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     2.应用二次剩余理论对RSA中Z n?的代数结构进行了研究;基于RSA函数,给出了一个M+1电子拍卖方案,实现投标者的身份匿名,任何投标者不能否认所投的标书,未中标价不会被泄露,执行开标算法至多需要p轮交互,至多2 p log2t次模乘法运算,计算量与投标者的数量无关,方案安全、高效。
Electronic auction is one of the most important application of e-commerce. Well-designed electronic auction system can achieve optimal allocation of resources, and provide an open, fair and just trading environment for the economy, which has important practical significance to Chinese economic development, especially the healthy development of e-commerce, and is also conducive to the establishment of social credit mechanisms. Meanwhile, electronic auction involves the application of a variety of network and information security technologies that not only can be used for electronic auction, can also be used for other e-commerce and e-government activities. Research on security of electronic auction also has great significance to study of network and information security. In this thesis, through the use of some basic cryptography tools(digital signature, Hash function, secret sharing and zero-knowledge proof, and so on), the systemic research and design of secure electronic auction is carried out. The main research results are as follows:
     1. A new efficient match protocol is presented, which is of semantic security and also highly efficient. The complexity of computation and communication are both O (1). Taking advantage of the new match protocol, a secure electronic auction scheme is proposed. The scheme can minimize leakage. The only leakage is the selling price while the other bids and their relation keep confidential in any collusion. The correctness of bids can be publicly verified.
     2. The algebra structure of Z n? in RSA arithmetic is researched . A new (M+1)-st electronic auction scheme based on the RSA function is presented, which preserves losing bids and bidders’s anonymous identities. No bidder can repudiate his or her bid. In the scheme , opening bids requires at most p rounds of interactions and 2 p log2t modular multiplications where p is the range of bids and t is the RSA public-key. The computational cost is independent of the number of bidders. The scheme is secure and highly efficient.
     3. A fair and efficient secure electronic auction scheme is presented, which is simple and can be publicly verified. The scheme adopts more symmetric encryption/decryption instead of public key cryptosystem which makes the scheme more efficient.The scheme overcomes the drawback that the third party conspires with a malicious bidder so that he can win the auction with an optimal bidding price, and then provides fairness. The scheme preserves losing bids and bidders’s anonymous identities. No bidder can repudiate his or her bid and all the bidding prices can be publicly verified.
     4. A simple electron auction scheme based on hash chain is presented, with constructing a hash chain, and root of the chain and hash value of the random number submitted to the auctioneer by only one time. The scheme preserves losing bids and bidders’s anonymous identities. Its efficiency is distinctly improved in computation and communication.
     5. A secure and efficient (M+1)-st auction protocol is designed. Using the digital signature technology and bit commitment protocol, it not only guarantees the non-repudiation and anonymity of bidders, but also ensures that nobody can manipulate others in the whole auction. And also , this protocol achieves properties of bid secrecy and verifiability. Even when malicious bidders collude with auctioneers, it is still secure and valid.
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