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Based on the analysis of the NC drill point grinder in existence, the Open Architecture CNC System based on PC is designed, the primary NC system is restructured completely by the structure of PC + motion control card.
    In this article, the design thinking of the software of the open NC system aiming at the drill point grinder is advanced, the whole structure of the software is analyzed, the function unit modules are designed by the object-oriented design method, which include functions about inputting of the parameters of various drill types, motion controlling of the servo motors, real time showing of the interface, parameters setting of NC system, and the processing of the NC code for drill is analyzed. On the base of the above, the software of the NC system for drill point grinder is developed.
    In addition, aiming at the questions of the drill orientation method in drill grinding and automatic inspecting of helix angle, this article demonstrates the feasibility that realize the drill orientation and inspecting by computer vision technology, analyzes the primary principle of drill vision orientation, puts forward the measure of vision orientation of drill in drill grinder. Meanwhile, the article analyzes the vision inspecting measure for helix angle, brings forward the calculational methods of helix angle based on computer vision. Based on the above, the key image processing technology used in drill vision orientation is researched, the arithmetics of image enhancement, edge detection and line thinning are analyzed. Especially, the edge detection arithmetic that works on the orientation precision is analyzed emphasisly. Subsequently, whole image processing technology for drill vision orientation and inspecting of drill's helix angle is concluded. Finally, the part parameters of vidicon are demarcate
    d, the factors that affect the precision of drill orientation and inspecting of drill's helix angle are analyzed, correlative measures are advanced.
    According to the principles of vision orientation and inspecting of drill and image processing arithmetics, this article develops the software module for drill orientation and inspecting based on the computer vision,
    which is integrated in the software of NC system. Before the drill grinding, the functions of image detection, image analysis, drill orientation and inspecting are realized automatically by computer.
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