual Arrangements, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1655_01/PUB1655_01.pdf,2007-11-30.
    [23] 邹萍:《日本就业状况的变化及政府对策》,《环球劳动》2002 年第 9期,第 56 页。
    [24] Manuela Tomei, Home Work in Selected Latin American Countries: A Comparative Overview, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1659_01/PUB1659_01.pdf,2007-12-11.
    [25] Gender Promotion Programme, Organizing the unorganized: informal economy and other unprotected workers , http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/gems/eeo/tu/cha_5.htm,2007-12-30.
    [26] Elizabeth Jelin, Matilde Mercado and Gabriela Wyczykier, Series on Homeworkers in Global Economy: Home Work in Argentina, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1657_01/PUB1657_01.pdf,2007-12-23.
    [27] Lena Lavinas, Bila Sorj, Leila Linhares and Angela Jorge, Home Work in Brazil: New Contractual Arrangements, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1655_01/PUB1655_01.pdf,2007-11-30.
    [28] Manuela Tomei, Home Work in Selected Latin American Countries: A Comparative Overview, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1659_01/PUB1659_01.pdf,2007-12-11.
    [29] 参见《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》,http://www.moc.gov.cn/zhuzhan/jiaotongguihua/guojiaguihua/guojiaxiangguan_ZHGH/200709/t20070927_420874.html,2008 年 1 月 3 日。
    [30] 参见梅新育:《改革开放 30 年中国经济回顾》,《今日浙江》2007 年第 15 期,第 27 页。
    [31] 参见《第 18 次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》, http://tech.tom.com /zhuanti/ cnnic_report18. html, 2007 年 11 月 20 日。
    [32] 参见夏小辉:《我国城镇灵活就业研究》,华中师范大学 2007 年硕士学位论文,第 11 页。
    [33] 吕振丽:《东北资源枯竭型城市下岗失业人员的灵活就业研究》,吉林大学 2007 年硕士学位论文,第 3 页。
    [34] 参见夏小辉:《我国城镇灵活就业研究》,华中师范大学 2007 年硕士学位论文,第 9 页。
    [35] 劳动科学研究所课题组:《制定<促进就业法>若干问题研究》,《中国劳动》2005 年第 3 期,第 10 页。
    [36] 参见董青梅:《试分析塞柏工作地中的劳动关系》,《法学杂志》2007年第 1 期,第 133 页。
    [37] 参见常凯:《关于劳动合同法立法的几个基本问题》,《当代法学》2006年第 6 期,第 32 页。
    [38] 黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1 版,第105 页。
    [39] 常凯:《论个别劳动关系的法律特征——兼及劳动关系法律调整的趋向》,《中国劳动》2004 年第 4 期,第 14 页。
    [40] 有学者认为这一称谓并不确切。劳动者在职业劳动过程中所受到的限制是“职业从属”或称“服务从属”,劳动者在职业劳动中的人格仍是独立的,意志也是相对自由的,并不都是被动地接受命令。参见冯彦君:《劳动权的多重意蕴》,《当代法学》2004 年第 2 期,第 40页。
    [41] 吕琳:《论“劳动者”主体界定之标准》,《法商研究》2005 年第 3 期,第 31 页。
    [42] 吕琳:《论“劳动者”主体界定之标准》,《法商研究》2005 年第 3 期,第 31 页。
    [43] 参见黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1版,第 95 页。
    [44] 参见刘志鹏《:论劳动基准法上之“劳工”》《,劳动法理论与判决研究》,台湾元照出版公司 2000 年版,第 15 - 16 页。
    [45] 参见黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1版,第 94-95 页。
    [46] 参见黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1版,第 95-96 页。
    [47] 参见黎建飞、陈闯:《家庭劳动法律制度的比较与思考》,《劳动法评论》(第一卷),中国人民大学出版社 2005 年版,第 184-196 页。
    [48] 关于劳动关系和承揽关系的具体区别可参见李世军、陆燕春:《如何区分劳动关系、雇佣关系和承揽关系》,《经济论坛》2006 年第 2 期,第 128 页。
    [49] Charit Meesit, Thailand:National Study on the Employment Relationship, http://www.ilo.int/public/english/dialogue/ifpdial/downloads/wpnr/thailand.pdf, 2007-11-18.
    [50] 吕琳:《论“劳动者”主体界定之标准》,《法商研究》2005 年第 3 期,第 32 页。
    [51] 黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1 版,第105 页。
    [52] 张磊:《劳动法中的劳动者角色定位----以调适我国<劳动法>的适用范围为目的》,吉林大学 2006 年硕士学位论文,第 7 页。
    [53] 参见黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1版,第 94-95 页。
    [54] Lena Lavinas, Bila Sorj, Leila Linhares and Angela Jorge, Home Work in Brazil: New Contractual Arrangements, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1655_01/PUB1655_01.pdf,2007-11-30.
    [55] 冯彦君:《劳动权论略》,《社会科学战线》2003 年第 1 期,第 171页。
    [56] 冯彦君:《劳动权论略》,《社会科学战线》2003 年第 1 期,第 173页。
    [57] 冯彦君:《劳动权论略》,《社会科学战线》2003 年第 1 期,第 170页。
    [58] 冯彦君:《劳动权论略》,《社会科学战线》2003 年第 1 期,第 171页。
    [59] 冯彦君:《劳动权论略》,《社会科学战线》2003 年第 1 期,第 172页。
    [60] 黄越钦著:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年版,第 109页。
    [61] 参见冯彦君:《我国劳动合同立法应正确处理三大关系》,《当代法学》2006 年第 6 期,第 26 页。
    [62] 冯彦君:《我国劳动合同立法应正确处理三大关系》,《当代法学》2006年第 6 期,第 24 页。
    [63] 龚基云: 《转型期中国劳动关系研究》,南京师范大学 2004 年博士学位论文,第 85-86 页。
    [64] 张可人、徐怀伏:《国外劳动关系调整模式对我国制药企业的启迪》,《科教文汇》2007 年第 5 期,第 135 页。
    [65] 张可人、徐怀伏:《国外劳动关系调整模式对我国制药企业的启迪》,《科教文汇》2007 年第 5 期,第 135 页。
    [66] 张可人、徐怀伏:《国外劳动关系调整模式对我国制药企业的启迪》,《科教文汇》2007 年第 5 期,第 134 页。
    [67] 参见黄越钦著,《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1版,第 74—75 页。
    [68] 杨河清、詹婧:《我国劳动关系调整模式选择的制度因素探讨》,《中国人力资源开发》2006 年第 6 期,第 105 页。
    [69] 杨河清、詹婧:《我国劳动关系调整模式选择的制度因素探讨》,《中国人力资源开发》2006 年第 6 期,第 105 页。
    [70] 冯彦君:《劳动权论略》,《社会科学战线》2003 年第 1 期,第 172页。
    [71] 罗天虎、丁宁:《劳动关系模式对集体谈判立法的影响》,《生产力研究》2007 年第 5 期,第 55 页。
    [72] Ursula Huws and Sarah Podro, Employment of homeworkers: Examples of good practice, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/publ/wc-uh-sp-95.htm,2007-12-18.
    [73] Ursula Huws and Sarah Podro, Employment of homeworkers: Examples of good practice, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/publ/wc-uh-sp-95.htm,2007-12-18.
    [74] 参见黎建飞、陈闯:《家庭劳动法律制度的比较与思考》,《劳动法评论》(第一卷),中国人民大学出版社 2005 年版,第 184-196 页。
    [75] Ursula Huws and Sarah Podro, Employment of homeworkers: Examples of good practice, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/publ/wc-uh-sp-95.htm,2007-12-18.
    [76] 参见赵焕芝:《高新技术对竞业禁止影响的法律思考》,《商场现代化》2007 年 1 月(中旬刊),第 256 页。
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    2.[英]伯特兰·罗素:《权威与个人》,肖巍译,中国社会科学出版社1990 年第1版。
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    5. 冯彦君:《劳动法学》,吉林大学出版社 1999 年第 1 版。
    6. 何勤华:《西方法学史》,中国政法大学出版社 2000 年第 2 版。
    7. 黄越钦:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年第 1 版。
    8. 刘旭:《国际劳工标准概述》,中国劳动社会保障出版社 2003 年第 1版。
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    2. 冯彦君:《我国劳动合同立法应正确处理三大关系》,《当代法学》2006年第 6 期。
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    5. 徐立安:《灵活就业的理论、实践及发展思路》,《市场经济研究》2003年第 5 期。
    6. 邹萍:《日本就业状况的变化及政府对策》,《环球劳动》2002 年第 9期。
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    1.Elizabeth Jelin, Matilde Mercado and Gabriela Wyczykier, Series on Homeworkers in Global Economy: Home Work in Argentina, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1657_01/PUB1657_01.pdf.
    2.Ursula Huws and Sarah Podro, Employment of homeworkers: Examples of good practice, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/publ/wc-uh-sp-95.htm
    3.Manuela Tomei, Home Work in Selected Latin American Countries: A Comparative Overview, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1659_01/PUB1659_01.pdf
    4.Employment Sector of International Labor Office,Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A statistical picture, http://www.ilo.org/public/englishemployment/gems/download/women.pdf
    5.Lena Lavinas, Bila Sorj, Leila Linhares and Angela Jorge, Home Work in Brazil: New Contractual Arrangements, http://www.ilo.org/dyn/empent/docs/F111PUB1655_01/PUB1655_01.pdf

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