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As the human's social and economic activities caused global warming, leading to a variation of the human environment. As the United Kingdom Government in2003firstly proposed the low-carbon economy,which is taken attention by the worldwide. The Chinese government also takes the low-carbon economy as a sustainable development way which can be quantified. It is referred to the strategic level to be treated. Therefore, the study of the internal mechanism between government environmental regulation and low-carbon economy is good for our government to build systematic legal system, mechanisms, and institutions to promote the development of low-carbon economy. Eventually, the government will better play the role to promote the development of low-carbon economy.
     The thesis is written along the thinking of theoretical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Based on the theory and document studies about government environmental regulation and low-carbon economy,the thesis researched the mechanism of internal influence from government environmental regulation to low-carbon economy. In the course of the study,we selected three perspectives that are the total, industrial structure and regional,and at the end we analysed the combined effect of the impact of government environmental regulation on low-carbon economy. The thesis made a number of meaningful results.
     The qualitative research of the thesis has included four aspects.The thesis firstly explained the basic connotations of governmentenvironmental regulation and low-carbon economiy.Due to the implementation of government environmental regul--ationis is in order to coordinate the development of the economy and environment and the aim of developing low-carbon economy is concentrated expression to achieve the common development between economic and environmental, we believe that there is definite link between the government environmental regulation and low-carbon economy. Secondly,There are deep theoretical origins between government environmental regulation and low-carbon economy.Since the core content of the low-carbon economy is to coordinate economic and environmental development,that is line with the fundamental purpose of government environmental regulation.Thirdly, Based on the literature study, we proved the basic way of government environmental regulationcan effectively alleviate the problem of different levels in the developmentof low-carbon economy. Government environmental regulation is conducive to the optimization of the endogenous variables of the low-carbon economy, the formation of low-carbon industrial structure, promote balanced regional development of low-carbon economy and stimulate the enthusiasm of economic entities. Finally, based on the theoretical framework of3E system,this thesis theoretically proved the total characteristics, structural characteristics and regionalcharacteristics of the government environmental regulation affecting the development of low-carbon economy.
     The quantitative research of this article also has included four aspects. Firstly, Using VAR model, we have constructed a dynamic relationship system between government environmental regulation and carbon emissions, focusing on the relationship and influence between the two laws. Granger causality analysis shows that government environmental regulation is the Granger reason which changes carbon emissions. According to the VAR (2) model and impulse response analysis, the extent of government environmental regulation can have a significant impact on carbon emissions, But with rapid economic growth brought a lot of energy consumption, the extent of government environmental regulations is slower than the growth rate of carbon emissions. In recent years, the Government Environmental regulation had no significant effect on carbon emissions. We should Strengthen environmental regulation and apply various means of Government environmental regulations to promote the development of a low carbon economy.
     Secondly, Chinese Government attaches great importance to develop low-carbon economy and China's industrial structure is an important factor in carbon emission, we firstly have described the situation of China's energy consumption in three industries, and based on that analyses carbon emission of the three industries. The result are that the most carbon emission is from industrial and the key to develop low-carbon economy is to upgrade the industrial structure. Secondly, Granger causality test based on the VAR model shows that there is no causal relationship between government environmental regulation and the first industrial carbon emissions. However, government environmental regulation is the Granger cause of the primary industry and tertiary industry carbon emissions per unit of GDP. Finally, from the angle of government environmental regulation, this thesis proposes policy recommendations about how to develop low-carbon economy.
     Thirdly,The eastern, central, and western government environmental regulations put impact on low-carbon economic development in differences. The largest carbon emission is in the eastern part and its carbon emission grows faster. However, most of the eastern region has completed the industrialization, therefore the eastern region most likely to achieve low carbon economic growth in the role of government environmental regulation. The governmental environmental regulations of central and western regions are not the Granger causes of their carbon emissions. But carbon emissions of central and western regions are the Granger causes of their government environmental regulations. Government environmental regulation will help to promote the regional economies achieving a balanced and low-carbon development at the same time.
     Finally, many scholars in China believe that development of low-carbon economy needs government, business and residents work together to promote. According to that, we use the data from2003to2010of30provinces in China to research carbon emissions related to the government environmental management of public investment, industrial structure,the level of consumption, regional differences, and the level of urbanization.The results show that the impacts of various factors caused a combined effect on the development of low-carbon economy.Government should develop a public policy system of low carbon economy and educate the residents to support the development of low-carbon economy. Enterprises should take the initiative to take responsibility for energy conservation and provide low carbon products and services to the residents. Residents should form a low-carbon consumption and participate in the public governance to develop low-carbon economy.
     The conclusion, we propose four policy proposals.There are strengthening the environmental regulatory functions of government, building a low-carbon industrial structure,promoting balanced development of regional low-carbon economy and encouraging the main of low-carbon economy.
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