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National economy and society development become more and more dependent on the global Internet. However, inter-domain routing system as a key part of the Internet has severe problems. Currently, the researches about security of inter-domain routing of the Internet have got great attentions, and are being hot research points.After analyzing current issues and researches about the security of inter-doamin routing deeply, we conclude that the problem should be studied at three levels of inter-domain routing system, which are management plane, control plane and forwarding plane. Since the deployment of the new inter-domain routing protocol, e.g. S-BGP, is confronted with many obstacles, monitoring is an effective and practical method to ensure the healthy inter-domain routing system based on the current network devices. Because current monitoring systems of inter-domain are not effective, firstly we build an effective model of monitoring system of Inter-domain. Secondly, we study some key technologies of the model, provide detailed design schemes of this monitoring system and implement it. Finally, we analyze the monitored data to optimize it. In this dissertation, the main contributions are as follows:1. Proposes a monitoring model for inter-domain routing system, which can detect anomalous routes by utilizing the characteristics of the Internet topology, and avoid the deficiencies of other monitoring systems.2. Studies the problem of how to get commercial relationships of the ISPs. Several typical commercial relationships are discussed, and a new algorithm which can be used to ISP-HEALTH is provided.3. Studies the hierarchy of the Internet, and proposes a scalable 3-level model of the Internet and a new construction algorithm. This algorithm is not only used to study the hierarchy characteristic of the Internet, but also implemented in ISP-HEALTH.4. Discusses the detailed implement schemes of this monitoring system and has finished prototype.5. Examines the routing-loop phenomenon of the inter-domain routing system by analyzing the data from RouteViews, and provides the informative statistics and analysises. The discussion on the causes of routing-loops and related problems contribute greatly to the healthy operation of the Internet.
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