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Using techniques such as hierarchical analysis, historical research, case study to investigating the United States permeating into the new Central Asia countries and the interaction between the United States and the other powers in Central Asia, this dissertation is aimed at exposing the essence of America's Central Asia strategy, assessing its results and prospect, from the perspective of geopolitics.
     A study on America's Central Asia Strategy needs verifying America's predominating strategic thinking first. The dissertation observes the strategic thinking of the leaders'at three strategic turning points in the history of the United States to affirming that the traditional geopolitical thinking is the soul of America's grand strategy with the characteristic of power expanding.
     After the cold war, in the guidance of traditional geopolitical thinking, and as the only superpower in the global, the United Stated decides to go on with pursuing world hegemony which was interrupted by the Cold War. Serving to the national strategy, the Central Asia strategy of the United States is aimed at weakening the influence of Russia and China in this area so as to undermine their capacity to challenge America's world position and to establish its predominating position in Central Asia, based on which the United States can link its military deployment in the eat, south and west into a integrated body.
     In order to realizing the up-mentioned goals, the United States enhances its presence in Central Asia by involving in political affair, economy and military of Central Asia countries. In the political aspect, the United States makes efforts to output its democracy value to Central Asia countries with the stick and carrot policy so as to bring them in to "the democratic big family" under its control. In military aspect, with the objective to reshape the Central Asia states'military system according to its standard, the United States has promoted cooperation with Central Asia states with the instrument of "peace and partnership plan" under NATO sine1994. After the event of "9.11", the United States established several air bases in Central Asia first in its history. With the goal of replacing Russia to control Central Asia states'economy, the United States attempted to undermine Russia by building the pipeline by-pass Russia. Finding it was hard to build a pipeline traversing the Caspian Sea recently, the United States proposed "the great Central Asia plan", trying to enhance its power in Central Asia and the South Asia by promoting the countries to strengthen cooperation among them. Foreign aid is another important instrument for the United States to promote its Central Asia strategy.
     America's entry into Central Asia must make some effect on the other powers with interest in the area. According to their relation with the United States, these powers are grouped into friends and rivals. The rivals are Russia, China and Iran, which the United States wants to elbow out from Central Asia. But it's more and more clear that it's hard to spoil the relation between the up-mentioned three countries and the Central Asia countries because of their traditional contacts. Regarding friends, the United States is stressing the necessary of coordination among them.
     Inevitably, the Central Asia strategy of the United State affects America itself, the Central Asia states and the other powers active in Central Asia. As to America, the Central Asia strategy makes it one of the most important actors in Central Asia from a bystander. There are positive and negative effects in the Central Asia countries. Regarding the positive effects, it is useful for the countries to become more independence, to broaden their diplomacy and to improve their international position first. Secondly, the technology and economy aid to the Central Asia countries promote their economical development. Thirdly, the cooperation in military between the United States and the Central Asia States upgrades the later defensive capability, which is in favour of the Central Asia states in their security and stability. The negative effects are as follows:1, Challenging the present government of Central Asia states by outputting democracy to them.2, Undermining the cooperation will of the Central Asia states among themselves by valueing them unequally.3, the contest among the out powers intensifies the relationship there. Although the United States has made big progress in Central Asia, but there still a long distance to reach its strategic goals. Actually, the problems exist in the Central Asia countries and the conflicts among them hinder the United States'local strategy. There are other hinder factors, such as the power balance strategy of the Central Asia choices, the limitation of America's power and the colliding objectives of its policies, the Afghanistan War and the other powers, the strategic thinking of the United States and so on. It can be infer that the United States will maintain its present Central Asia strategy with some adjustment. America may make advantage over Russia sometimes, but there is no way for him to control Central Asia thoroughly.
     In the ending of this dissertation, it is mentioned that China, insisting its traditional geopolitical thinking based on compromise, needn't to make too much reaction to America's recent aggressive movements in Central Asia and the West Pacific, for the strategic thinking of the United states is based on the western geopolitics theories with the characteristic of conflict and expanding powers, which is not suitable the much changed international environment. It must bring trouble to the United States and weaken itself if the United States insists the strategic thinking unchanged.
    4 D·西诺尔[美]:《什么是中亚》,《民族译从》,1986(1):37。
    1A. C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania,2003, pp.147-148.
    1 Cited in Thomas P. Brockway Ed., Basic Documents in United States Foreign Policy, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1957, P.19., in C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania.2003, p.155.
    2 Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4,1801, in Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States:From George Washington to John F. Kennedy, United States Government Printing Office,1961, pp. 13-16. in A. C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania, 2003, p.156.
    3 Cited in MacCorkle. The Personal Genesis of the Monroe Doctrine.33-34. 转引自 A. C. Harth. Geopolitics and Grand Strategy. A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania.2003:156.
    1 Harry S. Truman, Recommendations on Greece and Turkey, Message of the President to Congress, March 12, 1947, Reprinted in Department of State Bulletion, Vol, No.409A, May 4,1947, P.831, in A. C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania,2003, p.227.
    2 A. C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania,2003, p.228.
    1 A. C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania,2003, p.233.
    2 James Byrnes. Remarks to the Overseas Press Club. New York, February 28,1946, in Department ofS/a Bulletin.Vol.14, No.349, March 10,1946, P.356. in A. C. Harth. Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania,2003, p.237.
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    2 William J. Clinton, Inaugural Address, January 20,1993. http://clinton6.nara.gov/1993/01/.
    3 A. C. Harth, Geopolitics and Grand Strategy, A Dissertation for Ph.D in the University of Pennsylvania,2003, p.314.
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    1 Charles Fairbanks, "Being There", The National Interest, Summer 2002, P.39.
    2 Statement by White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater, Washington, D.C. Feb.19,1992, US Department of State Dispatch, Feb.24,1992.
    3 Hafeez Malik ed., "Central Asia:Its Strategic Importance & Future Prospects". St. Martin's Press,1996, In Houman A Sadri's book review, "Central Asia:Its Strategic Importance & Future Prospects", Journal of Third World Strudies, Spring 1998, p.15.
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    3 Charles Fairbanks. S. Frederick Starr, C. Richard Nelson, Kenneth Weisbrode, "Strategic Assessment of Central Eurasia", The Atlantic Council of the United States, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, SAIS, January 2001.
    3 A. Elizabeth Jones, "U.S.-Central Asian Cooperation", Testimony to the Subcommittee on Central Asia and the Caucasus. Foreign Relations Committee, U.S. Senate, December 13,2001. http://www. State.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/2001/11299.htm.
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    1 Jim Nichol. "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress, February 25,2009, p.1.
    3 William J. Clinton. Remarks to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels, January 10,1994. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/pubpaps/srchpaps.html.
    4 The White House The National Security Strategy, Sep,2002, http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2002/.
    5 George W.Bush, State of the Union Address at the U.S.Capitol, Feb.2,2005, http://www.whitehouse.gov/StateoflheUnion/2005/index.html.
    1 The Princeton Project Papers, "Forging A World of Liberty Under Law:U.S. National Security in the 21s Century", The Princeton Project on National Security, Sep.27,2006, p.7.
    2 The White House, National Security Strategy,2010.
    3 The White House, National Security Strategy,2010.
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    1 Gary K. Bertsch, Cassady Craft, Scott A. Jones, Michael Beck, ed., Crossroads and Conflict:Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Routledge,2000, p.85。
    2 Gary K. Bertsch. Cassady Craft, Scott A. Jones, Michael Beck, ed., Crossroads and Conflict:Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Routledge,2000, p.86.
    1 Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's New States:Political Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests", Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Division, May 18,2001. p. 1.
    1Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", February 25,2009, p.34.
    1 John C.K. Daly, Kurt H. Meppen, Vladimir Socor, S. Frederick Starr, "Anatomy of a crisis:U.S.-Uzbekistan Relations,2001-2005", Silk Road Paper, February 2006.
    1 "International Contributions to the War onTerrorism," http://www.centcom.mil/Operations/Coalition/joint.htm.
    2 Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's New States:Political Developments and Implications for U.S.Interests". Congressional Research Service(CRS), IB93108, April 1,2003, p.3.
    3 Elizabeth Wishnick, "Strategic consequences of the Iraq War:U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia Reassessed". ISBN 1-58487-160-1, P.4.
    4 Robert J. Caldwell, "The List of Allies Grows in the War against Terrorism", The San Diego Union-Tribune, Nov.11,2001. p.4.
    1 Eugene B. Rumer, "Flashman's Revenge:Central Asia after September 11", Strategic Forum.. No.195, Dec 2002. p.4.
    2 Colin L. Powell, remarks at International Conference for Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan, Tokyo, Japan, January 21,2002, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2002/7366.htm
    1 Jim Nichol. "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress. March 11,2010, p.38.
    1 Miguel A. Perez Martin. "Geo-Economics in Central Asia and the 'Great Game' of Natural Resources:Water. Oil, Gas, Uranium and Transportation Corridors", Asia-Pacific/Central Asia Observatory Working Paper,2009, p.11.
    1 The White House Press Release, May 17,2001.
    2 "The World Around Russia:2017-An Outlook for the Midterm Future", The Council on Foreign and Defense Policy State University-Higher School of Economics Rio-Center, Moscow,2007, pp.55-56.
    2 CIA, The World Factbook, Data on oil and gas exports for 2008:both extra-regional and intra-regional exports are included in The World Factbook data.
    3 Anatol Lieven. "The (Not So) Great Game", The National Interest, Winter 1999/2000, p.71.
    4 Mac Farlane, "Western Engagement in the Caucasus and Central Asia", Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1999, p.20.
    1 Stephen J. Blank, "U.S. Interests in Central Asia and the Challenges to Them", http://www.StrategicStudieslnstitute.army.mil/
    2 Stephen. J.Blank, "After Two Wars:Reflections on the American Strategic Revolution Strategic Revolution in Central Asia". Central Asian Series 05/14, p.14.
    3 Federal News Service, Testimony of Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Lorne W. Craner, to the U.S.Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, June 24,2004, retrieved from Lexis Nexis(henceforth Craner, Testimony).
    1 Condoleezza Rice, Remarks at the State Department Correspondents Association's Inaugural News maker Breakfast, at Fairmont Hotel, January 5,2006.
    1 Jim Nichol, " Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress 2010, p.22.
    1 Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress 2010. p.22.
    2 Evan A.Feigenbaum, Remarks at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute. Johns Hopkins University. Washington D.C., February 6,2007,http://www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/rm/2007/80245.htm.
    1 Jim Nichol, " Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress 2010, p.22.
    1 Larry Nowels, Connie Veillette, "Restructuring U.S. Foreign Aid:The Role of the Director of Foreign Assistance in Transformational Development"。 CRS Report. RL33491.
    2 Account Overview. Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union http://www.usaid.gov/policy/budget/cbj2007/an/freedomsa.html
    1 Curt Tarnoff, U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet Union, CRS, March,2007.
    2 USAID Report, "USAID's Assistance Strategy for Central Asia 2001-2005", July,2000; p11.
    2 Steve Radelet, "Will the Millennium Challenge Account Be Different?", The Washington Quarterly, Spring, 2003, pp.171-172.
    1 Steve Radelet. "Will the Millennium Challenge Account Be Different?". The Washington Quarterly. Spring. 2003, p.172.
    2 http://www.usaid.gov/about_usaid/
    3 Congressional Budget Justification Foreign Assistance Summary Tables Fiscal Year 2011.
    1 Curt Tamoff,"U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet Union", CRS, March,2007.
    1 General Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives on U.S. Economic and Democratic Assistance to the Central Asian Republics, August 1999, GAO/NSIAD-99-200.
    2 USAID Report, "USAID's Assistance Strategy for Central Asia 2001-2005", July,2000. p.12.
    1 Leszek Buszvnski. "Russia's New Role in Central Asia". Asian Survev. Vol.45. No.4,2005. p.546.
    2 Igor' Korotchenko, "Vokrug Rossii Szhimaetsya Kol'tso Voennykh Baz" [Military bases encircle Russia], ibid., June 4,2003. in Leszek Buszynski, "Russia's New Role in Central Asia", Asian Survey, Vol.45, No.4,2005, p.548.
    1 Fraser Cameron, "The Policies of The European Union and Russia towards Central Asia", The International Centre for Black Sea Studies, No.8, Xenophon Paper, Nov.2009, p.28.
    2 Fraser Cameron, "the Policies of The European Union and Russia towards Central Asia", The International Centre for Black Sea Studies, No.8, Xenophon Paper, Nov.2009. p.26.
    2 D. Khidirbekughli, "US Geostrategy in Central Asia:A Kazakh Perspective", Comparative Strategy, No.22, 2003. p.209.
    3 Pavel K. Baev, "'Assessing Russia's Cards:Three Petty Games in Central Asia", Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol.17, No.2, July 2004, pp.275-276.
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    1 Thom Shanker, "Russian Official Cautions U.S.on Use of Central Asian Bases", The New York Times, October 9, 2003, p.9.
    2 RFE/RL Newsline. Vol.7. No.40, Part Ⅰ, March 3.2003, http://www.rferl.org.
    3 Elizabeth Wishnick, "Strategic Consequences of the Iraq War:U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia Reassessed". ISBN 1-58487-160-1, May 2004, p.21.
    4 Elizabeth Wishnick, "Strategic Consequences of the Iraq War:U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia Reassessed". ISBN 1-58487-160-1, May 2004, p.21.
    1 Roman Kupchinsky, "The Putin Doctrine", RFE/RL Newsline, Vol.7,No.204, Part Ⅰ, October 27,2003.
    2 Elizabeth Wishnick, "Strategic Consequences of the Iraq War:U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia Reassessed", ISBN 1-58487-160-1. May 2004. pp.22-23.
    1 RFE/RL Newsline,Vol.7, No.180, September 22,2003. http://www.rferl.org.
    1 RFE/RL Central Asia Report,Vol.3, No.34, October 10,2003, http://www.rferl.org.
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    3 Gene Germanovich, "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization:A Threat to American Interests in Central Asia?" China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly. Vol.6, No.1,2008, p.20.
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    2 Freij. Hanna Yousif, "State interests VS. the Umma:Iranian policy in central Asia", The Middle East Journal, Winter 1996, p.78.
    2 Shireen Hunter, "Iran's Pragmatic Regional Policy", Journal of International Affairs, Sping 2003. p.145.
    3 Lal, Rollie, "Central Asia and Its Asian Neighbors:Security and commerce at the Crossroads", Published 2006 by the RAND Corporation.
    1 Theodore Karasik, "Azerbaijan, Central Asia, and Future Persian Gulf Security", Santa Monica, CA:The Rand Corporation. N-3579-AF/A.1993, p.31.
    2 Theodore Karasik, "Azerbaijan, Central Asia, and Future Persian Gulf Security". Santa Monica, CA:The Rand Corporation. N-3579-AF/A,1993, pp.31-32.
    3 Freij, Hanna Yousif, "State interests VS. the Umma:Iranian policy in central Asia", The Middle East Journal, Winter 1996, p.82.
    1 Kenneth Katzman, James Nichol. Iran, "Relations with Key Central Asian States'", CRS Report for Congress, July23.1998, p.4.
    2 Shireen Hunter, "Iran's Pragmatic Regional Policy", Journal of International Affairs, Sping 2003, p.145.
    1 Khatami Says Iran Ready to Help Uzbekistan Develop. FBIS/NES-20002-0429,29 April,2002.
    1 Frederick Starr Ed., "The New Silk Roads Transport and Trade in Greater Central Asia", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2007, p.431.
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    2 Frederick Starr Ed., "The New Silk Roads Transport and Trade in Greater Central Asia", Central Asia-Ca Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2007. p.437
    3 Frederick Starr Ed., "The New Silk Roads Transport and Trade in Greater Central Asia", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2007, p.448
    3中华人民共和国外交部网站http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/gjhdq/gj/yz/1206 31/
    3 Ehsan Ahrari.,"The Strategic Future of Central Asia:A View from Washington", Journal of International Affairs, Sping 2003,p.161.
    1 Report of the EUCAM Project, "Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy", ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.1.
    1 "European Commission Regional Strategy for Central Asia 2002-2006", Oct.30,2002, p.12. http://europa.eu.int/ comm/external_relations/ceeca/rsp2/02_06_en.pdf.
    2 "2005 World Drug Report", United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, p.49.
    1 "Central Asia:What role for the European Union", International Crisis Group Report, No.113, April 10,2006, p.8.
    2 "Central Asia:What role for the European Union", International Crisis Group Report, No.113, April 10,2006, p.15.
    3 Crisis Group interview, Bishkek,16 March,2006.
    4有欧盟分析人士认为,这些项目收效甚微的主要原因是中亚国家不予积极配合,尤其是土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦尽量避免经过他国的路线。参见"Central Asia:What role for the European Union", International Crisis Group Report, No.113, April 10,2006, p.15.
    1 Report of the EUCAM Project, "Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy". ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.58.
    2 Report of the EUCAM Project. "Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy", ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.59.
    1 European Commission, "Strategy Paper 2002-2006 & Indicative Programme 2002-2004 for Central Asia",30 October 2002, p.4.
    1 "Central Asia:What role for the European Union". International Crisis Group Report, No.113, April 10,2006, p.10.
    2 "Central Asia:What role for the European Union", International Crisis Group Report, No.113, April 10,2006, p.3.
    1 Sukhrobjon Ismailov, Balazs Jarabik, "The EU and Uzbekistan:short-term interests versus long-term engagemet", EUCAM, No.8,July 2009, p.3.
    2 European Commission, "EU Human Rights Dialogues with Central Asian countries." factsheet, April 2009, http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/central_asia/docs/factsheet_hr_dialogue_en.pdf.
    1 Council of the European Union and the European Commission, Joint Progress Report by the Council and the European Commission to the European Council on the implementation of the EU Central Asia Strategy, Brussels, 24 June 2008, http://trade.ec.euroopa.eu/doclib/docs/2008/october/tradoc_141166.pdf (see also annex 111).
    2 Report of the EUCAM Project, "Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy", ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.72.
    1 Peter Jones. "The EU-Central Asia Education Initiative", EUCAM working paper. No.9, Feburary 2010, p.7.
    2 Report of the EUCAM Project. "Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy", ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.78.
    1 "European Community Regional Strategy Paper for assistance to Central Asia for the period 2007-2013", http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/central_asia/rsp/07_13_en.pdf.
    1 Alexander Cooley. "Principles in the pipeline:managing transatlantic values and interests in Central Asia", International Affairs, No.84,2008, p.179.
    1 European Council, "Declaration on Human Rights", EC Bulletin,No.6,1991, p.17.
    2 Alexander Warkotsch, "The European Union and Democracy Promotion in Bad Neighbourhoods:The Case of Central Asia", European Foreign Affairs Review, No.11,2006, p.513.
    1 Kawato Akio. "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008.
    1 Christopher Len, "Understanding Japan's Central Asian Engagement", in Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, p.38.
    2 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len, Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed., "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008. p.18.
    3 Christopher Len, "Understanding Japan's Central Asian Engagement", in Christopher Len, Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed., "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, p.31.
    1 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len, Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed., "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, p.20.
    2 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?'", in Christopher Len, Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program.2008, p.20.
    1 Uyama Tomohiko, "Japan's Diplomacy towards Central Asia in the Context of Japan's Asian Diplomacy and Japan-U.S. Relations", Christopher Len, Uyama Tomohiko. Hirose Tetsuya ed., "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy: Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program.2008, p.108.
    3 Report of the EUCAM Project,"Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy", ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.49.
    1 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, p.20
    2 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko. Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead'". Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, p.27.
    1 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len, Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, pp.22-23.
    2 Report of the EUCAM Project, "Into Eurasia:Monitoring the EU's Central Asia Strategy", ISBN 978-92-9079-966-5,2010, p.50。
    J Jacob Townsend, Amy King. "Sino-Japanese Competition for Central Asian Energy:China's Game to Win", The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Vol 5, No.4, p.29.
    4 Jacob Townsend, Amy King. "Sino-Japanese Competition for Central Asian Energy:China's Game to Win", The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Vol 5. No.4, p.32.
    5 Hirose Tetsuya, "'Japan's Diplomacy in Central Asia:The Perspective of a Working-Level Policy Make Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed., "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008. p.188.
    2 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, p.24.
    1 Kawato Akio, "What is Japan up to in Central Asia?", in Christopher Len. Uyama Tomohiko, Hirose Tetsuya ed. "Japan's Silk Road Diplomacy:Paving the Road Ahead", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2008, pp.21-22.
    1 Lal, Rollie, "Central Asia and Its Asian Neighbors:Security and commerce at the Crossroads". Published 2006 by the RAND Corporation, p.30.
    2 Meena Singh Roy, "India's interests in Central Asia", Strategic Analysis, Vol. ⅩⅩⅣ, No.12, March 2001, http://www.idsa-india.org/an-mar-9.01.html
    2 Nirmala Joshi ed., "Reconnecting India and Central Asia:Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program.2010, p.55.
    1 Anita Inder Singh, "India's Relations with Russia and Central Asia", International Affairs, No.1,1995, p.80.
    2 Anita Inder Singh, "India's Relations with Russia and Central Asia", International Affairs. No.1,1995, pp.79-80.
    1 Arun Sahgal, Vinod Anand, "Strategic Environment in Central Asia and India", in Nirmala Joshi ed. "Reconnecting India and Central Asia:Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2010, p.64.
    1 Lal, Rollie, "Central Asia and Its Asian Neighbors:Security and commerce at the Crossroads", Published 2006 by the RAND Corporation, p.31.
    1 Gulshan Sachdeva, "Regional Economic Linkages", in Nirmala Joshi ed. "'Reconnecting India and Central Asia: Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, 2010, p.115.
    1 Gulshan Sachdeva, "Regional Economic Linkages", in Nirmala Joshi ed.'"Reconnecting India and Central Asia: Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program. 2010, p.119.
    1 Gulshan Sachdeva, "Regional Economic Linkages", in Nirmala Joshi ed. "Reconnecting India and Central Asia: Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, 2010, p.131.
    2 "India' s 'Look West' Policy:Why Central Asia Matters", South Asia Monitor, Vol.110,5 September 2007, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C. http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/sam110.pdf
    3 ""India' s 'Look West' Policy:Why Central Asia Matters", South Asia Monitor, Vol.110,5 September 2007, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C. http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/sam110.pdf
    4 Raghav Sharma, "India in Central Asia:Interests & Challenges",IPCS Special Report, No 62, December 2008.p.4.
    5 Gulshan Sachdeva, "Regional Economic Linkages", in Nirmala Joshi ed. "Reconnecting India and Central Asia: Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions'", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, 2010, pp.132-133. 6 Arun Sahgal, Vinod Anand, "Strategic Environment in Central Asia and India", in Nirmala Joshi ed. "Reconnecting India and Central Asia:Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2010, p.66.
    1 Raghav Sharma, "India in Central Asia:Interests & Challenges", IPCS Special Report, No 62, December 2008,p.12.
    2 Raghav Sharma, "India in Central Asia:Interests & Challenges", IPCS Special Report, No 62, December 2008,p.12.
    3 "India's "Look West" Policy:Why Central Asia Matters', South Asia Monitor, Volume 110,5 September 2007, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C. http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/sam110.pdf
    1 Lal. Rollie. "Central Asia and Its Asian Neighbors:Security and commerce at the Crossroads", Published 2006 by the RAND Corporation, p.33.
    * Raghav Sharma, "India in Central Asia:Interests & Challenges",IPCS Special Report, No 62, December 2008,p.6
    1 Nirmala Joshi ed. "Reconnecting India and Central Asia:Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2010.
    3 Stephen Blank, "India's Rising Profile in Central Asia", Comparative Strategy,22:139-157,2003, p.147.
    1 Stephen Blank. "India's Rising Profile in Central Asia". Comparative Strategy,22:139-157,2003. p.143.
    2 Nirmala Joshi ed. "Reconnecting India and Central Asia:Emerging Security and Economic Dimensions". Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program,2010.
    1 Stephen. J. Blank, "U.S. Interests in Central Asia and the Challenges to Them", March.2007, p.68.
    1 Olga Oliker, Thomas Szayna eds. Faultlines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. RAND Arroyo Center,2003, p.74.
    4 Sergei Mahnovski, Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik, "Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia", RAND. SBN 0-8330-3866-4. p.10.
    5 United Nations Population Fund (2005)
    6 Sergei Mahnovski, Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik, "Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia." RAND. SBN 0-8330-3866-4, p.27。
    1 Sergei Mahnovski. Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik, "Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia." RAND, SBN 0-8330-3866-4, p.15.
    2 Olga Oliker, Thomas Szayna eds. Faultlines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. RAND Arroyo Center,2003. p.90.
    3 Sergei Mahnovski, Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik. "'Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia." RAND, SBN 0-8330-3866-4, p.16.
    1 Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress, March 11,2010, p.20.
    1 Olga Oliker, Thomas Szayna eds. Faulllines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, RAND Arroyo Center.2003, p.78.
    2 Olga Oliker, Thomas Szayna eds. Faultlines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, RAND Arroyo Center,2003, p.79.
    3 Olga Oliker, Thomas Szayna eds. Faultlines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, RAND Arroyo Center,2003. p.80.
    1 Sergei Mahnovski, Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik, "Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia", RAND, SBN 0-8330-3866-4, p.27.
    2 Sergei Mahnovski. Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik, "Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia RAND, SBN 0-8330-3866-4, p.27.
    3 Olga Oliker, Thomas Szayna eds. Faulllines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, RAND Arroyo Center,2003, pp.85-86.
    1 Sergei Mahnovski, Kamil Akramov, Theodore Karasik, "Economic Dimensions of Security in Central Asia", RAND. SBN 0-8330-3866-4. p.27.
    2 Olga Olikcr, Thomas Szayna eds. Faultlines of Conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, RAND Arroyo Center,2003. p.87.
    1 Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress. March 11,2010, p.5.
    1 CEDR, October 20; 2009, Doc. No. CEP-950261.
    2 BBC Monitoring South Asia, November 4.2006.
    3 Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's Security:Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests", CRS Report for Congress, March 11,2010, p.8.
    1 Bruce Pannier, "Kyrgyzstan:Anatomy of a Conflict," RFE/RL, July 02,2010。
    3 Kathleen Collins, "The Logic of Clan Politics:Evidence from the Central Asian Trajectories", World Politics, 2004 (56),P.248.
    1 Alisher Khamidov, "Kyrgyzstan's Unrest Linked to Clan Rivalries." www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/ear06052.shtml,6/05/2002.
    1 Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,1997, p.84.
    2 Nalin Kumar Mohapatra, Political Culture and Democratic Development in Central Asia, New Dehli, India, Bookwell,2006. pp.196-197.
    1 Doulatbek Khidirbekughli, "U.S. Geostrategy in Central Asia:A Kazakh Perspective'", Comparative Strategy, 2003(22), p.159.
    2 Gross Domestic Product First Quarter 2009. http/www.Bea.gov/new sre leases/national/gdp/gdpnew sre lease hlm.
    4 The White House, National Security Strategy, May 2010.
    1 Stephen J. Blank, "U.S. Interests in Central Asia and the Challenges to them", ISBN 1-58487-283-7, March 2007, p.18.
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    3 David Gollust. "Rice Spurns Uzbekistan on Central Asia Trip". VOA News, October 7,2005, www.voanews.com/english/2005-10-07-voa68.cfm.
    1 Condoleezza Rice, "The Promise of Democratic Peace". Washington Post, December 11.2005, p.7.
    2 Elizabeth Wishick, "Russia, China, and the United States in Central Asia:Prospects for Great Power Competition and Cooperation in the Shadow of the Georgian Crisis", Strategic Studies Institute. February 2009. p.48.
    1 The IMU and the Hizb-ut-Tahrir:Implications of the Afghanistan Campaign, International Crisis Group. January 30,2002, p.2, http://www.icg.org.
    2 RFE/RL Central Asia Report. Vol.3, No.23, July 7,2003, http://www.rferl.org.
    3 Richard Norton Smith, "Afghanistan Close to Anarchy", in Warns General, "The Guardian Unlimited", July 21, 2006, www. guardian.co.uk.
    4 Paul Koring, Graeme Smith,1000 Taliban Slain, NATO Says The Globe and Mail, September 21.2006, www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060921.wafghan21/BNStory/International/home.
    5 Ahmed Rashid, "Musharraf's Morass", Far Eastern Economic Review, June19,2003, http://www.feer.com.
    1 Elizabeth Wishnick, "Strategic Consequences of the Iraq War:US Security Interests in Central Asia", P.10.
    2 Ahmed Rashid, "Musharraf's Morass", Far Eastern Economic Review, June19,2003, http://www.feer.com
    3 Ahmed Rashid, "Musharraf's Morass", Far Eastern Economic Review,, January 8,2004, http://www.feer.com
    4 Joseph Biden. Jr. Don't Forget Afghanistan.The New York Times. October 1,2003. p.A23.
    5 Ahmed Rashid, "Musharraf's Morass", Far Eastern Economic Review, August 7,2003, p.13.
    6 Elizabeth Wishnick, "Strategic Consequences of the Iraq War:US Security Interests in Central Asia", P.9.
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