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Mainstream international economics theory holds that the free flow of goods and factor of production on a global scale is not only beneficial for the rational allocation of factors, but also will eventually lead to equal remuneration of the factor of production, even can eliminate the gap between the rich and poor countries. Meanwhile, the globalization of the economy should not only include the free flow of goods and capital, but also should include the free movement of labor. As the free flow of goods and capital, the free migration of labor between countries can improve the efficiency of resource allocation and social welfare level.
     Although free migration can increase the total output of the world economy, it is not a Pareto improvement, because there are political constraints. In the capitalist world system, the presence of sovereign states has become the root of impeding the free flow of international migration. The existence of sovereign states is based on the premise of labor market segmentation and restrictions on liberal migration, thus forming the asymmetry of factor mobility in the process of capitalist globalization. It is just because of the contradictions between the immigrants' cross-border movement under the background of economic globalization and the world political system with the nation-state at its center, thus makes the transnational migration wandering between states and markets. Furthermore, under the strong pressure of domestic interest groups and the mainstream society, the immigrant-receiving countries always prefer the political choice when dealing with migration-related problems. The European countries also adopt the same policy on the Muslim immigrants' issues.
     Scholars and mainstream society debating Muslim immigrants are essentially divided into three warring camps. The first camp holds that the problems associated with Muslims and integration in Europe are rooted in the difference between Islamic culture and the homogenous-culture in Europe, so multiculturalism does nothing to the integration of Muslims; The second camp holds that the problems are rooted in the European Mainstream's intolerance and hostility to diversity, so enforce assimilation is still the best method to solve the Muslim issues; The third camp holds that the economic element, namely the high unemployment levels of Muslim immigrants in Europe, is the basic reason for the failure of the integration.
     The history of Europe has been built on the basis of migration. Due to the declining birth rate and an aging population, it is necessary for Europe to live in harmony with migrants in order to maintain its social development. It's also a historical necessity to keep the cultural diversity for Europe. Only the mainstream European society identify the Islamic culture from the bottom of heart, treat the Muslim immigrants equally, try their best to enhance Muslims' income by education, welfare and economic growth, can it avoid further deterioration of Muslim issues. Therefore, the future of a new Europe should take "Fair Standards", rather than "Race", as the base for the construct of a new citizenship.
1 Tomas Hammar etc.(ed.), International Migration, Immobility and Development:Multidisciplinary Perspectives, New York:Oxford University Press,1997, p1.
    2 Cleon Tsimbos, "The Impact of Migration on Growth and Aging of the Population in a New Receiving Country: The Case of Greece", International Migration, Vol.44, No.4,2006, p.231.
    3 Globalization and Independence:International Migration, UN:http://www.un.org/migration.
    4 International Migration 2009, www.unmigration.org..
    1 Jason DeParle, "Global Migration:A World Ever More on the Move". The New York Times, June 25,2010.
    1 [西班牙]华金·阿朗戈:“移民研究的评析”,《国际社会科学杂志》2001年第3期。
    1 [美]约瑟夫·M.格里科、[美]G.约翰·伊肯伯里 著,王展鹏 译:《国家权力与世界市场——国际政治经济学》,北京:北京大学出版社2008年版,第5页。
    2 [美]道格拉斯·C.诺思著、厉以平译:《经济史上的结构和变革》,北京:商务印书馆2002年版,第21-26页。
    1 [英]戴维·赫尔德等著、杨雪冬等译:《全球大变革:全球化时代的政治、经济与文化》,社会科学文献出版社2001年版,第45页。
    2 Immanuel Wallerstein, The End of the World as We Known It, Minneapolis,2000. p17.
    3 马蒂利尼:“市场、政府、共同体于全球竹理”,《社会学研究》2003年第3期。
    4 Stephen Castles, Ethnicity and Globalization, SAGE Publications Ltd.,2000. p187.
    1 李明欢著:《国际移民政策研究》,夏门:夏门大学出版社2011年版,第50页。
    2 [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿著、周琪等译:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,北京:新华出版社1999年版,第218页。
    3 R. T. Appleyard, International Migration:Challenge for the Nineties, Geneva, IOM,1991.
    4 Douglas S. Massey, Patterns and Process of International Migration in the 21st Century,2003;转引自丘立本:“国际移民的历史、现状与我国对策研究”,《华人华侨历史研究》2005年第1期。
    5 Douglas S. Massey etc., Worlds in Motion:Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1988, pp.1-2.
    1 丘立本:“国际移民的历史、现状与我国对策研究”,《华人华侨历史研究》2005年第1期。
    2 Immanuel Wallerstein, The End of the World as We Known It, Minneapolis,2000, p17.
    1 宋全成;“欧洲的移民问题与欧洲一体化——以德国为例”,《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2002年第1期。
    2 《马克思恩格斯全集》第8卷,人民出版社1963年版,第618-619页;参见丘立本:“从世界史角度研究近代中国移民问题刍议”,《从世界看华人》,南岛出版社2000年版,第1-15页。
    3 李明欢:《国际移民政策研究》,厦门:厦门大学出版社2011年版,第51页。
    4 [英]保罗·赫斯特、格雷厄姆·汤普森等著,张文成等译:《质疑全球化》,社会科学文献出版社2002年版,第29页。
    5 Myron Weiner, The Global Migration Crisis:Challenge to States and to Human Rights, New York:Harper Collins College Publishers,1995, pp.4-5.
    6 [英]保罗·赫斯特、格雷厄姆·汤普森等著,张文成等译:《质疑全球化》,社会科学文献出版社2002年版,第36贞。
    1 徐长福:“论劳动的全球化:从马克思主义暨中国的视角来看”,《天津社会科学》2007年第4期。
    2 朱其良:“国际移民对世界政治经济的影响”,《广西社会科学》2002年第5期。
    1 陈志强:《欧盟移民政治》,吉林人民出版社201年版,第44页。
    1 Thomas Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy-A Comparative Study, Cambridge University Press,1985. p11.
    2 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Expert Group Meeting on ESCAP Regional Census Programme:Country Paper on International Migration Statisitcs-India,2006, p2.
    3 Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division, UN, Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Statistical Papers Series M, No.58, Rev.1, United Nations,1998, p17. p95.
    1 《移徙词汇》(Glossary on Migration), Geneva:International Organization for Migration,2008, http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/IML_13_CHI.pdf.p35.
    2 钟淑宝、杜云素:“移民研究述评”,《世界民族》2009年第1期。
    1 E. G. Ravenstein,'The Laws of Migration', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,1885-1889, Issue 48, pp.167-227 and Issue 52, pp.241-301.
    2 W. A. Lewis,'Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour'. Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies,1954, Issue 22该理论的其他代表人物包括:G.. Rainis and J. C. H. Feid('A Theory of Economic Development', American Economic Review,1961. Issue 51.), Larry A. Sjaastad('The Costs and Returns of Human Migration', Journal of Political Economy,1962. Issue 705.),以及 M. P. Todaro('A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries', American Economic Review. March 1969; Internal Migration in Developing Countries. Geneva:International Labor Office,1976.)
    1 华金·阿朗戈:“移民研究的评析”,《国际社会科学杂志》(中文版)2001年第3期。
    2 G. Ranis and J. C. H. Fei,'A Theory of Economic Development', American Economic Review,1961, lssue51, pp.533-565; M. P. Todaro, International Migration in Developing Countries, Geneva:International Labor Office, 1976.
    3 Mohsen M. Mobasher(ed.), Migration, Globalization, and Ethnic Relations:An Interdisciplinary Approach, Pearson Education Inc.2004, p4.
    1 Mohsen M. Mobasher(ed.), Migration, Globalization, and Ethnic Relations:An Interdisciplinary Approach, Pearson Education Inc.2004, p5.
    1 其代表作The Migration of Labor, Cambridge:Basil Blackwell,1991其他代表人物及其代表作有:O. Stark & J. E. Taylor. 'Relative Deprivation and International Migration', Demography,1989. Vol.26, No.1; J. Mincer, 'Family Migration Decisions', Journal of Political Economy,1978, Vol.85, No.5.
    2 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔斯:“21世纪初的国际移民:全球性的趋势与问题”,《国外社会科学杂南》(中文版)2001年第3期。
    1 O.Stark & J.E.Taylor,'Relative Deprivation and International Migration',Demography,1989,Vol.26,No.1, pp.1-14.
    2 United Nations Working Group on International Migration,1998.
    1 其代表作:Birds of Passage:Migrant Labor in Industrial Societies. Cambridge:Cambridge Univ. Press,1979.其他代表性人物为:D.S. Massey & J. Arango etc., Worlds in Motion:Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1998.
    1 Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World System:Capitalist. Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century, New York:Academic Press,1974世界体系理论的代表人物和代表作有:A. Portes and J. Walton, Labor, Class and the International System, New York:Academic Press,1981:S. Sassen, The Mobility of Labor and Capital:A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,1988; D. S. Massey & J. Arango etc., Worlds in Motion:Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1998.
    1 华金·阿朗戈:“移民研究的评析”,《国际社会科学杂志》(中文版)2001年第3期。
    2 Mohsen M. Mobasher(ed.), Migration, Globalization, and Ethnic Relations:An Interdisciplinary Approach, Pearson Education Inc.2004, p 13.
    3 D. S. Massey & J. Arango etc., Worlds in Motion:Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium, Oxford:Clarendon Press.1998.
    4 S. Sassen, The Mobility of Labor and Capital:A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,1988.
    1 移民网络说的代表人物和代表作主要是:D. S. Massey & J. Alarcon etc., Return to Aztlan:The Social Process of International Migration from Western Mexico, Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1987;
    1 D. S. Massey & J. Arango etc., Worlds in Motion:Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1998, pp.42-43.
    2 该理论的代表人物和代表作主要是:M. Kritz, L. L. Lim and H. Zlotnik, International Migration Systems:A Global Approach. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992.
    1 钟涨宝、杜云素:“移民研究述评”,《世界民族》2009年第1期。
    1 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet. Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy, The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p185.
    1 [法]乔治·弗提奥·塔皮斯诺:“全球化、区域融合、跨国移民”,《国际社会科学杂志》2001年第3期。
    2 [智利]劳尔·乌尔苏:“国际移民、社会科学和公共政策”,《国际社会科学杂志》2001年第3期。
    3 张宇、田方萌:“不对称的全球化——国际移民的政治经济学分析”,《学习与探索》2003年第4期。
    4 [智利]劳尔·乌尔苏:“国际移民、社会科学和公共政策”,《国际社会科学杂志》2001年第3期。
    1 L.A. Sjaastad, "The Cost and Returns of Human Migration, Journal of Political Economic. Vol.70, No.5,1962, pp.80-93.
    2 董延芳著:《移民的异质性与经济发展》,武汉大学出版社2009年版,第3页。
    3 Robert A. Wilson and Geoff Briscoe, "The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth:A Review", in Pascaline Descy and Manfred Tessaring, eds., The Impact of Education and Training:Third Report on Vocational Training in Europe:background report, Brussells:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2004, p37.
    4 Robert A. Wilson and Geoff Briscoe. "The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth:A Review", in Pascaline Descy and Manfred Tessaring, eds., The Impact of Education and Training:Third Report on Vocational Training in Europe:background report, Brussells:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004. p36.
    1 [美]贾格迪什·巴格沃蒂著,海闻、杨湘玉、于杨杰译:《捍卫全球化》,北京:中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第392页。
    2 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy. The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p185.
    1 [瑞士]安托万·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》,南京:译林出版社2011年版,第1-2页。
    2 Globalization and Independence:International Migration, UN:http://www.un.org/migration.
    1 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy, The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p161.
    1 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Clobalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy, The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006. p172.
    2 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy, The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan.2006. p175.
    1 [瑞士]安托万·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》,南京:译林出版社2011年版,第1-2页。
    2 田源著:《移民与国家安全:威胁的衍生及其条件研究》,北京:世界知识出版社2010年版,第52页。
    1 李岩:“国际移民对全球福利影响剖析”,《中国集体经济》2011年第7期。
    1 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy. The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p181.
    2 董延芳著:《移民的异质性与经济发展》,武汉:武汉大学出版社2009年版,第110页。
    1 [瑞士]安托万·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》,南京:译林出版社2011年版,第99页。
    2 克鲁格曼:《国际经济学》,北京:中国人民大学出版社1998年版,第154页。
    3 托马斯·A·普格尔等:《国际经济学》,北京:经济科学出版社2001年版,第439页。
    1 张宇、田方萌:“不对称的全球化——国际移民的政治经济学分析”,《学习与探索》2003年第4期。
    1 [美]约瑟夫·A·凯米莱里、吉米·福克尔:《主权的终结?》,杭州:浙江人民出版社2001年版,第29-35页。
    2 [美]伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系(第一卷)》,北京:高等教育出版社1998年版,第11、462、463页。
    3 [美]亚历山大·温特:《国际政治的社会理论》,上海:上海人民出版社2000年版,第281页。
    1 [瑞士]安托万·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》,南京:译林出版社2011年版,第1页。
    2 [瑞士]安托力·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》,南京:译林出版社2011年版,第102页。
    1 亚历山大·温特:《国际政治的社会理论》.上海:上海人民出版社2000年版,第31页。
    2 Feliks Gross, The Civic and the Tribal Slate:The State. Ethnicity and the Multiethnic State. Greenwood Press, 1998, p128.
    3 Stephen Castles, Ethnicity and Globalization, SAGE Publications Ltd.,2000, p188.
    1 Raphal Israeli, The Islamic Challenge in Europe. US:Transsaction Publishers,2008, p1.
    2 Raphal Israeli, The Islamic Challenge in Europe, US:Transsaction Publishers,2008, p1.
    1 宋全成:《欧洲移民研究:20世纪的欧洲移民进程与欧洲移民问题化》,济南:山东大学出版社2007年版,第139-140页。
    1 李明欢、[法]卡琳娜·盖哈西莫夫:“共和模式的困境”,《欧洲研究》2003年第4期。
    2 Tariq Modood, Anna Triandafyllidou and Richard Zapata-Barrero, Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship:A European Approach, London:Routledge,2006, p38.
    3 David Butler & Gareth Butler. Twentieth-Century British Political Facts 1900-2000, Macmillian,2000, p352.
    2 Timothy M. Savage, "Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing", The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2004, p26.
    3 International Organization for Migaration(IOM), World Migration Report 2000, IOM:Geneva,2000, p195.
    4 IOM, "Facts and Figures on International Migration", Migration Policy Issues, No.2, March 2003.
    1 Population Division, UN Secretariat, "Replacement Migration:Is It a Solution to Declining and AgingPopulation?, http:/www.un.org/esa/population/publications/migration/migration.htm, March 21,2000.
    2 Mustafa Malik, "Islam in Europe:Quest for a Paradigm," Middle East Policy, No.2, June 2001, P100; Christopher Caldwell. "The Crescent and the Tricolor", Atlantic Monthly, November 2000, p22.
    3 Omer Taspinar, "Europe's Muslim Street."Foreign Policy, March-April 2003, p77.
    4 Michel Gurkinkiel, "Islam in France:Is the French Way of Life in Danger?", Middle East Quarterly, No.l, March 1997, p19.
    5 Peter Mandaville, " Muslim Youth in Europc."in Shireen T, Hunter (ed.), Islam, Europe s Second Religion, Westport, Conn.:Praeger,2002. pp.219-230.
    6 Timothy M. Savage. "Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing. Cultures Clashing", The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2004. p28.
    7 Population Division, UN Secretariat."World Population Prospects:The 2002 Revision-Highlights," www.un.org./esa/population/publications. February 26.2003.
    1 Jorgen S. Nielson, Muslims in Western Europe(2d ed.). Edinburgh University Press,1995, p26.
    2 Yvonne Yazbeek Haddad(ed-), Muslims in the West:From Sojourners to Citizens, New York:Oxford University Press,2002, p.88, p110.
    3 原指中世纪欧洲犹太人被固定居住在一定的区域,与周围社区隔离的现象。这里借指欧洲穆斯林的居住和生活与主流社会相隔离。
    4 Pontus Odmalm, Migration Policies and Political Participation, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005, p8.
    5 Conrad Philip kottak. Cultural Anthropology, New York:The McGraw Hill Company,2002, p266.
    6 雅尼克:‘郊区暴乱’挑战法兰西整合模式,http://www.rfi.fr/actucn/articles/071/article_77.asp,2005年11月4日,
    1 Open Society Institute 2002, EU Accession Monitoring Program, p76.
    2 穆斯林在欧洲遭受严重歧视,《参考消息》2006年12月20日。
    1 李明欢、[法]卡琳娜·盖哈西莫夫:“共和模式的困境”,《欧洲研究》2003年第4期。
    1 宋全成著:《欧洲移民研究》,山东:山东大学出版社2007年版,第297页。
    2 金重远:“法国极右翼政治势力的历史和现实”,《华东师范大学学报》2003年第5期。
    3 金重远:“法国极右翼政治势力的历史和现实”,《华东师范大学学报》2003年第5期。
    4 “英国民众对移民持不同态度”,《社会科学报》2012年2月2日。
    1 宋全成著:《欧洲移民研究》,山东:山东大学出版社2007年版.第270页。
    2 宋全成:“简论德国的移民历史进程”,《文史哲》2005年第3期。
    3 潘兴明等著:《移民问题国际比较研究》,上海:上海人民出版社2011年版,第70页。
    1 宋全成著:《欧洲移民研究》,山东:山东大学出版社2007年版,第304页。
    2 宋全成著:《欧洲移民研究》,山东:山东大学出版社2007年版,第304页。
    1 Sami Nair." Les Defis de I'immigration," Label France, Javier,2000.
    2 舒笙:“法国:有待承认的移民国家”,《国际瞭望》2001年第9期。
    3 Timothy A. Byrnes, "European Politics Gets Old-Time Religion," Current History, March 2008, p129.
    1 Dr. Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff," Was Halton die Deutschen von Islam?", Konrad Adenauer Foundation Working Paper, May 2003, http://www.irh-info.de/archiv/2003/KAS-StudieIslam6-03.pdf.
    2 Jerome Cordelier, "Le Point Poll:Islam ls a Worry for the French,"Le Point, May 16,2003.
    1 “向外国人开放的职业业名单”,《参考消息》2007年12月31日。
    2 丁力:“挪威燃烧的森林”,《经济观察报》2011年8月8日。
    1 Jeremy Jennings, "Citizenship, Republicanism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary France", British Journal of Political Science, Vol.30, No.4, October 2000, p575.
    2 傅义强:“西欧主要国家移民政策的发展与演变——以德、法、英三国为例”,《上海商学院学报》2009年第3期。
    3 Tariq Modood, Anna Triandafyllidou and Richard Zapata-Barrero, Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship:A European Approach, London:Routledge,2006, p95.
    1 Jeremy Jennings, "Citizenship, Republicanism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary France". British Journal of Political Science, Vol.30, No.4, October 2000, p577.
    1 Tariq Modood, Anna Triandafyllidou and Richard Zapata-Barrero, Multiculluralism, Muslims and Citizenship:A European Approach, London:Routledge,2006, p61.
    2 马胜利:“‘共和同化原则’面临挑战——法国的移民问题”,《欧洲研究》2003年第3期。
    3 魏秀存、谢济光:“当代法国政府的穆斯林移民政策——以法国政府与伊斯兰教的关系为例”,《广西社会科学》2007年第3期。
    4 Milton Viorst, "The Muslims of France", Foreign Affairs, Vol.75, No.5, September/October 1996.
    5 Francoise Lorcerie, "A French Approach to Minority Islam? A Study in Normative Confusion", International Migration and Integration, Vol.11,2010, pp.59-72.
    1 James F. Hollifield, Immigration and Republicanism in France:The Hidden Consensus, Cornelius Publishing, 1994,p7.
    2 孙恪勤:“欧盟国家安全的新隐患——移民问题”,《现代国际关系》2001年第10期。
    1 Letitia Creamean, "Membership of Foreigners:Algerians in France", Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol.18, Issue I, Winter,1996, pp.49-68.
    2 Jeremy Jennings, "Citizenship, Republicanism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary France", British Journal of Political Sciences, Vol.30, No.4, October,2000, p582.
    1 Tariq Modood, Anna Triandafyllidou and Richard Zapata-Barrero, Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship:A European Approach, London:Routledge,2006, p2.
    1 Christian Joppke, Immigration and the Nation-state:the United States, Germany and the Great Britain, NY: Oxford University,1999, p223.
    2 Christian Joppke, Immigration and the Nation-state:the United States, Germany and the Great Britain, NY: Oxford University,1999, p228.
    3 Christian Joppke, Immigration and the Nation-state:the United States, Germany and the Great Britain, NY: Oxford University,1999, p258.
    1 Muslim in Britain:Past and Present, http://www.islamfbrtoday.com/britain.html.
    2 MEPs Launch European Muslim Forum, Brussel. http://www.muslimnews.co.uk/pda/news/php?article=9353.
    1 英国穆斯林何去何从,http://newsxinhuanet.com/herald/2005-07/14content_3218308.html.
    2 赵枫:“英国工党的执政之道与当代英国的穆斯林问题”,《南开学报》2006年第3期。
    3 宋全成:“德国移民问题与无移民政策的移民国家”,《齐鲁学刊》2004年第1期。
    1 Anthony M. Messina, The Logics and Politics of Post-WWll Migration to Western Europe, UK:Cambridge University Press,2007, p125.
    2 傅义强:“西欧主要国家移民政策的发展与演变——以德、法、英三国为例”,《上海商学院学报》2009年第3期。
    3 陈志强:《欧盟移民政治》,吉林人民出版社2010年版,第212页。
    1 傅义强:“西欧主要国家移民政策的发展与演变——以德、法、英三国为例”,《上海商学院学报》2009年第3期。
    2 Marianne Takle, "German Policy on Immigration and European Integration:Two Challenges to the Nation-State and the Role of Political Community in the Democratic Process", Presentation Paper at ARENA Seminar, March 19,2002, p4.
    1 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration, Washington:Transatlantic Academy,2009, p4.
    2 On Integrating Immigrants in Germany, Population and Development Review, Vol.32, Issue 3. September 2006. p597.
    1 李环:“浅析欧洲的穆斯林挑战”,《现代国际关系》2009年第9期。
    1 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy. The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p182.
    2 Han Entzinger, Marco Marco Martinicllo and Catherine Wihtol De Wenden(Ed.), Migration Between States and Markets. Ashgate,2004. p119.
    3 The European Council. Global Approach to Migration; Priority Actions Focusing on Africa and the Mediterranean, December 15 and 16,2005, pp.2-3.
    1 Jacques Poot and Bill Cochrane, Working Paper:"Measuring the Economic Impact of Immigration:A Scoping Paper", Population Studies Centre, University of Waikato, New Zealand, December 2004, p8.
    2 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization/or Development:Trade. Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy, The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p179.
    3 [瑞士]安托万·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》,南京:译林出版社2011年版,第40页。
    4 Anthony M. Messina, The Logics and Politics of Post-WWll Migration to Western Europe. Cambridge University Press,2007, p241.
    5 Stephen Castles and Godula Kosack, Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in Western Europe, London: Oxford University Press,1973, pp.50-52.
    1 李明欢、卡琳娜·盖哈西莫夫:“‘共和模式’的困境——法国移民政策研究”,《欧洲研究》2003年第4期。
    2 李明欢、卡琳娜·盖哈西莫夫:“‘共和模式’的困境——法国移民政策研究”,《欧洲研究》2003年第4期。
    3 “在全球经济中为移民工人谋求公平待遇”,国际劳工大会第92届会议报告六,日内瓦:国际劳工组织,2004年,第35页。
    4 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade. Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy, The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006. p182.
    1 Robin Cohen, Migration and Its Enemies:Global Capital, Migrant Labour and the Nation-State, UK:University of Warwick,2006,p127.
    2 [瑞士]安托万·佩库、[荷兰]保罗·德·古赫特奈尔编、武云 译:《无国界移民:论人口的自由流动》.南京:译林出版社2011年版,第58页。
    3 Ian Goldin Kenneth Reinet, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, And Policy. The World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p180.
    4 H. Brucker, The Impact of International Migration on Welfare and the Welfare State in an Enlarged Europe, Paper presented at the Oesterriche National East-West Conference,3-5 November,2002, p27.
    1 Han Entzinger, Marco Marco Martiniello and Catherine Wihtol De Wenden(Ed.), Migration Between States and Markets, Ashgate,2004, p119.
    2 F. Hillmann, "A Look at the'hidden side':Turkish Women in Berlin's Ethnic Labour Market", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.23, No.2,1999, pp.267-282.
    3 Macha Farrant, Anna MacDonald and Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Migration and Development:Opportunities and Challenges for Policymakers, IOM Migration Research Series, No.22. International Organization for Migration,2006, pp.22-23.
    4 Hi sham Foad, "Assimilation and Trade:Explaining the migration-trade relationship with Middle Eastern Migration to Europe and North", http://ssrn.com/abstract=1332179,p1.
    1 Hisham Foad, "Assimilation and Trade:Explaining the migration-trade relationship with Middle Eastern Migration to Europe and North", http://ssrn.com/abstract= 1332179, p1.
    2 F. Docquier and A. Marfouk, "The Brain Drain in Developing Countries", World Bank Economic Review, Vol.21, 2007, pp.193-218.
    1 潘兴明等著:《移民问题国际比比较矼究》,上海:上海人民出版社2011年版,第70、72页。
    2 Mohammed Bedjaoui, "An Epilogue:Malta and the Mediterranean Quest for Peace", in the Mediterranean Institute, The Mediterranean in the New Law of the Sea. Malta:Foundation for International Studies.1987, p.138.
    3 Marjorie Lister, The European Union and the South:Relations with Developing Countries, London:Routedge, 1997, p.107.
    1 Charles Grant, Transatlantic Rift:How to Bring the Two Sides Together. London:Center for European Reform, 2003, p.69.
    2 [德]乌尔丽克·居罗特、安德烈亚.维特:“欧洲的新地缘战略”,《世界经济与政治》2005年第6期,第51页。
    3 Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean, Paris, July 13,2008转引自陈沫:“地中海联盟的由来与前景”,《西亚非洲》2008年第10期,第84页。
    1 Clive Archer, The European Union:Structure and Process (Third Edition). London:Continuum,2000, p.223.
    2 朱贵昌:“欧盟—地中海伙伴关系:进展与问题”,《国际问题研究》2006年第5期,第42页。
    3 BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2008, p.30, p.20.
    1 严双伍、陈婕、李德俊:“试析‘欧盟—地中海伙伴关系’战略”,《国际论坛》2005年第6期,第21页。
    2 Christopher Hill and Karen E. Smith, European Foreign Policy:Key Documents, London:Routledge,2000, p347.
    3 Timothy M. Savage, Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing, The Washington Quarterly. Summer 2004, p40.
    1 "A Secure Europe in a Better World-European Security Strategy", Document Proposed by Javier Solana and Adopted by the Heads of State and Government at the European Council in Brussels on 12 December,2003, http://www.iss-eu.org/solana.pdf.
    2 "Final Report on an EU Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and the Middle East", approved by the European Council in June 2004, http://ue.eu.int/uedocs/cmsUpload/Partnership%20Mediterranean%20and%20Middle%20East.pdf.
    3 新华社,“一个官位变化折射出的欧盟外交”,http://world.people.com.cn/GB/1030/3912943.html..
    4 Delegation of the European Commission to the USA, EU Focus, September 2005, p.8.
    1 萨尔科齐提‘地中海联盟’倡议,《参考消息》2007年12月8日。
    1 Timothy M. Savage, Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing, The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2004, p40.
    3 Timothy M. Savage, Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing, The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2004, p25.
    1 陆绮雯:“地中海投资,集结号吹响”,《解放日报》2008年7月26 日,14版。
    2 陆绮雯:“地中海投资,集结号吹响”,《解放日报》2008年7月26日,14版。
    1 邢华:“开拓‘史广阔的欧洲’——欧盟大周边外交的开展”,《国际问题研究》2005年第3期,第54页。
    2 刘晓平、刘鸿武:“战后北非对欧洲移民问问题及其影响”,《西亚非洲》2008年第3期,第15页。
    1 George Joffe, " Southern Attitudes towards an Integrated Mediterranean Region," in Richard Gillespie, eds., The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership:Political and Economical Perspectives, London:Frank Cass,1997, p21.
    1 李强:“挪威枪击案中的共性与特性”,《经济观察报》2011年8月1日。
    1 应强、石序、索尼娅:“枪击案折射法国移民政策困境”,《参考消息》2012年3月26日。
    2 The Member States and Immigration in 1993/1995, Brussel:EU Committee,1996. pp.37-38.
    3 Elaine Sciolino, "French Rallies Against War Shift Focus to Israel," New York Times, March,2003.
    4 Craig S. Smith, "French Jews Tell of a New and Threatening Wave of Anti-Semitism," New York Times. March 22,2003.
    5 Philip Delves Broughton," French Anti-Semitism Drives More Jews to Settle in Israel," www.telegraph.co.uk/news, January 29,2004.
    1 Oliver Roy, "Europe's Response to Radical Islam", Current History, Vol.104. November 2005, pp.360-365.
    2 汪波:《欧盟中东政策研究》,北京:时事出版社2010年版,第168页。
    1 Timothy M. Savage, "Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing", The Washington Quarterly, Summer,2004, p30.
    2 Fredrick S. Kempe," Europe's Middle East Side Story," Wall Street Journal, July 29,2003.
    1 欧洲‘基地’成员逐渐本土化,《参考消息》2007年4月14日。
    1 Pontus Odmalm, Migration Policies and Political Participation, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005, p5.
    1 ICM polls, www.icmresearch.co.uk/reviews. March 3-11,2004.
    2 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration. Washington: Transatlantic Academy,2009, p19.
    3 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration, Washington:Transatlantic Academy,2009, p20.
    4 Andrew Rawnsley, "A Catastrophic Success for the Tories," Observer, May 4,2003.
    Jean Tillie, "Social Capital of Organizations and Their Members:Explaining the Political Integration of Immigrants in Amsterdam". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol.30, No.3.2004, pp.529-541.
    6 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration, Washington:Transatlantic Academy,2009, p 19.
    1 Timothy M. Savage, "Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing", The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2004, p31.
    2 Timothy M. Savage, "Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing", The Washington Quarterly,
    1 Jens-Martin Eriksen and Frederik Stjernfelt, "Europe's Battle over Symbols:Multiculturalism Has Created Separate Societies Within the Same Territory", City Journal, February 12,2013.
    1 Jens-Martin Eriksen and Frederik Stjernfelt, "Europe's Battle over Symbols:Multiculturalism Has Created Separate Societies Within the Same Territory", City Journal, February 12,2013.
    2 Kristin Archick, Paul Belkin, Christopher M. Blanchard, Carl Ek, and Derek E. Mix. "Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism", Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress. September 7,2011, p13. www.crs.gov.
    3 James Angelos, "What Integration Means for Germany's Guest Workers:The Debate Over Multiculturalism Alienates the Immigrants Germany Need Most", Foreign Affairs. Oct.28,2011.
    1 张昆:“伯明翰骚乱亲历记”,《经济观察报》2011年8月15日。
    2 Kristin Archick, Paul Belkin, Christopher M. Blanchard, Carl Ek, and Derek E. Mix, "Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism", Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress, September 7,2011, p7. www.crs.gov.
    1 “欧洲的右翼化倾向值得忧虑”,日本《东京新闻》2011年8月12日社论,转引自《参考消息》2011年8月13日。
    1 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration, Washington:Transatlantic Academy,2009, p16.
    1 “塞浦路斯的银行业危机”,《上海证券报》,2013年4月1日。
    2 丁纯:“金融危机冲击下的欧洲经济:表现、成因与前景”,《欧洲观察》2010年第12期。
    1 Eurozone Jobless Rate Hits New High, VOA News, http://www.voanews.com/content/eurozone-jobless-rate-hits-new-high/1651758.html,April 30,2013.
    2 欧元区17国包括:德国、比利时、爱沙尼亚、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙、法国、意人利、塞浦路斯、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、奥地利、葡萄牙、斯洛法尼亚、斯洛伐克、芬兰。
    3 欧盟27国包括上述欧元区17国和波兰、匈牙利、捷克、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、英国、丹麦、瑞典、拉脱维亚亚、立陶宛。
    4 European Commission, eurostat, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Unemployment_statistics.
    5 European Commission, eurostat, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Unemployment_statistics.
    1 Lisa Bryant, "Euro Zone Economy Faces Another Bad Year", http://www.voanews.com/content/eurozone-economy-faces-another-bad-year/1653920.html,May 3,2013.
    2 VOA News, Eurozone Jobless Rate Hits New High, http://www.voanews.com/content/eurozone-jobless-rate-hits-new-high/1651758.html,April30,2013.
    1 “经济陷入哀退,支持率创新低”,法新社2013年5月4日电。转引自《参考消息》2013年5月6日。
    2 Han Entzinger, Marco Marco Martiniello and Catherine Wihtol De Wenden(Ed.), Migration Between States and Markets, Ashgate,2004, pp.120-121.
    1 Samir Amghar, Amel Boubekeur etc., European Islam-Challenges for Society and Public Policy, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels,2007, p68.
    2 尹斌:“欧洲的穆斯林问题”,《国际问题研究》2006年第1期。
    3 Samir Amghar, Amel Boubekeur etc., European Islam-Challenges for Society and Public Policy, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels,2007, p65.
    4 Han Entzinger, Marco Marco Martiniello and Catherine Wihtol De Wenden(Ed.), Migration Between States and Markets, Ashgate,2004, pp.120-121.
    1 Randall Hansen, The Centrality of Employment in Immigrant Integration in Europe, Washington, DC:Migration Policy Institute,2012, p4.
    2 Rudd Koopmans, Ren6 Cuperus, Karl A. Duffek and Johannes Kandel (eds.), The Challenge of Diversity: European Social Democracy Facing Migration, Integration, and Multiculturalism, Innsbruck:Studien Verlag, 2003, pp.163-168.
    1 Thomas Liebig. "The Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in Germany", Working Paper of Organization for Economic and Development, Paris.2007. pp.41-43.
    2 Kristin Archick. Paul Belkin. Christopher M. Blanchard, Carl Ek. and Derek E. Mix, "Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism", Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress, September 7,2011, p12. www.crs.gov.
    1 李强:“挪威枪击案中的共性与特性”,《经济观察报》2011年8月1日。
    2 “从本·拉丹到安德斯·布雷维克”,法国《费加罗报》2011年7月25日。
    3 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration, Washington:Transatlantic Academy,2009, p20.
    4 Copenhagen and the Hague, "The Far Right in North Europe:On the march", The Economist, Mar 17th,2011.
    1 葛元芬:“欧洲有哪些极右翼组织”,《环球时报》2011年7月29日。
    1 No Shortcuts:Selective Migration and Integration, Washington:Transatlantic Academy,2009. p 16.
    2 江波:《欧盟中东政策研究》,北京:时事出版社2010年版,第176页。
    3 " France's Sarkozy Sacks Diversity Head Dahmane," BBC News, March,2011.
    1 该阵营的代表人物有:Bruce Bawer. While Europe Slept:How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within(New York:Doubleday,2007); Christopher Caldwell. Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West(New York:Anchor Books,2010) and Bat Ye'or. Eurabia:The
    Furo-Axis(Cranbury:Associated University Press,2005).
    2 该阵营主要由一大批学者和有左翼倾向的报纸专栏作家组成,如英国的《卫报》(The Guardian)。该阵营目前还是居于主流地位。
    1 Kristin Archick, Paul Belkin, Christopher M. Blanchard, Carl Ek, and Derek E. Mix, "Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism", Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress, September 7,2011, p12. www.crs.gov.
    2 该阵营的代表人物是:Randall Hansen,其于2012年为华盛顿移民政策研究所撰写的工作报告'The Centrality of Employment in Immigrant Integration in Europe'即主张从经济入手,来解决欧洲穆斯林移民的融合问题。
    3 Randall Hansen, "The Centrality of Employment in Immigrant Integration in Europe", Working Paper of MPI, Washingtong, DC:Migration Policy Institute, February 2012, pi.
    4 Randall Hansen, "The Centrality of Employment in Immigrant Integration in Europe", Working Paper of MPI, Washingtong, DC:Migration Policy Institute, February 2012, p4.
    1 李环:“浅析欧洲的伊斯兰挑战”,《现代国际关系》2009年第9期。
    2 Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Migration, Citizenship, and the European Welfare State, New York:Oxford University Press,2006, p4.
    1 Hugo Brady, "The June European Council:Migrants on Their Minds", the Centre for European Reform, http://www.cer.org.uk. March 16,2011.
    2 Hugo Brady, "Sarkozy-Berlusconi:A border control farce", The Guardian, April29,2011.
    3 Hugo Brady, "The June European Council:Migrants on Their Minds", the Centre for European Reform, http://www.cer.org.uk. March 16,2011.
    4 Hugo Brady, "The Schengen Crisis in the Framework of the Arab Spring", the Centre for European Reform, http://www.cer.org.uk/sites/default/files/schengen_arab_Spring_Dec 12_IEMED.pdf. December 19,2012.
    1 “欧洲在改变,不再欢迎移民”,墨西哥《宇宙报》,2011年7月31日,转引自《参考消息》2011年8月2日。
    1 Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Migration, Citizenship, and the European Welfare Slate:A European Dilemma, NY:Oxford University Press,2006, pp.4-5.
    2 Max Frisch, "Man rief Arbeitskrafte, und es kamen Menschen", http://www.auslaender.rlp.de/themen/treff302/302-327.html.
    1 Roula Khalaf and Martin Arnold, "A Revolt of Youth without Religious Motivation", Financial Times. November 9,2005.
    2 Shadi Hamid,"The Major Roadlock to Muslim Assimilation in Europe", The Atlantic. August 18,2011.
    3 Shadi Hamid, "The Major Roadlock to Muslim Assimilation in Europe", The Atlantic, August 18,2011.
    1 "Forget Asylum-Seekers:It's the People inside Who Count," The Economist, May 8,2003.
    1 [美]伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系(第一卷)》,北京:高等教育出版社1998年版,第11、462、463页。
    2 张宁、田方萌:“不对称的全球化——国际移民的政治经济学分析”,《学习与探索》2003年第4期。
    1 尹斌:“欧洲的穆斯林问题”,《国际问题研究》2006年第1期。
    2 Robert A. Wilson and Geoff Briscoe, "The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth:A Review ", in Pascaline Descy and Manfred Tessaring, eds., The Impact of Education and Training:Third Report on I bcational Training in Europe:background report, Brussells:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004, p37.
    3 Andrey Launov and Klaus Wald, "Estimating Incentive and Welfare Effects of Non-Stationary Unemployment Benefits", Discussion Paper 1007. Mainz School of Management and Economics. Mainz, Germany,2010. http://ideas.repec.org/p/ces/ceswps/3069.html.
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    1 Jamie Bartlett, "Rise of the Radical Right", Foreign Policy. July 25,2011.
    2 Ian Buruma, "Europe's Turn to the Right", The Nation. August 29,2011.
    1 Jamie Bartlett, "Rise of the Radical Right", Foreign Policy. July 25,2011.
    2 [美]亚历山大·温特:《国际政治的社会理论》,上海:上海人民出版社2000年版,第427页。
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