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As one of three global ecosystems, wetland ecosystem is of top productivity. However, since the1970s, the worldwide demand for wetland resources has induced serious ecological disasters and social problems, threatening sustainable development not only in one country but the whole world. The Dongting Lake Ecological-Economic Zone in Hunan Province has the same story, encountering problems as decrease of natural.wetland area, simplification of wetland structure and landscape, as well as degradation of wetland ecosystem function. On Arpil4th2014, the State Council gave an official approval for the planning over the lake region, signifying the construction of the region has become an important part of national development strategy. Thus this research aims to understand the running state and dynamic change of wetland ecosystem in Dongting Lake area, analyze inter-system interactions and its growing tendency, and adopt relevant policies to promote regional coordinated development and multi-system high-graded coupling, which has great value for solving conflicts between wetland conservation and regional development. The research employed qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, adopting system analog simulation for better reflecting regular dynamic relevance between ecological and economic systems.
     The paper made progressive research based on the following clue:wetland value, wetland resources dependency, wetland carrying capacity, ecological and economic system coupling, and countermeasures supply:(1) Analyzed wetland eco-service value in Dongting Lake area, reflecting great contributions of wetland resources for regional development.(2) From the perspective of wetland resources dependency, the paper made quantitative analysis of local wetland dependency. The assessment result indicates wetland eco-service has contributed greatly to Dongting Lake area, while local people's activities have induced significant pressure upon wetland, particular on water, land and biological resources.(3)Respectively analyzed environmental carrying capacity and water resources carrying capacity in Dongting Lake area, which indicates though the index of carrying capacity on the rise, future regional development is not optimistic enough because environmental deterioration tendency may create great uncertainty.(4) Assessed inter-systems interaction and dynamic trend over2002-2011at different spatial scale, which has provided sufficient evidence for policy interference. The result shows current state of ecological-economic system coupling is better than expected, and wetland resources have comparatively sufficient supporting capacity for regional development. However the deteriorating tendency of wetland resources has negative influence on overall system coordination. The ssessment result also indicates the government's key role in wetland governance.(5) On the basis of system coupling conclusion, the papaer analyzed the implementation effects and existing problems of three kinds of policies, and raised specific policies as integrated legislation system construction, natural conservation system construction, and coordinated industrial development, etc.
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