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Nowadays Cheer Team trends toward sports are growing fast and Guangxi is the one of the region to have Cheer Team in the earliest time, which lead the other of its counterpart nationwide, the Cheer Team in many universities and colleges in this region have won many times in the National Cheer Team Contest and even in the Worldwide Cheer Team contest, which has been growing into the main stream as the example to the other regions nationwide. This research is based on the status quo of the Cheer Team in Guangxi region by take use of the Data Analysing Method, Interviewing Experts, Video Analysis Method and Qustionaire, by this research to find out the main problems in the development of Guangxi Cheery Team and hence to work out the corresponding approach to solve these problems.
     Research results show that: (1) as a kind of sport culture of colleges and universities, cheerleading sport plays a fine role in riching compus culture of universities, cultivating leading ability, will quality, teamwork, discipline, competition and self-confidence of students. (2) cheerleading teams came from universities of Guangxi province have gained goods results from competitions both at home and abroad, which play a vanguard and exemplary role in popularizing and promoting cheerleading movements of our country. But, it still has great distance compared with international level, which is incarnated in lacking of student athletes and poor backup forces. (3) Training period of cheerleading teams in colleges and universities of Guangxi mainly concentrates on evening, weekends and holidays, which is in the form of organizing training before competitions; most of colleges and universities are unable to keep long-term and systematic training, which is against with the recognition of coaches who think that college shall keep long-term traning. (4) colleges and universities in Guangxi province have a team with young cheerleading coaches, among them, with more than half have degrees; their training time usually is not very long, which at most time is 2-3 years; for limitation of sports funding and attentions form school leaders, they seldom have the chances to engage in national training and learning, therefore, opportunities to take part in academic research and communication ae also not enough. At present, Cheerleading teams carrie out in collegs and universities of our country are in full swing, and Guangxi province is one the earliest areas that instruced and publicized the cheerleading movements; its sports standards of cheerleading team in collegs and universities are ranking leading position in the whole country, and representative team of all colleges and unersities have won excellent results in cheerleading competitions both at home and abrod; it is the mainsteam for development of cheerleading sports in athletic competitions of colleges and universities in our country, and has played a leading role in pulication process of cheerleading activities in the whole country. This paper made careful investigation and analysis to developmental status quo of athletic cheerleading teams in colleges and universities of Guangxi province, and found out main problems existed in development process. Finally, it brings forward corresponding strategies and suggestions so as to provide theoritical reference for functional management departments, and accelerate the development of athletic cheerleading teams in colleges and universities of Guangxi province to realize its dream to merge with the world. (5) Athletes are mainly female, thus, lack of male athletes; and most of them are sophomore and junior students, most of them with very short training experience. While, grades that they took part in were very high, and accumulated a certain degree of experience; for this new project, there are great adavncing space for promoting level of athlete cheerleading teams in colleges and universities of Guangxi province. (6) Competitive cheerleading activities from colleges and universities of Guangxi province are mainly dance cheerleading teams; at its initial stage of starting, attentions are placed on varieties so as to increase the watchability of competitions, and the usage of props and dance elements shall be diversified. For poor basis of athletes, and with little chance to contact with experience of cheerleading activities, training methods of coaches and athelets to skill movements are not so good, and existing a series reasons as security risks; all these are the reasons that why establishment of high level cheerleading teams has great dificulties. (7) The factor that lacking of backup talents is the most important factor that constrains the development of cheerleading teams in colleges and universities of Guangxi province; some other factors as contradictions between sport fundings, scientific training ability, faculty, competition rules, and athletes learning with training, attentions from leaders as well as school management mechanism also have a certain degree of influences and contrains to development of cheerleading teams in colleges and universities of Guangxi province.
     Based on the status quo and existing problems of competition cheerleading sports in colleges and universities of Guangxi province, the author put forward corresponding strategies and measure from those aspects as organizational management, training, the club development, social development, business operations, international development. Details are as below: reform and innovate management mechanism of competition cheerleading sports in colleges and universities of Guangxi province; promote artistic expression of athletes; strengthen the training to operational force and body posture control ability of athletes; send out sport security manual and carry out scientific training; make full use of those advantages we have in gymnastics, skills; organize high quality club-type cheerleading team; adjust self-mechanism, develope commercial channels, and further develope this industry and shape market; follow the international development road; and provide the Olimpic games with civilized cheerleading teams.
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