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脑-机接口(Brain-Computer Interface,BCI)是一种帮助人们利用他们的大脑控制和使用外部设备的一种通信系统,在此过程中不需要外周神经和肌肉的参与。BCI是一门涉及神经科学、信号处理、计算机科学等多个领域的交叉学科。近20年来,已成为国际智能科学领域的一个研究热点。BCI研究的核心就是如何将用户的脑电信号转换成外部设备的控制信号。所以BCI研究最重要的工作就是要寻找合适的信号处理和转换方法,使得人脑的意识特征信号能够快速、准确地被计算机识别。一般来说,BCI系统可以看成是一个模式识别系统。一个BCI系统是否成功主要取决于两个方面的因素:①获取的特征能够区分不同的意识任务;②分类算法准确有效。所以如何建立准确可靠的特征提取模型和设计高效的分类算法是目前研究的主要难点。
     ①对EEG动力学模型的非线性特性进行分析。通过相空间重构技术,对求解得到的EEG信号进行了重构。得出了he的吸引子随着参数p ee和pe i变化的规律。从而证实了大脑中存在混沌这一观点。对实际测得的EEG信号进行了非线性特性的研究。计算了脑-机接口竞赛提供的两个基于运动想象的数据集中EEG样本的最大Lyapunov指数,计算结果表明,几乎所有的标准数据集当中的EEG样本的最大Lyapunov指数均大于零。进一步证实了大脑中存在混沌的论点,因而可以使用非线性分析方法来对EEG信号进行分析。
     ④针对共空间模式(Common spatial pattern,CSP)在解决多分类问题中的组合方式问题,提出了一种基于CSP和Fisher线性分类器的二叉树组合方式(BCSP)。在该方式下,Fisher线性分类器和CSP以二叉树的方式进行排列。任务的分类采用二叉查找的方式进行。在BCSP中,使用的CSP滤波器和Fisher分类器的数目比传统的“一对它”方式更少。而且在N分类过程中,对CSP投影矩阵和分类器的计算也能保持在最多log2N级别,大大提高了分类的效率,提高了分类的准确率。
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication system that helps individualsto drive and control external devices using only their brain activity, withoutparticipation of peripheral nerves and muscles. BCI is an integrated disciplinesincluding neuroscience, signal processing and computer science etc. Over the past20years, BCI has become a research hotspot in the field of international intelligent science.The core of BCI research is how to translate the user’s EEG signals into the controllingcommands for the external devices. So the most important work of the BCI research isto find the proper signal processing and translating method, which can help todistinguish the mentality tasks by the computer quickly and accurately. Generally, theBCI system can be seen as a pattern recognition system. So a successful EEG-basedBCI system very much depends on whether the following two requirements can besatisfied:①The extracted EEG features are able to differentiate the task-oriented brainstates; and②The methods for classifying such features in real-time are efficient. Howto improve the performance of the features and design an efficient classificationalgorithm are two key points.
     Nowadays, during the research of BCI based on motor imagery, many featureextraction methods and classification methods applied to EEG generally assume that theEEG signal is linear. However, many researches have shown that the EEG signals arenonlinear. To analyze the EEG signals by linear method will loss much nonlinearfeatures, then the capability of distinguishing different tasks will be decreased. Thispaper, we proposed a new feature extraction method based on the nonlinearcharacteristics of EEG. Then we verified the effectiveness of the new algorithm bysimulations. This paper includes the following aspects of content.
     ①We analyzed the nonlinear characters of EEG dynamical model. Using phasespace reconstruction technology to reconstruct the EEG signals obtained in the EEGmodel. Then we learned the changing principle of the attractors ofhe with the changesof parameters ofp eeandpe i. We also analyzed the nonlinear characters of the realEEG. The maximum Lyapunov indexes of the samples in the two BCI competition’sdatasets were calculated. The results show that almost all the maximum Lyapunovindexes of the samples are bigger than zero, which confirmed the argument of chaos inthe EEG. So the nonlinear analysis method can be used to analyze the EEG signals.
     ②Some normal chaos features, maximum Lyapunov index, correlation dimensionand Approximate Entropy (ApEn), are calculated. Those three characters were used asthe features of the BCI. The experimental results showed that the maximum Lyapunovindex and correlation dimension do not suit for differentiating the motor imagery tasks.However, the Approximate Entropy is a measure of the probability for producing newmodels in time series; it is more suitable for distinguishing different tasks. Based on theanalysis of the ApEn features, this paper proposed a feature extraction method andclassification method based on ApEn and time window. The proposed method cansimulate the online situation, and classify the tasks in each window. The simulationshows that the classifiers based on theApEn features can distinguish the tasks well.
     ③We proposed a feature extraction schemes based on phase space reconstruction.We proved the construction functions have the filtering capacities which can adjust theamplitude and phase of the signals. Then the phase space features can be distinguishedbetween different tasks more easily. Moreover, the features extracted in the proposedscheme can retain the merit of traditional features, at the same time they also contain theinformation of phase space, so it can improve the classification capabilities of theclassifiers. This paper used the benchmark datasets coming from the BCI competition2003and2005. The mutual information (MI) and the maximum steepness of MI areused as the evaluation standards which are also used in the BCI competitions. Thesimulations show that the proposed method is a competitive method. The classifier gotthe maximum MI0.67on the Graz2003dataset, which is the best result ever known.The simulations on Graz2005dataset also obtained some good results. The phase spacefeatures have the good results based on accuracy criteria and mean maximum steepnessof MI.
     ④In order to solve multi-classification problems using common spatial pattern(CSP), we proposed a combination method based on binary tree termed BCSP, whichput the CSP filters and Fisher classifiers on the nodes of the binary tree. Theclassification process bases on binary search. In BCSP, the number of the filters andclassifiers is less than "one versus rest" method. Moreover, The most calculating stepsto solve the N class problems islog2N, which improves the efficiency and results ofclassification largely.
     ⑤Developing and realized a BCI online game platform. We developed an onlinegame platform based on the research of this paper. The platform is a game system basedon Neuroscan, and user can play Hangman game by imaging left/right hand moving. The platform has training module, testing module and game module. The user can use itto complete all the training, testing and play actions. C3, C4and O1channels are usedto gather the EEG signal, and the EEG from C3and C4are used to extract the featuresof right/left hand motor imagery tasks. We also used rhythm in O1to act as theconfirming signals. Phase space features and Fisher classifiers are used in this system.Six people took part in the experiments, the experiments results show that the phasespace features improved the classification accuracy, and then it proved the effectivenessof the phase space features.
     At the end of the dissertation, we summarized the research contents of this paper,and show the main achievements of the research. Finally, the author points out the nextwork of the future researches.
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