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     研究椭圆曲线离散对数问题的安全性,就是要研究如何通过选择恰当的椭圆曲线参数使得其上的椭圆曲线离散对数在计算上是难解的,即能有效地抵抗各种椭圆曲线离散对数求解算法的攻击。为此作者将现今所有已知的求解椭圆曲线离散对数的算法分为两类(一般椭圆曲线上离散对数的求解算法和特殊椭圆曲线上离散对数的求解算法)进行详细的分析,找出能抵抗这些攻击算法的安全椭圆曲线。一般椭圆曲线上离散对数的求解算法不依赖于椭圆曲线的参数选取,有代表性的算法有Baby-Step Giant-Step(BSGS)算法、Pohlig-Hellman算法和Pollard's Rho算法等,通过研究一般椭圆曲线上离散对数的求解算法我们得出结论:通过恰当选择椭圆曲线的阶,使得其有足够大的素因子,就可以抵抗这类算法的攻击。一些椭圆曲线,由于其中某些参数选取的特殊性,使得其上的离散对数存在非常有效的求解算法,因此这些特殊的椭圆曲线不能用来构建椭圆曲线密码系统。作者分析了所有求解特殊椭圆曲线上离散对数的有效算法,以指明这些特殊的椭圆曲线的安全隐患,这些攻击算法包括MOV算法、FR算法、SSSA算法和解奇异椭圆曲线上离散对数的算法。通过对上述所有椭圆曲线离散对数求解算法的仔细研究,作者得出结论:排除含有安全隐患的特殊的椭圆曲线,选择阶含有大素因子
    手段,并结合椭圆曲线加密机制和签名机制的特点,以 EIG别叮al加密机制和签名
Elliptic curve cryptosystems are one kind of the most promising public key cryptosystems. As their advantages of securities, efficiencies and implementation costs over other public key cryptosystems, elliptic curves cryptosystems are getting broadly applied and adopted by many criteria organizations as one of their public key cryptosystem standards, thus the securities of elliptic curve cryptosystems are drawing much attentions and studied extensively. In this thesis, the author discussed and solved the security problems existing in every aspect of elliptic curve cryptosystems, especially the security problems of elliptic curve cryptoschemes and their security proofs. The author divided the securities of elliptic curve cryptosystems into three relatively independent levels: the securities of their mathematical foundations, the securities of the cryptoschemes and the securities of their implementations. The author led his emphasis on solving the following difficult but important problems: establishing a secur
    ity criteria for elliptic curves, designing a provable secure elliptic curve encryption scheme and proving its security, designing a provable secure elliptic curve signature scheme and proving its security. The conclusions and produces in this thesis are very valuable to the applications of elliptic curve cryptosystems.
    To research any public key cryptosystem's securities, one first has to study the securities of its mathematical foundation that is the premise of constructing the public key cryptosystem. As elliptic curve discrete logarithms being the mathematical foundations of all elliptic curve cryptosystems, the author first came into studying the securities of elliptic curve discrete logarithms after introducing some backgrounds and the necessary mathematical knowledge.
    To study the securities of elliptic curve discrete logarithms is to study how to select the proper parameters of elliptic curves, th s discrete logarithms on them is unsolvable in computation, that's to say they can resists all existing attacks on the discrete logarithms of them. The author divided all known attacks on elliptic curve discrete logarithms in two types: attacks on general elliptic curve discrete logarithms and attacks on special elliptic curve discrete logarithms. The author studied these two types of attacks in details and found out a kind of secure elliptic curve, the discrete logarithms on which can resist all those attacks. Attacks on general elliptic curve discrete
    logarithms are not affected by the choices of elliptic curve parameters. The Baby-Step Giant-Step (BSGS) attack, Pohlig-Hellman attack and Pollard's Rho attacks are all famous attacks on general elliptic curve discrete logarithms. By carefully studying this type of attacks, the author concluded that properly choosing the rank of an elliptic curve to make it contain a big enough prime factor can make the elliptic curve secure against this type of attacks. Because of the special parameters of some special types of elliptic curves, there are efficient attacks on them. Those special elliptic curves are not allowed to construct elliptic curve cryptosystems. The MOV attack, FR attack, SSSA attack and attacks on singular elliptic curves are all efficient attacks on special elliptic curves. Through analysis of those efficient attacks, the author pointed out the insecurities of those special elliptic curves. By studying the tow types of attacks, the author drew a conclusion that excluding all special elliptic curves and selecting elliptic curves which ranks contain big prime factors to construct elliptic curve cryptosystems can assure the securities of their mathematical foundations.
    Based on the securities of its mathematical foundation, the securities of cryptoschemes are very important contents of a public key cryptosystem's securities. In this thesis, the author led his emphasis on studying the securities of elliptic curve cryptoschemes which including the securities of elliptic curve encryption cryptoschemes and the securities of elliptic curve signature cryptos
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