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     白术(Atractylodes macroeephala koidz)为菊科植物卜
In recent decades, traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) have attracted more and more people because of their advantages of low toxicity and high bioactivity. TCM is a very complicated system, which contains many constituents. There are still many constituents can't be identified clearly. The pharmacological activities of TCMs are not the action of single compound, but the interaction of many ingredients in it. However, traditional methods, by which only few components were determined, are still used for the quality control, but it is unreasonable from the view that functions of TCM emphasis it's unity. On the other hand, it is impossible to qualitatively and quantitatively determine every component accurately from a TCM on account of it's complexity. To improve and control the quality of TCM, a good and compositive method is strongly required in TCM industry. On the base of the modern and advanced instruments and techniques, the research about the modernization of TCMs was carried out deeply and widely. On o
    ne side, the chemical constituents of TCMs were determined. And on other side, the chemical fingerprint of a TCM is studied, which can be used as an approach to the quality control and technologic standardization of the TCM.
    In the study of TCMs, chromatography is a very important method in separating and determining the constituents in TCMs. However, it is difficult to obtain the optimum chromatographic separation conditions, especially for a complicate TCM system, because there are many parameters in the separation experiment to be concerned. A chemometric approach, called uniform design, was applied to find out the optimum chromatographic separation conditions of the extraction from Cordyceps Militaris. Satisfactory results were obtained when the optimum chromatographic conditions were applied to determine the water-soluble constituents of Cordyceps Sinensis and Cordyceps Militaris. It is easy and convenient to obtain the optimum chromatographic conditions for a TCMs system by this method.
    Today many cultivated TCMs were used because of the short of natural TCMs. In fact, there is some differentiation between the two kinds of TCMs. It is very important to analyze the common and different constituents between natural and cultivated TCMs. In chapter three, a method called spectral correlative chromatography was applied to analyze water-soluble constituents between cultivated Cordyceps Militaris and natural Cordyceps Sinensis. Compared with the conventional methods, the method is easier and more convenient since it fully utilized both information from spectrum and chromatography obtained from hyphenated instruments. It will be a good method for analyzing and comparing the cultivated and natural TCMs. In this chapter, some important constituents of Cordyceps Sinensis and Cordyceps Militaris were determined qualitatively and quantitatively. A fat-soluble compound, ergosterol, which is a very important active component of cultivated Cordyceps Militaris and natural Cordyceps Sinensis, was also detected qualitatively and quantitatively by HPLC method in chapter four.
    Atractylodes macrocephala koidz is an important TCM in China, in which essential oil is very important active constituents. To avoid the effects of overlapping peaks and of background on the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the GC-MS data from essential oil of Atractylodes macrocephala koidz were resolved with chemometric resolution method such as heuristic evolving latent projections (HELP) method. By using the HELP method, the components of Atractylodes macrocephala koidz from three different places, Huaihua, Pingjiang and Zhejiang, and those extracted by two different extracting methods, water distillation method and seeping method, were determined qualitatively and quantitatively. The fingerprints of three Atractylodes macrocephala koidz are studied in details. The results in this chapter will be very important in the development of the fingerprint for identification and quality control of this TCM.
    To establish a fingerprint standardizat
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