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地幔中存在各种尺度的不均匀性。其中以浅表岩石圈和深部D”区域的不均匀性最为显著。大陆岩石圈和海洋岩石圈间的差异是地球浅表最显著的横向不均匀;D”区域的不均匀包括尺度为上千公里的超级热柱(或低剪切波速度区,LowShear wave Velocity Zone)、尺度为数百公里的D”顶部的起伏,及尺度为几十公里的超低速区。大陆岩石圈(尤其是古老的克拉通)和海洋岩石圈热力学性质的差异主要表现为其具有较低的温度、较低的化学密度和较高的粘度;地幔底部D”区域的不均匀性的起源则争议很大。大尺度的超级热柱及小尺度的超低速区的不均匀性可能是化学起源的,中等尺度的D”层顶部的起伏则可能是相变成因的。同时,由于D”层是地幔和地核的边界,热不均匀性在D”层内扮演重要作用。由此可见,D”层可能同时包含热的、化学的和相变的不均匀性。它们的共同作用导致了复杂的地震波结构、火山玄武岩的地球化学微量元素、同位素的不均匀性等。
     非洲底部的低剪切波速度省(Large Low Shear wave Velocity Province, LLSVP)可能是具有原始起源的热化学异常体。其位置对应着升高的大地水准面。大火成岩省(Large Igneous Province, LIP)在过去的3亿年中的喷发位置及现今大部分深起源的热点与LLSVPs在CMB处的边界吻合。这意味着非洲热化学异常体的形态和位置可能在过去的3亿年中保持不变。我们进行了热化学对流的数值模拟,以研究在何种情况下,地幔底部的热化学异常体能够保存45亿年并且其形态和位置能够在3亿年的时间内保持基本不变。本文主要结论有(1)在2D中使用22.6km的分辨率能够较精确地估计高密度热化学异常的存活时间。(2)高粘度的热化学异常会促进热柱在其边缘而非内部产生。(3)对化学异常的携带速率在初始和最终时刻较慢,但在中间阶段较快。如果我们假定非洲热化学异常的体积在过去的3亿年中改变不大,则从其形成至今,非洲热化学异常的体积减小不超过一半(4)低粘度的热化学异常,其形态和位置改变速度较快。因此,下地幔底部热化学异常的高粘度可作为其长的存活时间、在过去的3亿年间位置和形态变化不大的一个解释。
     除地表岩石圈外,D”层是地幔内部最复杂的圈层。其可能同时具有相变的、化学的、温度的异常。前人研究丰富了我们对下地幔底部热化学异常(LLSVPs)、超低速区(Ultra Low Velocity Zone, ULVZ),过钙钛矿相变相互作用的理解。然而,仍有许多工作有待完善。如,过钙钛矿对超低速区分布及形态的影响、过钙钛矿对原始的化学层的影响,过钙钛矿对CMB地形的影响等。本文在2D直角坐标域进行了同时包含地幔底部热化学异常、超低速区、周围地幔以及钙钛矿-过钙钛矿相变的热化学地幔对流数值模拟。探讨了钙钛矿-过钙钛矿相变对地幔结构,地幔底部热化学异常、超低速区的影响。主要有以下结论:(1)超低速区趋向于位于热化学异常体的边缘及内部。热化学异常边缘区域的超低速区常比热化学异常内部超低速区大。随着热化学异常在下涌流的推动下在CMB滑移,超低速区的位置也跟着变化。在运移过程中,超低速区总是位于热化学异常的内部或者边缘。(2)加入相变面会使得高密度化学物质变得更不稳定。降低过钙钛矿的粘度,会导致过钙钛矿水平范围的增大并进一步降低热化学异常物质的稳定性。(3)包含低粘度的过钙钛矿相变会升高中上地幔的温度,包含正常粘度的过钙钛矿相变会升降低上地幔的温度。过钙钛矿相变对地幔底部的温度影响不大。(4)加入相变面,会使得地幔,尤其是地幔底部速度增大。当过钙钛矿具有低粘度时,这一现象尤其明显。(5)下涌区的CMB地形为负,当包含钙钛矿-过钙钛矿相变,且过钙钛矿具有较低粘度的时候,下涌区的CMB地形幅度会减小;包含钙钛矿-过钙钛矿相变,且过钙钛矿具有和钙钛矿相同的粘度的时候,下涌区的CMB地形幅度增大。(6)钙钛矿-过钙钛矿相变的出现,导致超低速区的水平起伏变化剧烈。(7)超低速区出现的区域,其CMB地形较周围低。由于超低速区的水平范围大多小于300km,因此,超低速区的出现对大尺度地形没有影响。
Multi-scales of heterogeneity exist in the mantle, especially in the lithosphere and in the D" zone (the lowermost part of the mantle). Difference between continental lithosphere and Oceanic lithosphere is the most prominent manifestation of the heterogeneity in the uppermost mantle. Heterogeneity in D" zone includes large scale superplume (or Large Low Velocity Zone, LLVZ), which is on the scale of thousands of kilometers, fluctuation of the top interface of D" zone, which is on the scale of hundreds of kilometers, and small scale ULVZ, which is on the scale of tens of kilometers. Continental lithosphere (especially the craton, which is the oldest part of the continental lithosphere) has lower intrinsic density, lower temperature and higher viscosity compared to that of oceanic lithosphere. Large scale superplume and small scale ULVZ may have chemical origin, medium-scale fluctuation of D" interface may origin from the Pv-pPv phase change. Because D" is the layer between mantle and out core, thermal heterogeneity may also play important role in the D" zone. It is thus very possible that thermal, phase, chemical heterogeneity may coexist in this region. The interaction between each factor lead to the complexity in this region revealed by seismic and geochemical observations.
     Studies on the origin and evolution of the heterogeneous in the lowermost mantle may help us to understand the evolution of the earth, the origin of geochemical heterogeneity and some other important problems in geoscience. Numerical simulation of mantle convection is now one of the most important method to investigate the evolution and origin of the heterogeneity in the lowermost mantle. We used numerical simulation of mantle convection in this paper to investigate the evolution of thermochemical piles in the lowermost mantle and its effect on the convective pattern of mantle. Main contributions of this paper are as follows.
     (1) Thermochemical Anomaly in the lowermost Mantle and its Evolution
     The large low shear wave velocity structure (LLSVPs) beneath Southern Africa is suggested to be a thermochemical anomaly generated early in the earth's history. LIP (large igneous province) eruption sites of the last0.3Ga and most deep origin hotspots today is observed to correlate well with the boundary of this anomaly on CMB, which suggests the shape of this anomaly can remain largely unchanged for at least0.3Ga. We performed numerical models on thermochemical convection to study under which conditions can one thermochemical block in the lowermost mantle survive for4.5Ga and keep its shape largely unchanged for at least0.3Ga. Our main conclusions are:(1) Calculations in2D with a resolution of128is accurate enough to estimate the survival time of a dense chemical pile.(2) Chemical anomaly with higher viscosity ratio will stimulate plumes to generate from its boundary instead of its interior.(3) The entrainment rate of chemical anomaly is slow at the beginning and ending while much faster at intermediate stage. If we assume the volume of Africa anomaly has not changed too much during the last0.3Ga, it's volume now should be about the same its volume when it is formed.(4) Chemical blocks with lower r|cl endured faster change in its morphology and location in its evolution. Thus high viscosity of the thermochemical anomaly in the lowermost mantle may serve as an explanation for its longevity and stability in shape and morphology in the past0.3billion years.
     (2) The interaction between continental lithosphere, surrounding mantle and thermochemical piles in the
     Continental lithosphere with low intrinsic density and high viscosity occupies about30%area of the Earth's surface. Because of its special physical and chemical properties, the continental lithosphere does not actively take part in the convective mantle overturn. However it influences the convective flow and vice versa. Below central Pacific ocean and Southern Africa lie two high dense thermochemical piles, covering20%of Core Mantle Boundary(CMB) area in total. The structure of these thermochemical piles is influenced by convective flows and thus by the continental lithosphere. On the other hand, thermalchemical piles have important effect on the pattern of mantle convection. Thermochemical convection models including continental lithosphere and thermochemical piles with earthlike parameters are conducted to investigate the interaction between continental lithosphere, convective mantle flow and thermochemical piles. Our model results show that (1) Violent downwelling flow at continental margins, downward mantle vertical velocity under continental region, upward mantle vertical velocity under oceanic region, and compressive horizontal stress in continental lithosphere characterize the main feature of the mantle when size of the continental lithosphere is small. With the increase of continental size, downwelling flow at continental margins abates; mantle vertical velocity under continental/oceanic region reverses; horizontal stress in the continental lithosphere transforms to tensile.(2) Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary(LAB) in continental region is deeper and colder than that in oceanic region. With the increase of continental size, difference of LAB depth and temperature between continental and oceanic region decrease or is even reversed.(3) The abundance of thermochemical piles in continental region is positively correlated with the size of continental lithosphere, i.e. low at small continent size and high at large continent size.(4) Surface heat flux is high and fluctuates with time in the oceanic region but is low and fluctuates little with time in the continental region.(5) CMB heat flux under thermochemical piles is lower than surrounding region.(6) Thermochemical piles in the lowermost mantle distorts under the viscous forces exerted by convecting mantle. Thermochemical plumes origin from the peaks of these thermochemical piles.
     (3) The effect of Pv-pPv phase change on the evolution of Large scale thermochemical piles and ultra-low velocity zone
     D" zone in the lowermost mantle is the most complicated region in the mantle, except for lithosphere. Thermal, phase, chemical heterogeneity may coexist in this region. We conducted numerical simulations including Perovskite-post Perovskite (Pv-pPv) phase transition, thermochemical piles and Ultra Low Velocity Zone (ULVZ) in2D Cartesian coordinates to investigate the effect of Pv-pPv phase change on the evolution dense chemical piles and ULVZ. Our model results show that (1) Ultra low velocity zone prefer to reside at the boundary and interior of large scale thermochemical piles. The size of ULVZ at the boundary of large scale thermochemical piles is larger than that in the interior. As the location of the thermochemical piles changes, the location of ULVZ will also change to keep itself located in the interior or vicinity of the large thermochemical piles.(2) The appearance of Pv-pPv phase change will reduce the stability of thermochemical piles. If the viscosity in pPv phase is lower than that in Pv phase, the horizontal extent of pPv will be larger and this will reduce further the stability of thermochemical piles.(3) The appearance of Pv-pPv phase transition will increase the temperature in the upper mantle, but it has no significant effect on the temperature in the lowermost mantle.(4) The appearance of Pv-pPv phase transition will enhance the velocity rate in the mantle, especially in the lowermost mantle. If the viscosity in Pv phase is higher than that in pPv phase, this enhancement is even larger.(5) CMB topography in the downwelling region is negative, low viscosity pPv will reduce the amplitude of this negative topography while normal viscosity Pv will enhance it.(6) The appearance of Pv-pPv phase change make the fluctuation of the boundary of ULVZ more violent.(7) CMB topography in ULVZ region is lower compared with its adjacent region.
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