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     [方法] 收集 1999年 3月~1999年 10月上海地区 4家医院
     分离的肠杆菌科细菌 1026株,用Kirby-Bauer法作药敏试验;用
     [结果] 常规药敏试验结果显示,在 11种抗生素中耐药率最
     低的是亚胺培南(0.10%)和头孢美唑(13.84%) 耐药率最高的
     是环丙沙星(47.56%)和头孢呋新(43.96%) 其中环丙沙星对大
     孢菌素和氨曲南的耐药率均在 30%以上,高于阿米卡星的耐药率
     为严重,仅亚胺培南和阿米卡星敏感性较好,分别为 100%和
     70.91%。在 1026株肠杆菌科细菌中,用双纸片协同扩散法共检
     上躇站互厂方亦杆勿q产走广办p-o 份况和矽仪士肘-
     菌对其它 9种抗生素的耐药率显著高于非产 ESBLs菌(P<0.of),
     亚胺培南和头抱美哇对产 ESBLS菌的敏感性最高,分别为 100O
     和 84.66o。在 10株参考产 ESBLs菌株中,用双纸片协同扩散法、
     Etest法和双纸片增效法三种方法分别检出 9株、9株和 10株,
     检出率分别为 90%、90%和 100%。i种方法对 200株临床菌株
     l结论]上海地区肠杆菌科细菌中产 ESBLs菌流行情况严
     田*L引 上海地区肠杆菌科细菌耐药问题严重,产田*k菌对大
[Objectives] To investigate extended-spectrum beta-
     lactamases(ESBLs) production in clinical isolates of the family
     Enterobacteriaceae in Shanghai and the resistant rates of ESBLs-
     producing strains to antibiotics; To evaluate the isolating rates of
     ESBLs by double-disk synergy test, Etest and inhibitor-potentiated
     disk-diffusion test respectively.
     [Methods] 1026 clinical isolates of the family
     Enterobacteriaceae were collected from 4 hospitals in Shanghai from
     March 1999 to October 1999. Kirby-Bauer method was used to judge
     drug sensitivity; Double-disk synergy test was used to detect ESBLs.
     Double-disk synergy test, Etest and inhibitor-potentiated disk-
     diffusion test were used to detect ESBLs in 10 reference strains and
     200 clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli
     [Resultu] In 11 antibiotics, Imipenem and Cefmetazole had the
     lowest resistant rates of 0.10% and 13.84% respectively, while
     Ciprofloxacin and Cefuroxime had the highest resistant rates of
     47.56% and 43.96% respectively, and the resistant rate of Escherichia
     coli strains to Ciprofloxacin was 68.88%; Except Ceflazidime, the
     resistant rates of oxyimino-lactams and monobactatns were more
     than 30%, which was higher than that of Amikacin(32.26%). In the
    boly Enterobacrtceae, the resistance of Enterobacter clOacae
    was especially serious, and only the sensforities of boenem and
    Wacin were good, with the sensitive rates being l00% and 70.9l%
    respectively In all l026 clforcal isolates of the family
    Enterobacteriaceae, 352 stheins were considered ESBLs producers by
    double-disk synergy test, with the isolatin rate being 34.3l%.
    37.40%, 30.2l% and 41.82% of strains of Klebsiella pneumonltre,
    Eschwtia coll and Enterobacter cloacae resPectlyely were
    considerd ESBLs producers. ESBLs was also detected in strains of
    EnterObacter aerWes and Cbobacter hedi. There was no
    evident difference in the isolating rates betWeen differen clforcal
    sPecAnens, so was With difor antibiOtic disks. ExcePt bom
    and Cefinerezole, the resishat rates of ESBLs-producing strains to
    other 9 antibiotics were much higher than that of non-ESBLs-
    produCing strains(P < 0.0l). The resistan rates of twenem and
    Cebole to ESBLs-producing triins were the loweSt. In l0
    reference strains, 9, 9 and l0 shas were considered ESBLs-
    producing strains by double-disk Synergy tCst, Etest, inhiitOr
    potentiated disk-ditheion test resPectively In 200 clforcal isolates of
    Klebsiella pneumoniae and EscheriChia coli, 73%, 75% and 79%
    were considered ESBLs producers with the three methods
    respechvely which were not differen evidently
    IConclusionsl The PrCvalence of ESBLs in clinical isolates of
    the boly EnterObacrtceae in Shanghai was high, and it is
    necessary for clforcal laboratory to deect ESBLs in clforcal isolates of
    the family Enterobacteriaceae in routine. The resistan rates of
    ESBLs-producing strains to most antibiotics were much higher than
    tha of non-ESBLs-producing strains. Iwienem and CeAnetazole
    were the effective anibiotics tO infections caused by ESBLs-
    producing stheins. Double-disk synergy test and inhibitorTotentiated
    disk-diffosion test are sutable for screening ndins producing ESBLs
    in rouine in all hospitals.
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