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Enterprise group is the backbone of our country national economy strength, subsidiary as the group organization boundary and the main form of organization development, is an important source of competitive advantage, the whole group study and explore how to make it get effective governance in practice operation in promoting China's economic development and social welfare are of great significance. But relative to foreign about multinational group, a subsidiary of the rich research achievements, Chinese scholars of domestic situation, a subsidiary of related theory, especially the network based on the group's operating practice, a subsidiary of growth theory exploration is slightly weak. Existing researches on some new problems and new phenomena also lack of explanation and guidance.
     Our country enterprise group has its unique development path. On the one hand, in the current economic development in our country from the planned economy, in which the government fully allocate resources to the market economy, the market completely rationing resources transformation phase, simply apply abroad study of enterprise group based on the efficiency of logic analytical paradigm can't effectively to the growth and development of enterprise group in our explanation and guidance, therefore institutional environment elements must be incorporated into the analysis framework. On the other hand, along with the practice of group operating network transformation, the study of enterprise group need to network perspective of "enterprise market-network", the enterprise group as a network connection, is embedded in a certain social relations coordination in the network. In such a practice under the background of reality and theory, the goal of this research is:the exploration in the institutional environment and technology environment, under the dual role of subsidiary, how to build a dominant behavior with embedded or dissolution of group network, and then based on the maximization of the inner mechanism of the growth of network effects.
     To solve these problems, this research mainly is divided into three parts in-depth studied one by one:
     firstly, introduce the practice of the present study background and significance of theory to clarify of this study is based on unit as the research subject, from the analysis point of view of subsidiary actions are defined; deconstruction, a subsidiary of the leading behavior, embedded network and growth the internal logic relationship between the content design, and to study the overall architecture of the arrangement accordingly. On this basis, based on the domestic and foreign about the network theory, the leading behavior, subsidiary growth related research literature and theory, this study adopted the definition of network from the dimension of "relationship", and follow the individual as the focus, study its impact on the overall network analytical paradigm. Study selected subsidiary dominate the behavior as a breakthrough point, and strive to to grow from subsidiaries behavior to embedded network to which the entire logical chain gives the complete analysis, organic combination of firing a company leading behavior and the network effect, analyzed the dominant behavior by enhancing the mechanism of network effects and then accelerate the development of subsidiary.
     Secondly, based on certain research goal and the content, the first subsidiary company the leading behavior of intrinsic motivation, implementation, and analyzes the influence factors, points out that the leading behavior and implementation on the one hand, by the subsidiary of rights and interests of the internal drive, at the same time also are motivated by the group of external competitive environment. Subsidiary implementation leading behavior to promote the enterprise group's network process, based on the perspective of the subsidiary role of dynamic change, this study will group parent-subsidiary constitute the behavior of the structure with dispersion, interdependent, across the unit is divided into four major characteristics of the network learning and elastic structure system. On this basis, the subsidiary company how to achieve its dominant behavior by implementing the group network construction and the elimination the inner mechanism of the dynamic process was studied, and put forward theoretical propositions and research hypothesis.
     This study used to construct the theoretical proposition, a subsidiary of leading behavior and the logic of network embedded system, namely, under the rule of reason, subsidiary within the group network embedded degree is not unlimited increase, but is affected by the marginal effect of embedded network, the embedded network changes along with the evolution of subsidiary, which led to an external led conversion process from within. On the basis of the theoretical proposition, this study further refinement, facing the employment pressure and introduce subsidiary as the proxy variable from the pressure of system environment legitimacy, to analyze the subsidiary in efficiency and legitimacy of the dual growth, driven by embedded network growth by implementing the leading behavior change mechanism, and put forward the research hypothesis.
     Thirdly, the use of hisense group as the object of case study, this study analyzes the part of theoretical propositions and preliminary inspection. Sselected the csi300indexes between2003and2011china-africa financial listed companies as the research object. Test results show that:(1) the company's overall growth subsidiaries outside the leading behavior in general is positive, the influence of the total assets growth rate of the most significant, and the correlation analysis and regression analysis showed a consistent direction.(2) a subsidiary of external dominant behavior has reverse effect on the degree group internal network embedded. Reduces the subsidiary that external dominant behavior embedded network connection strength, the attention of subsidiary to external opportunities and pursue weakened the rest of the enterprise group internal node binary relation level of knowledge, information and communication resources.(3) a subsidiary of external dominated the relationship between the degree of external behavior and group network embedded are related.(4) the analysis of system pressure following company's behavior are also supported by the data.
     This research mainly adopts literature research, case studies, in-depth interviews, questionnaire survey and the research methods such as second-hand data analysis, combined with the analysis of qualitative research and quantitative research methods.
     The innovation of this study and positive significance lies in:first, combined with the organization theory and system theory, this study will be introduced to the network point of view on the analysis of the relationship between enterprise group subsidiary company, is the deepening and complement the existing research, expand the view of corporate entrepreneurship theory studies, makes up for the transaction cost theory, agency theory and so on the limitations of research on this problem.Second, this study established enterprise group integrating research framework based on the transformation of the economic situation in our country, analysis on the institutional environment and technology environment, the growth of the enterprise group, a subsidiary of the path, and the enterprise group in the form of network evolution mechanism, is the enterprise group internal lateral coordination mechanism further deepening of the research.In addition, this research also introduces the method of social network analysis into the group parent-subsidiary relationship network of the enterprise and its subsidiaries in the study of governance mechanism, analysis of parent-subsidiary operation network, subsidiary characteristics, the relationship between environmental features and subsidiary dominated the behavior;In quantitative way to provide the level of our country enterprise group parent-subsidiary relationship network governance variables, important information is about the existing enterprise group subsidiary management research descriptive coding or a breakthrough and complement of qualitative research.
     Overall, this study is to the enterprise group internal lateral coordination mechanism theory deepening of the research, but also for the enterprise group management provides a subsidiary company of governance perspective. For the parent company in China under the background of economic transformation enterprise group how to reasonable decision subsidiaries decision-making autonomy, effective governance which provides the support experience, also lay a foundation for research into enterprise group governance.
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