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Cultural property is a symbol of a country or nation, but also an important way for the country to inherit their traditional property. However, for centuries, since a large number of cultural properties have exiled out of the country because of the war, colonization, illegal transportation and other ways, the world paid more and more attention to the protection of the cultural properties. It's recorded by the Heritage Society of China that we lost thousands of millions of cultural properties. The lost cultural properties were involved many of the countries, in which part of the lost was robbed during the wars while the other part was illegally smuggle out of the country. In order to protect the cultural properties better, Chinese government joined, approved or signed several international conventions in relation to cultural property. In the mean time, according to the specific situation, China has established a basic legal framework regarding the protection and return of the cultural properties.
     Recently, many of the countries accepted the UNESCO Convention in 1970, "On Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Cultural Property Convention on the Means of Ownership", a trend of launching suits or actions to return the cultural properties is more and more popular. Not long ago, several Chinese and civil institutions of China went abroad to conduct actions in relation to cultural properties.
     Whether the existing mechanism under the International Convention, or recovered through legal ways, or returned via individuals, we have to admit, each means or methods would be born with defects. Despite that the international society has established a legal framework regarding the return of the cultural properties, however, due to the specific characters of the international treaties, the remaining legal framework cannot protect the lost cultural properties sufficiently. Moreover, since the protection and return of the cultural property involved the private and conflict laws, as the owner of the cultural properties, it can choose to return the properties through diplomatic way or litigation, and litigation is bound to involve application of law issues.
     Therefore, the article describes and analyzes not only the current mechanisms of return and protection of cultural property, but also the issues of conflict laws. The first chapter briefly describes the basic theory of the return of cultural property, the description starts from the conception of the cultural property. It then introduces the background and situation in relation to the protection and return of the cultural property, together with introducing several international treaties in relation to cultural properties. In the meantime, the author also describes the basic legal relationship in relation the return and protection of the cultural properties to clarify the roles and actions of multiple parties. The author introduces the basic framework of the international treaties in the second chapter, including the applicable scope, the return institution and dispute resolution. The author intends to introduce the legal framework of the treaties. Then the author presents the domestic laws and regulations of the main countries to enforce the international treaties, including the USA, British, Japan and Switzerland. Furthermore, the author describes the problems that the international treaties faced during their applications in the fourth chapter. Finally, it is the fifth chapter, the author describes the current legal framework of China and gives some suggestions to the return of the cultural properties lost abroad.
1 为避免疑义,本文中“文物”与“文化财产”具有同等含义。
    2 参见联合国官方中文网站:http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/03/s 1483.htm,访问日期:2010年12月20日。
    3 参见http://www.cctv.com/science/special/C14009/20061215/101583.shtml,访问日期:2010年12月29日。
    4 参见http://www.cctv.com/science/special/C14009/20061215/101583.shtml,访问日期:2010年12月29日。
    5 参见“阿富汗王年古佛旦夕被毁”,http://www.pladaily.com.cn/gb/pladaily/2001/03/l9/20010319001051.html,访问日期:2010年10月11日。
    6 伊拉克战争又称美伊战争,是美国因伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器(疑似)而发动的全面战争,共有4国参与作战,有评论认为其可视为第二次海湾战争,但具体分析可发现其不可称为“海湾二战”。而最后美国尚未发现传说中的“大规模杀伤性武器”。2010年8月3日,美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)表示,8月底美国部队在伊拉克的作战行动将如约结束。驻伊美军8月31日结束作战任务。美国从2003年3月20日入侵伊拉克到2010年8月撤出全部战斗部队,历经7年零5个月。
    7 参见“战火中的噩梦——‘世界遗产’之秘密档案(四)http://www.cctv.com/program/tsfx/topic/geography/C12496/20040625/101835.shtml
    8 参见“《研山铭》:一槌敲定中国籍”,http://finance.sina.com.cn/jjbxs/news/330.shtml,访问日期:2010年10月11日。
    9 孙南申:文化财产:跨国流转如何返还,《中国社会科学报》,2009年。
    10 同上。
    11 John Henry Merryman, Two Ways of Thinking about Cultural Property,80 A.J.I.L. pp. 831-853,1986.
    12 同上
    13 Danial Shaprio, Repatriation:A Modest Proposal,31 N. Y. U.J. Int'l L.& Pol.95, pp.99, 1998.
    14 Roger W. Mastalir, A Proposal for Protecting the "Cultural" and "Property" Aspects of Cultural Property under International Law,16 Fordham Int'l L.J.1033, pp.1060,1993.
    15 高升:文化财产返还国际正义的多元化解决机制研究,中国政法大学出版社,2010年11月,第7页。
    18格老秀斯:战争与和平法,英文版:Hugo Grotius, The Law of War and Peace), Book Ⅲ, PP.643-4 (Ⅲ/Ⅳ/Ⅲ), translated by F. W. Kelse, Oxford, at the Clarence Press,1925.
    19 当时的两次会议分别制定的人道主义法惯例《海牙公约》(也即《陆战法规和惯例公约》)。
    21 参见1907年公约第五十六条。
    22 同附注34。
    23 1899年《陆战法和惯例公约》,即海牙第二公约,确立了禁止战时掠夺,不能没收、掠夺和摧毁文化遗产等保护原则。
    24 1933年12月,公约规定了尊重和保护艺术和科学机构及历史纪念物的原则。
    25 参见:http://portal.unesco.org/la/convention.asp?KO=3637&language=E,访问日期:2011年4月1日。
    30参见Spoils of Law, Country Report, http://www.spoils.libfl.ru/spoils/eng.
    37 Rebecca L. Garrett, Time for a Change? Restoring Nazi-Looted Artwork to Its Rightful Owners,12 Pace Int' 1 L. Rev.367, pp.374,2000.
    38 Goodman v. Searle, No.96 Civ.5316 (S.D.N.Y.1996). See Rebecca Keim, Filing the Gap Between Morality and Jurisprudence:The Use of Binding Arbitration to Resolve Claims of Restitution Regarding Nazi-Stolen Art,3, Pepp. Disp. Resol. L. J.295, pp.305,2003.
    39 Rebecca L. Garrett, Time for a Change? Restoring Nazi-Looted Artwork to Its Rightful Owners,12 Pace Int' 1 L. Rev.367, pp.374,2000.
    40 Ian M. Goldrich, Balancing the Need for Repatriation of Illegally Removed Cultural Property with the Interests of Bona Fide Purchasers:Applying the UNIDROIT Convention to the Case of the Gold Phiale,23 Fordham Int'l L.J.118, pp.163,1999.
    43 Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act,19 U.S.C.A.2601-13 (2000)
    44参见CPIA (1)The term "cultural property" includes articles described in article 1(a) through (k) of the Convention whether or not any such article is specifically designated as such by any State Party for the purposes of such article."另参见'(5) The term "Convention" means the Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export, and transfer of ownership of cultural property adopted by the General Conference ofthe United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization at its sixteenth session."
    45 CPIA:Section 303. [3] Agreement to Implement Article 9 of the Convention
    46 CPIA:Section 303. [3] Agreement to Implement Article 9 of the Convention:(c) Restrictions on Entering into Agreements
    47 CPAC‘由考古学家、人类学家、博物馆官员、交易商以及公众代表组成,负责审查文物进口限制请求。参见CPIA Section 306. [17] Cultural Property Advisory Committee. "(b) Membership.-(1) The Committee shall be composed of eleven members appointed by the President as follows:(A) Two members representing the interests of museums. (B) Three members who shall be experts in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, or related areas. (C) Three members who shall be experts in the international sale of archaeological, ethnological, and other cultural property. (D) Three members who shall represent the interest of the general public. (2) Appointments made under paragraph (1) shall be made in such a manner so as to insure-(A) fair representation of the various interests of the public sectors and the private sectors in the international exchange of archaeological and ethnological materials, and (B) that within such sectors, fair representation is accorded to the interests of regional and local institutions and museums."
    48 See US Department of State, Import Restrictions List & Chart; http://exchanges.state.gov/heritage/culprop/listactions.html, visited December 25,2010
    49 参见:http://news.sina.com.cn/cl/2003-09-25/17291815729.shtml
    50参见英国《文物交易犯罪法》,UK-LIF ST 2003 c 27 s 1, "s 1 Offence of dealing in tainted cultural objects"。
    51 参见英国《文物交易犯罪法》,UK ST 2003 c 27 s 2, "s 2 Meaning of'tainted cultural object'"。
    52参见英国《文物交易犯罪法》,UK ST 2003 c 27 s 3, "s 3 Meaning of'deals in"
    53 Simon Mackenzie and Penny Green, Criminalizing the Market in Illicit Antiquities:An Evaluation of the Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003 (July 2007). Available at SSRN:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1004267
    54 Loi federale sur le transfert international des biens culturels [LTBC] [Federal Act on the International Trade of Cultural Property, CPTA], Code civil suisse [Cc] 20 Jun.2003, R.S.444.1 (Switz.)
    55 Marc Weber, New Swiss Law on Cultural Property, International Journal of Cultural Property (2006) 13:99-113.
    57参见Act No.81 of 2002, See:http://www.bunka.go.jp/English/law.html,访问日期:2010年5月28日。
    61 杜涛:境外诉讼追索海外流失文物的冲突法问题—伊朗政府诉巴拉卡特美术馆案及其启示,《比较法研究》2009年第2期,133-143页。
    63 DeWeerth v. Baldinger,836 F.2d 103,108 (2d Cir.1987).
    64 U.C.C.2-403(1).
    65 Reid v. Metropolis Police Commissioner, [1973] 2 ALL ER 97.
    67 Winkworth v. Christie Manson & Woods Ltd [1980] 1 Ch.496.
    68 同上。
    71 Jennifer Sultan, Combating the Illicit Art Trade in the European Union:Europol's Role in Recovering Stolen Artwork,18 Nw. J. Int'l L.& Bus.759, pp 775,1998.
    73 Unidroit Secretariat, Draft Unidroit Convention and Explanatory Report(Dec.1994)in Acts and Proceedings of the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of the Draft Unidroit Convention, UNIDROIT 1996, P.41
    74参见:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/wzb/zwbd/t627292.htm; http://www.cnchl.com/a/ywdt/xinwenshishi/2010/0305/567.html,2010年5月访问
    83 参见文物保护法第三十六条。
    87 高升:国际法视野下中国追索非法流失文物的策略研究,湖南科技大学学报社会科学版,2008年11月,第48-55页。
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