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Activity rules exist in the various activities in the kindergarten, which are activity regulations and principles aiming to keep children's safety and discipline, harmonize children's relationship and positively contribute to children's learning. In terms of teachers, the regulations and principles can be valuable to maintain children instructing order. Meanwhile, for the children, activity rules still prevail wide and dominant meaning, i.e., education treasure, specifically, to improve children's justice feeling, children's self-control ability and safety feeling. The meaning generated by activity rules is penetrated and expanded in the acquisition process of children's activity rules. Therefore, the realistic condition in the acquisition process is investigated based on the observation and visit study, including specified contents, induction, description, execution and repair method of the activity rules. After quantifying and qualitative analyzing the relevant results, the conclusions are summarized as follows,
     1. Common life regulations are the highest frequent rules in the middle-class, but learning, communication and moral regulations only comprise a small part;
     2. Explicit requirement is focused on the life regulation, but the implicit one exists in the communication regulation;
     3. The emphasized point is different for various teachers. The monitor puts emphasis on the constraining children regulation at home, while the deputy one emphasizes rules in the life regulation. However, the nursery focuses on rules in the life habit;
     4. Most of the rules are self-adjusting in the aspect of contents, but complicated and rough requirement barricaded the implementation of the rules;
     5. The teachers contributed less to the communication rules;
     6. With respect to the method of rule induction, the teachers prefer the clear order requirement and violation behavior considering less example induction and penetration education. There is no difference among the choice for method of induction rule;
     7. The description way of the activity rule is dominated by language with considering less rhythm, flag and movement. The enormous difference exists in the four description methods;
     8. Early warning of reminding is the frequent way in the execution of activity rules. Hint is the second choice. The spokesperson, fake problems, flagging and exercising repeatedly are the least choice ways. There is no large difference among the usage of the ways.
     9. Among the repair way of the activity rules, direct exposure is most common method. However, cooperation solution is the least one. The application frequency of various methods is enormously different;
     Compiling the information of observance and visit, it is concluded that activity rules in the kindergarten provoke three questions, the value of activity rules preference to that of management, single acquisition way and absolute obedience. In order to investigate the effective way of activity rules in the kindergarten, the action research method is employed to seek for it in the real education scene according to the main constructivism theory together with the behaviouristic theory. Based on the results, the main ways and external conditions are summarized as follows, allowing children to understand the rules, using results, tacking reasons, properly using action enhancement, constructing safe and trusty emotional environment, creating proper physical environment and home cooperation.
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