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The future competition of the comprehensive national strength in the world is, in
     the final analysis, the competition of talent and the competition of education
     especially the higher education. Whoever develops higher education timely and
     rationally will get hold of the gold key for starting the war chariot of knowledge
     economy. At present, the development of higher education in our country is
     restricted directly by the economic bottle neck, and how to solve this problem as early
     as possible is not only related with whether our country’s higher education could
     develop rapidly or not but also is related directly with whether our country’s could
     develop rapidly or not in the age of knowledge economy. Based on this
     understanding, the author had fairly deep discussions and studies on some issues
     concerning the industrialization of the present higher education of our country.
     First, on the basis of summing up and setting forth the theory on higher
     education industry and analyzing the industrial attribute, the form of product, and the
     characteristics of product, the author analyzed further the market of higher education,
     the industrial position of higher education, and the social & economic significance of
     the present higher education industrialization of our country so as to lay a foundation
     for analyzing and studying the way of higher education industrialization.
     Second, on the basis of clarifying the double attributes of higher education, the
     author analyzed the functions and relation of the political, educational and economic
     laws during the development of higher education and studied the theoretical basis of
     strategy of the present higher education industrialization in our country.
     Third, on the basis of the above-mentioned studies and considering the present
     situation of our country’s higher education and economic development, the author put
     forward the way of the present higher education industrialization of our country.
     Finally, the author summarized the accomplished work and further expressed
     the deeper thinking to the present higher education of our country.
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