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Road network is the carrier of urban transport, road network capacity is an important parameter for scientifically and legitimately road network planning and design, improving traffic organization and management. How to form the convenient and applied and accurate theoretical approach for analyzing the size of traffic supply of the road network,which has always been of concern to the community, especially for the urban transport planning and management department. Domestic and international research and practice show that, according to city traffic demand forecast, under the principle of supply and demand balance,it is promotion to determine specific capacity of the certain road network, for carrying out evaluation of the urban road network planning and design, guidance on the implementation of the road network rehabilitation programs, improving the transportation planning program and the quality of road network rebuilding.
     Node Equivalent of urban road network capacity analysis method is introduced to determine a certain state of network capacity conveniently and practically. Through research on he road network capacity theory, to improve of China's vast urban transport planning, reduce traffic congestion and achieve sustainable development of cities, to provide a reference basis and reference.
     Based on research from home and abroad, analysis of the existing road network capacity has not fully considered the affecting of nodes on the road network capacity. Of the actual road traffic environment, in a certain service level, within the road network in unit time the maximum number of vehicles allowed to pass.It is mainly related to different types of node capacity, node entry amendments broaden the circumstances, sections of different cross section of road capacity and type of correction. Mathematical methods in theoretical models framework and other methods and solutions are used in this paper, Dongguan City, for the example, Model results will be compared with the theoretical analysis of space-time consumption, hows that the model precision and practicality to achieve the expected goal.
     Road network capacity equivalent model of applied research is divided into three areas: Select the road network, the average saturation of 10 indicators of road network to establish fuzzy evaluation index system. The introduction of node impedance to improve the capacity of road network traffic distribution method. Transforming the road network, according to the principle of supply and demand balance, determine the proportion of grade-level distribution; Signalized intersection at the entrance to a reasonable number of lanes and lane widening to set the length to enhance the capacity of the node; The introduction of node potential theory, to address the control of the domain node cross sections caused by the increase in resistance, proposed method for determining the appropriate distance between nodes. View of the imperfections of this research, the theory models and methods, in-depth research to explore application of the model are the focus of future research.
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