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  • 英文题名:Penetrating into the Mysteries of Psychic Life--A Study of "Psychological Romance" in "The Scarlet Letter"
  • 作者:常文革
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:比较文学与世界文学
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:付景川
  • 学科代码:050108
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-03-01
    真实地再现了小说主人公的心路历程。因其在《红字》中出色的心理分析手法的运用,有人称之为心理分析小说,将霍桑称为心理分析小说家。第三部分,“心理罗曼史”的艺术媒介——象征。这是霍桑在心理描写中所采用的主要修辞手法。《红字》从开篇到结尾,充满了象征。这部分包括三个方面内容:其一,红字A的象征。分别论述了红字及红A字的象征意义,红色是血与火的颜色,是生命、力量与热情的象征,象征着小说男女主人公海丝特与丁梅斯代尔之间纯洁、美好、热烈的爱情。A字在小说中因海丝特的行为而被人们赋予了新的含义,认为它就像修女胸前的十字架,象征着使徒的行为(Acts of the apostle),象征着Angel(天使),闪烁着非现世的光辉,甚至可以投射到来世的境界去,指引人们前进的方向。小说以红A字开始,以红A字结尾,象征着强大的黑暗势力扼杀了弱小的美好生命;其二,场景与物的象征;其三,人物的象征。对小说塑造的四位经典人物的象征意义进行了比较深刻的分析和论述。海丝特象征着人性中最活泼、最激情、最善良、最富有同情心、最有献身精神和反抗精神的那一部分。丁梅斯代尔象征着人性中脆弱、虚伪的那一部分,但作者对其遭遇充满深深的同情,这本身也是对人性的理解与同情。齐灵渥斯象征着人性中的邪恶和兽性。珠儿不仅是海丝特耻辱的象征,也象征着海丝特与丁梅斯代尔过去的生活,暗示着一个人的行为对现实社会应尽的责任。随着故事的发展,珠儿还代表社会良心,同时也是社会良心有力的证据。
Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most American important romantic writers in 19th century, who is undoubtedly the first native American writer. His masterpiece “ The Scarlet Letter” has attracted much attention of the critical world with the publication of 1850. “The Scarlet Letter” is at the same time Hawthorne’s debut in a new artistic medium and a kind of retrospective exhibit of his work. No other of his novels is so close to the preoccupations of his tales. His choice of chronological setting aligns the book with all his studies of the historical past, and each setting has its own unique scene. As a result, it takes a dramatic effect. While describing the characters of “The Scarlet Letter”, the writer grasps firmly their psychological characteristics to make the abstract psychological actions more vivid with the help of his rich fancy and abundant imagination, which forms the “ Psychological Romance ”. “The Scarlet Letter” is a story of a triangular love affair in colonial America. It condemns The Puritan philosophy of life.
    The paper concentrates on exploring Hawthorne’s “Psychological Romance”-psychological delineation to understand fully the images of main characters and the distinguished features of art in this novel through the basic medium of psychological analysis and the usage of symbols.
    The paper is divided into three parts:
    Part I: Hawthorne’s unique form of“Psychological Romance”, it contains the following two aspects. 1.Psychological Romance — Hawthorne’s psychological treatment with his artistic writing , which is a general summary of Hawthorne’s romantic form of fiction and the “Psychological Romance”. 2. Psychological Romance — based on Puritanism and Transcendentalism, which is the analysis of Hawthorne’s Puritanism and Philosophy. Hawthorne is inevitably influenced by Puritanism, partly by Transcendentalism, and to some extent by mysticism, which are all embodied in the fiction. On the one hand, the writer actively opposed to Puritanism. On the other hard, he makes full use of psychological descriptions and symbols to achieve the true sides of the psychology.
    Part Ⅱ:The Psychological Delineation and Analysis of the “Psychological Romance”.
    As a seminal work Hawthorne’s perceptive portrayal of the four protagonists of “The Scarlet Letter”makes the abstract psychic life vivid. The style is romantic and it expresses the characters’ fanciful “Psychological Romance”. The writer combines the complicated psychic life with the character’s appearance and look. He gradually penetrates the psychological fastnesses of his characters with the help of the elements such as illusion, exaggeration, monologue, metaphor and the symbols of objects. The artistic method of the contrast with and the reflection to the psychology truthfully represents the major characters’ psychic process. Therefore “The Scarlet Letter” is called “Psychological Romance”. Thereafter, Hawthorne is acknowledged as psychological analytic writer.
    Part Ⅲ: The Artistic Medium of “Psychological Romance” —Symbols. It is with the help of this rhetorical device that Hawthorne vividly describes the characters’ psychology. Symbolism goes through the whole novel. Three aspects are involved in this part:
    1. There is an analysis of symbolic meaning of the Scarlet letter “A”. Scarlet, which is the color of blood and fire, not only symbolizes the life, strength and enthusiasm, but also the pure, beautiful and passionate love between Dimmesdale and Hester. The letter “A” is given new meanings because of Hester’s honest behavior. It is regarded as the cross on nuns’ breast, which symbolizes the acts of the apostle and angel. The letter “A” glitters brilliance, which can even be projected into the future world and used as a direction for people to progress. The novel begins with it and ends up with it also, which symbolizes that the mighty power has killed the weak life. 2. The symbolic meanings of the surroundings and objects. 3. The symbolic meanings of the characters. This paper an
[1] D.H.Lawrence, Nathaniel Hawthorne, ‘The Scarlet Letter’ (Canada: Laurence Pollinger Ltd, 1961), P.98
    [2] E.P. Whipple, The Scarlet Letter, a Romance: in Graham’s Magazine: (1850),pp. 345-46
    [3] E.A. Duyckinck, Nanthaniel Hawthorne, in The Literary World: (1850) pp. 345-25.
    [4] 霍桑 《七个尖角顶的宅第》,胡允恒译,《霍桑小说全集》,安徽文艺出版社2000年5月第1版。
    [5] Henry James:The American(New York:Bantan Books, 1980).P.23.
    [6] 君羊立 《红字的象征手法与霍桑的文学观念》,载《外国文学研究》1990年第1期,第149-154页。
    [7] [8]第39页。[9]第46页。[10] [11] [12]第48-50页。[13]第72页。
    [14]第68页。[15]第69页。[16]第158页。[17]第161页。[18]第145、147页。 [19] [20] [21]第147页。[22]第146页。[23]第201页[24]第128页[25]第172页。[26]第128-129页。[27]第129页。[28]第136页。[29]第137页。[30]第180页。[31]第182页。[32]第197页。[33]第201页。[34]第230页。[35]第63页。[36]第64页。[37] [38]第65页。[39]第113页。 [40]第150页。[41]第153页。[42]第155页。[43]第123页。[44]第236页。[45]第76页。[46]第80页。[47]第77-78页。[48]第118页。[49]第76页。[50]第232页。[52]第44页。[53]第45页。[55]第91页。
    [51] 陈冠商 《霍桑短篇小说集》,山东人民出版社1985年版,第46页。
    [54] 任晓晋等 《<红字>邢笳饔朐偷哪:浴⒍嘁逍院兔苄浴罚亍锻夤难а芯俊?000年第1期,第121-125页。
    参 考 文 献
    1.[美]兰德尔·斯图尔特著,赵庆庆译:《霍桑传》, 东方出版社1999年7月第1版。
    5.Charles Leavitt著,余珺珉译:《纳撒尼尔·霍桑的红字及其他作品》,外语教学与研究出版社1997年8月第1版。
    8.吕文斌著:《美国文学论》,吉林大学出版社 1990年7月第1版。
    17.Annette T·Rubinstein:“American Literature Root And Flower”, published in 1988 by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Beijing.
    18.“The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne”,Bantam Books,Inc.
    19.Lan Ousby:“A Reader’s Guide to Fifty American Novels”,Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.1979.
    20.Crews, Frederick:“The Sin of the Fathers: Hawthorne’s Psychological Themes”,London:Oxford University Press,1970.
    21.David B.Kesterson,“Critical Essays on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter”,Boston,B.K.Hall and Co.Ltd,1988.
    22.Levin, Harry, “The Power of Blackness: Hawthorne, Poe, Melville”, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1958.
    23.Wagenknecht, Edward,“Nanthaniel Hawthorne: Man and Writer”, New York:Oxford University Press,1961.
    24.Michael T.Bilmore,“The Middle Way,”New Jersey:Retgers University Press 1977.
    25.Richard Chase,“The American Novel and its Tradition,” Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press ,1957.

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