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Radical innovation is a kind of innovation which would lead to the fact the major indicator of the properties of product jumps to move enormously, or have great influence on market rule, competition situation, and industry's domain, and may even cause that the industry shuffle again. Both theoretical research and history practice prove that, radical innovation is the edge toll of enterprise's international competition, radical innovation often forms industry's key technology even technical standard, form the enormous technological barrier for following enterprises to catch up with and study. With technological complexity improving and innovation cycle shortening, late starter's advantage transform gradually to first starter's advantage, the meaning of radical innovation is shown especially. According to development history of technology and economy, it is exactly the radical innovation and the emerging technical industry cluster resulted from radical innovation's chain reaction, make the scientific、 technological and economic center of the world shift among such countries as Italy , Britain, German U.S.A. ,etc. The economy of our country increases fast after the reform and open, but in the Lausanne Yearbook of Switzerland, China's scientific and technological competitiveness is in the world middle level for a long time. China's national technological invention award first prize have been vacancy for 6 years in succession since it is created, radical innovation is deficient. So how to organize the radical innovative project to promote radical innovation emerging in a large amount, that have strategic theory meaning and reality to the improvement of the scientific and technological competitiveness of our country, this research was just launched around this key problem.Radical innovation is remarkable different from general innovation. The prerequisite of managing the radical innovative project effectively is to hold the characteristic of radical innovation rightly. On the foundation of summarizing the domestic and international results on radical innovation studies and general innovation infulunce factors analysis, this paper do the exploratory overall theory hypothesis to the potential determinants factor of the radical innovation project at first, propose the investigation frame of radical innovation's determinants factor, in order to define the range and put forward the goal for discerning different key factor between radical innovation and incremental innovation.Secondly, this text carries on enterprise's questionnaire investigation through the random sampling method, carry on the factor analysis to the sample data in order to classify the factor, adopt the curve estimation to investigate the influence of every
    factor on enterprise's radical innovation and incremental innovation under single factor function tentatively. The result of study show that, the same factor have different effect on radical innovation and incremental innovation: some factors obviously promote radical innovation more greatly than incremental innovation, and some factors suppress radical innovation but help advancing incremental innovation. Afterwards, this research adopts multi linear regression analysis method; investigate the influence of every factor on enterprise radical innovation and incremental innovation under many factor act on together. The result of multivariate linear regression analysis shows that, the key determinants factors cluster of radical innovation, which is regression significantly, is different greatly from those of incremental innovation. The curve estimation and multivariate linear regression analysis validate the theory hypothesis about determinants factors, fully reflect incremental innovation and radical innovation requirements for different organization's conditions, thus established the foundation for proposing " Pan-Ambidextrous Organization".Third, based on the key determinants factors cluster of radical innovation and incremental innovation, this paper review the evolution history in technological innovation
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