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在2003年的亚洲密码学会议上,Al-Riyami和Paterson提出了无证书公钥密码学,在无证书公钥系统中,用户的公钥不再需要证书来提供认证,从而克服了基于证书公钥系统中存在的证书管理问题。此外,在无证书公钥系统中,用户的私钥不再是只由KGC(Key Generation Center)产生,而是由KGC和用户共同来产生,这使得用户的私钥只有用户自己知道,从而克服了基于身份公钥系统中存在的密钥托管问题。
     针对Goya-Terada无证书签名方案的容易遭受替换公钥攻击的安全性缺陷,应用“绑定技术”,提出了一个改进的无证书签名方案。该方案吸收了原方案高效的优点,签名过程只需要群上的一个乘运算,验证过程只需要一个双线性对运算、群上的一个乘运算和两个指数运算。该方案在随机预言机模型、k-CAA (k-collision attack algorithm)问题和离散对数假设下,证明是安全的,能够抵抗无证书签名方案的两种类型攻击,弥补了原方案的安全性缺点。
Certificateless Public Key Cryptography was introduced by Al-Riyami and Paterson in Aisacrypt' 2003. Certificateless public key cryptosystem overcomes the problem of the certificate management in the certificate-based public key cryptosystem, for the reason that there is no need of certificate to authenticating the user's public key. In addition, the user's private key does not singly generate by the KGC (Key Generation Center) in the certificateless public key cryptosystem, but jointly generate by the user and the KGC which make the private key is only known to the user himself. Thus, it overcomes the inherent key escrow problem in the identity-based public key cryptosystem.
     Ring signatures can be viewed as simplified group signatures and provide anonymity and thus concurrent signatures constructed from ring signature are ambiguous. Ring signatures can provide full anonymity for there is no group manager in a ring signature scheme. So ring signatures become the hot research area and have been widely used in anonymous election selection, e-government, electronic cash system, key distribution in key management and multiparty secure computation. This paper mainly contributes to certificateless digital signatures schemes. The main works are as follows:
     According to the security drawback of the Goya-Terada Certificateless Signature Scheme vulnerable to suffering from the public-key replacement attacks, by using" Binding technique", an improved certificateless signature scheme is proposed. The new scheme contains the merit of efficiency in the original scheme. The signing algorithm requires no pairing computations and one scalar multiplication on groups. The verification algorithm requires only one pairing operation, one scalar multiplication and two exponentiation operations. The security of the scheme is based on the intractability of the k-CAA (k-collision attack algorithm) Problem and the Discrete Logarithm Problem. The proposed scheme is existential unforgeable under adaptively chosen message attack for both types of adversaries in the random oracle model and makes up for the deficiency of security in the original scheme.
     A certificateless ring signature based on the discrete logarithm problem is presented. The computation of pairings doesn't need in the process of signature and verification, consequently it reduce the cost of computation and increase the efficiency. The new scheme is also proved existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen-message attacks and keeps unconditional anonymous in the random oracle model, assuming that the discrete logarithm problem is hard.
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